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Homeschooling in Canada: A Rising Trend and a World of Compassionate Possibilities 19 Mar 2023, 12:33 am

Homeschooling on the Rise in Canada

As the world continues to evolve, so too does the landscape of education. In recent years, homeschooling has been gaining popularity in Canada, with parents showing a keen interest in taking a more active role in their children’s education. The reasons behind this shift are diverse, ranging from parents working from home and wanting to engage more with their kids, to those with strong religious beliefs who prefer to teach their children in a specific way. Regardless of the reason, it’s crucial to trust parents and support them in making the best choices for their families.

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In this blog post, we will explore the world of homeschooling in Canada, delving into its definition, the Ontario curriculum, and the various opportunities available for homeschooled children.

Defining Homeschooling

Homeschooling is an educational approach wherein parents or guardians take on the responsibility of educating their children outside the traditional school environment. This method offers families the flexibility to tailor education to their child’s unique needs, interests, and learning styles. As it says in the Tanach, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). This ancient wisdom highlights the importance of providing a strong educational foundation for children, tailored to their individual needs.

The Ontario Curriculum and Homeschooling

While homeschooling may not follow the exact same curriculum as public schools, many families in Ontario choose to align their homeschooling program with the Ontario Curriculum. This provides a solid framework for their children’s education while also ensuring they meet necessary learning standards.

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Social Opportunities for Homeschooled Children

One common concern among parents considering homeschooling is the potential lack of socialization for their children. However, homeschooling families can get involved in various social events through local homeschooling groups and cooperatives. These organizations offer opportunities for homeschooled kids to make friends, engage in group activities, and participate in field trips.

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Access to High School and Beyond

Homeschooled students have the same access to high school as their traditionally schooled peers. They can choose to join a public or private high school if they wish or may continue homeschooling through their high school years.

Furthermore, universities across Canada are increasingly recognizing homeschooling as a valid form of education, allowing homeschooled students to apply and gain admission to various post-secondary programs.

Enriching Your Child’s Portfolio

Homeschooling offers families the flexibility to pursue a wide range of extracurricular activities that can enhance their child’s educational experience. From sports and arts to volunteer work and travel, these activities can help children develop valuable skills and become well-rounded individuals.

Hiring Expert Tutors

Parents can also enlist the help of private tutors who are experts in their fields and passionate about sharing their knowledge. This provides homeschooled students with an individualized learning experience and a chance to delve deeper into their areas of interest.

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Embracing Change in Education

As a chaplain at an international school, I encourage parents to have open conversations with their children about their educational choices while remaining firm in their convictions. Homeschooling should not be a taboo subject; in fact, it may pave the way for a hybrid form of education in the future.

It is your right as a parent to be skeptical of public schools and their ideologies. Everything is subject to criticism, and it is essential to question and evaluate the best educational path for your children. The role of educators is to come alongside parents and support them by providing resources, guidance, and encouragement.

The Importance of Teaching Through Experience

It is essential for parents to teach their children both formally and through real-life experiences, such as traveling. Exposure to different cultures, environments, and ways of life can enrich their understanding of the world and foster personal growth. As it says in the Tanach, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out” (Proverbs 18:15). This wisdom emphasizes the importance of nurturing a child’s curiosity and helping them learn from the world around them.

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Preparing Students for an Uncertain Future

The goal of education, whether traditional or homeschooling, is to prepare students for a career in an increasingly competitive and uncertain future. By providing a personalized, flexible, and caring learning environment, homeschooling can equip children with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resilience to adapt to the changing world and succeed in their chosen paths.

A World of Compassionate Options at Your Disposal

As parents, you have a whole host of educational options at your disposal. It’s essential to adapt to the changing landscape of education and make informed choices for your family. Remember that the goal is not just to educate your children but to do so with care, love, and understanding. As it says in the Tanach, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done” (Proverbs 19:17). By being compassionate and supportive in your approach to homeschooling, you are not only nurturing your child’s education but also fostering their emotional and spiritual growth.

A Positive and Encouraging Future for Homeschooling

As the trend of homeschooling continues to rise in Canada, it’s essential to recognize the unique and compassionate possibilities it offers to families. By embracing change and trusting in your ability to make the best choices for your children, you can provide them with an education that is tailored to their needs, interests, and values. With the support of expert tutors, a wealth of resources, and the involvement of caring parents, homeschooling has the potential to shape a brighter and more compassionate future for education in Canada.

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

Traditional Wedding Script 28 Feb 2023, 9:35 am

While not for everyone, some people like to incorporate some traditional into their modern wedding. If this is your jam, please feel free to copy my script and change it up to your liking. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I had drafting it. If you have any questions about the script-or getting married in Ontario-please click here and send me an email through the button at the top.

With that being said, that service is starting…

Opening Words:

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of John Smith and Sarah Wilson. Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people who have decided to share their lives together in a commitment of love, trust, and loyalty. Today, we witness the joining of two hearts and souls in the presence of God and loved ones.

As Mario Puzo said, “Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes a relationship last for a lifetime,” and John and Sarah have proven that their bond is unbreakable.

Their love story is a testament to the fact that true love never dies. As American President Woodrow T. Wilson famously said, “Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.” While people think that marriage is 50/50 it is actually 120/120. Even though this figure is not possible, it communicates the lead to dedicate everything you have to the family. As is the rules of life, the more responsibility you take on the more satisfaction you feel in your heart. 

John and Sarah’s love story began three years ago, when they met online. Despite living in different cities, Toronto and Vancouver, they talked every day and dreamed of the moment they would finally meet. After meeting they made plans to spend as much of their free time together as possible.Their story is a testimony to the power of love and fidelity, as they remained committed to each other, even when they were apart.

Their patience and dedication to each other have finally paid off, as we gather here today to celebrate the fruit of their blessing. Their love and loyalty have brought them to this moment, where they will exchange their vows and become one in the eyes of God and their loved ones.

As they stand before us today, ready to make their vows and exchange rings, we are reminded of the words of Morihei Ueshiba, who said, “Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.” Bravery is choosing one person to invest everything in; mind, body and soul. 


We are going to read from Scripture today, going back to the source of both Faith and culture. 

In the Bible, Proverbs 3:3-4 says, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” John and Sarah, as you begin your journey together as husband and wife, remember these words of wisdom. May your love be bound in faithfulness, and may you always find favour in each other’s eyes.

John has found his Proverbs 31:10 wife in Sarah. She leads with compassion and care for her family, putting their needs first and ensuring that they are always loved and taken care of. As Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 reminds us, two are better than one, and Sarah is the perfect partner for John, offering him love and support as they navigate through life together.

The beauty of John and Sarah’s love story is that it is a testament to the fact that we are all made to find our soulmate. It is a miracle to witness two people come together in such a way, and it inspires us all to strive for goodness for goodness’ sake. The magic of this moment lies in the fact that we are all witnessing a miracle, a beautiful example of what true love and commitment look like.

Let us all strive to love and care for our partners in the same way, and let us take inspiration from John and Sarah’s beautiful love story. Today, we bear witness to a miracle, a true testament to the power of love and commitment. May their love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may their marriage be filled with love, joy, and blessings.

Vows are the most important promise that you will ever make. They signify your commitment to put your marriage above your own selfish needs, to look towards the Heavens for inspiration, and to lead with compassion rather than vengeance. You vow to raise children and grandchildren together, to prioritize your immediate family, and to move through life as a cohesive unit. You vow to lead by example and to put your marriage first, even before your ego and personal desires. 

Let us all bear witness to their vows and support them on their journey together.

May their love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may their marriage be filled with blessings, joy, and laughter. As they embark on this new chapter of their lives, let us all take inspiration from their love and commitment, and strive to lead our own lives with the same level of devotion and dedication. Today, we celebrate love and commitment, and we bear witness to the most important promise of John and Sarah’s lives.

Exchange of Vows:

John, please repeat after me:

Sarah, I take you to be my wife.

To have and to hold, from this day forward,

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death do us part.

Sarah, please repeat after me:

John, I take you to be my husband.

To have and to hold, from this day forward,

For better, for worse, for

richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death do us part.

Ring Exchange:

John, please place the ring on Sarah’s finger and repeat after me:

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment,

With this ring, I thee wed.

Sarah, please place the ring on John’s finger and repeat after me:

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment,

With this ring, I thee wed.


“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

Declaration of Marriage:

Now that John and Sarah have exchanged their vows and rings, I am pleased to declare them husband and wife, bound together in marriage by the laws of God and government. As a registered wedding officiant in the Province of Ontario, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. 

You may kiss your bride!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. John Smith!

How To Crack Indeed 25 Jan 2023, 10:50 am

The economy is pessimistic at the moment and many people are worried. Whether you are looking for entry or professional opportunities, the community is worried that the price of goods will outpace the amount that can be earned in the job market. This reality creates a whole host of both problems and openings, causing people to feel fatigued and losing their drive. While Indeed is the primary gateway to employers, this means that you will have to compete with applicants from all over the world. This can create recruiter exhaustion, making the process difficult for everyone involved.

Photo by Tim Gouw on

How Many Applicants?

Some employers obscure the number of applicants due to the likelihood that some potential applicants will be dissuaded by “the math”. This figure can vary, ranging from 10 competitors all the way to 10k and up. This figure is often revealed after applying, perhaps in a follow-up email of sorts. I cannot tell you how many people that I have talked to, telling me how much time they put in, and how devastated they felt afterwards. This can have a devastating effect on future effort, causing some to develop depression as the unemployment period continues on. I believe that self-esteem comes from one’s ability to provide for themselves and our families. 

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Who Am I?

My name is Jeremy Golan and I am a chaplain and registered Ontario wedding officiant. I serve a diverse community and two days are not the same. Some days I am helping students prepare university applicants and others I am leading a critical thinking/debate course. Whether it be teaching ENG4U (or counselling a child about a recent family death), I have seen it all. I hold a variety of degrees from Canadian and Israeli universities and my passions are Biblical texts and languages. I believe that everyone is made in the Image of God and are afforded certain rights and responsibilities. If you are looking for a job in Toronto, please click on the hyperlink contained in this sentence.

What Should I Do?

As a matter or principle, the more “kush” the job the more applicants. There will be tons of people who want to work from home but not everyone wants to work in the Albertan oil sands. Taking this in mind, employers use the applicants as a database to draw on, preferring more rather than less. This can make it difficult to stand out on the platform but it can be used in another way. After finishing all of the steps needed, go onto the company’s social media and engage all of their posts. Show that you are not only supportive but extremely knowledgeable about the industry. Everyone (myself included) is super concerned with keeping our social media pages engaged, signalling to Musk and Zuckerberg that we are both “high quality and highly relevant”. In other words, companies have an interest in engaging with the public, regardless if it is managed by the owner or a designated person (or team). 

Photo by Erik Mclean on

What Should I Say?

It is highly situational and needs to be crafted perfectly. No one will be impressed with spam messaging the same thing over and over. If they find that you sent the same message to everyone then they will assume that you are either a bot or someone who is not serious about any one specific company or industry. Put simply, the more value that you bring to the post the more likely that you will stand out and be sought out. Do not mention that you applied right away, let some time go by with some natural engagement. After a couple weeks of the company getting used to your name and content, kindly inform them that you have applied to their job on Indeed. Assuming that you do everything right, they will look you up (perhaps out of thousands of applicants) and connect your resume to the “relationship” that has been built. 

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  1. I think that it is awesome that you opened up a new Italian restaurant right next to my university. I can’t wait to come and check it out!
  2. This has to be one of the biggest legal wins of the year. It is the veracity-and heart-of your firm that first inspired me to attend law school. 
  3. Like seriously, has there ever been a car this sweet? I would come in for a test drive but I would leave upset because there is a backorder for this model. 
  4. My wife and I think that French immersion is the only way to go. We are thinking of sending our son to your school because we hear amazing things from the other parents. 
  5. I totally disagree with this person. I went and got my haircut at their salon last week. I was completely blown away. I went to hairdressing school and their quality is on point. 
  6. I really appreciate how much your organisation stands up for human rights. I was doing my thesis on Toronto’s homeless crisis and I used you as my case study. It takes brave people to advocate on behalf of the disadvantaged.

Landing A Job in 2023

In the old days people used to go “door-to-door” handing out resumes. This is the likely advice from many people who have not kept track of modernity. It is not that these people mean harm, they are simply offering the tools that they personally used. Like everyone has a general understanding of the internet, few people understand the niches and nuances of the current situation. In other words, the only people that truly understand are the ones that are either personally looking for jobs or those who are there to support them. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

If you are looking to get a job, any job, you will need some tools. 

The world has become much more competitive and you will need to stand out. 

Even if you want a stupid job at a burger joint, there are many other people who want the same.

  1. Business card with all of your social media contact
  2. A website that discusses their skills, interests and values
  3. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn
  4. “Brand” colours, themes and graphics
  5. Positive social engagement from others

וִיהִ֤י ׀ נֹ֤עַם אֲדֹנָ֥י אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ עָ֫לֵ֥ינוּ וּמַעֲשֵׂ֣ה יָ֭דֵינוּ כּוֹנְנָ֥ה עָלֵ֑ינוּ וּֽמַעֲשֵׂ֥ה יָ֝דֵ֗ינוּ כּוֹנְנֵֽהוּ׃ {פ}

May the favour of the Lord, our God, be upon us;

let the work of our hands prosper,

O prosper the work of our hands!

Photo by Kindel Media on

How To Choose The Right Wedding Officiant 26 Dec 2022, 6:34 pm

In order to solemnize a wedding in Ontario, one must be a judge, city clerk or registered religious officiant. With that being said, you have every possible religion, culture, and tradition represented among this vocation. This is a tribute to our multicultural society, a place where people are encouraged to honour their heritage while embracing the future. 

how to choose a wedding officiant

Before going further, I would like to clarify what the term “religious officiant” means. Perhaps you are familiar with the term Humanist, or someone who adheres to a secular worldview. Like their theist counterparts, they have developed their own governing body and ordain clergy to serve people with similar values. In other words, many people choose a religious officiant, even if they lack a personal (or determined faith). 

how to choose a wedding officiant
While Catholic weddings do look awesome, they have specific rules and standard for marriage. I have officiated for Catholic couples in many situations, making the rite of marriage open and available.

It is important to note that many religious denominations have rules about marriage, setting their own specific rules and regulations. For example, Roman Catholic weddings must take place on Church property, sealed between a baptized male and female. Alternatively, some Hindu clergy will prohibit marriages between certain castes, forcing the couple to go outside the community. Rather than going to City Hall, many prefer someone neutral who is willing to incorporate some aspects of the culture/religion.

While it is super easy to score a wedding officiant in the winter, it is much more difficult during the summer months (AKA wedding season). As crass as it may sound, “a wedding without an officiant is just a party”. You do not need a big gala to get married. In fact, all you need is a wedding officiant, valid marriage license, two witnesses and a willing couple! That is not to say that anything needs to be boring, quite the reverse. Your wedding is a reflection of the couple, not the amount spent on the function. 

Considering the intimate role of the position, it is important that you take your time in choosing the best fit. You may have to speak with 2 or 3 before feeling truly comfortable with someone. If you come across someone that you like, feel free to reach out and arrange a Zoom meeting. With that being said, here are some hypothetical questions to ask yourself (and the officiant that you are considering). 

  1. Do you need to take premarital courses?
  2. Do you need to be of the same religion/caste?
  3. Do you believe in God (and want to include scripture)?
  4. Does the officiant’s gender matter to you?
  5. Is the price within our budget?
  6. Will the officiant come to our chosen venue?
  7. Will travel costs be additional (or included)?
  8. Does the officiant’s personality reflect our own?
  9. Does the officiant understand us as a couple?
  10. Can the officiant take control of the ceremony and make everyone feel at ease?

If you have any questions at all, click here and you will be directed to my wedding website. Even I cannot personally make your function, I will be happy to offer guidance and clarity. I am a second generation officiant, being the son of a rabbi.

I wish you the very best on your new life together!

how to choose a wedding officiant
Nothing makes me happier!

Most Haunted Place in Toronto 26 Dec 2022, 11:38 am

Have you ever been alone somewhere, feeling that someone was watching you? I am not talking about a Jewish tourist to Gaza, perhaps something a little more supernatural. Using the time to study, I grabbed a series of overnight security shifts back during my undergrad years. While I did manage to pump out a couple of assignments and essays, I used some of that time to check out local history, giving me clues to describe the weird phenomenon that I experienced. 

I think that most people have stories of their own, seeing things that are either difficult to describe or impossible to comprehend. We live in a massively scientific world where empirical evidence is the only way to satisfy skeptics. Even if there are pictures (or other media examples), these people will cling onto any “likely” reason, even if it is farfetched. 

Is It Reasonable To Believe In Ghosts?

We all understand human tragedy, with it often carrying on into future generations. One example of this is the residential school program, where Indigenous youngsters were taken from their families and forced to assimilate into the mainstream European culture. Unfortunately, many children died in the process, creating echoes that continue until today. Furthermore, many Jews suffer from the brutality of the Holocaust, with the pain lingering on in the “blood” or “consciousness”. While this is not the type of haunting that I will discuss in this article, ghosts tend to serve as a reminder for future generations, forcing them to confront something that people wish would go away. 

haunted toronto, don jail, old toronto city hall
the ghosts of auschwitz

Old City Hall

At the time of construction, this was the largest civic building in North America. Edward James Lennox originally designed it as a City Hall, which also served as the administrative centre for York (later moved north to Newmarket). As some know, Canada had the death penalty up until the early 1960’s when two criminals were executed in Toronto. Robert Turpin and Arthur Lucas. Both trials were fast, with it taking less than a year to face the noose, side by side.

haunted toronto, don jail, old toronto city hall

Salvation Army Chaplain Cyril Everitt tried to save both of their lives but was unsuccessful. Serving the spiritual needs of the condemned, he offered both of them Last Rites and Absolution. Upon coming home from the Don Jail, his 22 year old son noticed his blood-stained clothing.

arthur lucas, ronald turpin, haunted toronto, don jail, old toronto city hall
Arthur Lucas and Ronald Turpin were the last men executed in Canada in 1962

This was not normal for a hanging, at least not as presented by the media. Hanging is purported to be a clinical death, nothing gruesome or macabre. This was due to a miscalculation of the drop, with Arthus Lucas’s head disconnecting (save for some connective tissue). While this may be grounds for a haunting it is not the main reason. Lucas was an African-American man, facing a series of circumstantial evidence. While he denied killing the victims, he admitted to a series of other crimes, offenses that he felt “added up” and “warranted” his execution. However, just because he resigned himself to death does not mean that his spirit was at peace with his fate. One could only imagine being stuck somewhere for all eternity, seeing the world move on without you. 

Imagine locking up all of the doors, doing a perimeter check every hour (on the hour). Sitting down to read a textbook, I constantly heard footsteps and moaning. I was not ignorant about the building’s history, being fully cognisant that I may not be doing my shift “alone”. While difficult to convey, I felt a presence that came and went without rhyme or reason. While living in Vancouver I worked at St. Paul’s Hospital, a major trauma centre serving some of the cities most vulnerable. This included doing morgue access, allowing funeral homes to take possession of people after they have passed. We used to refer to this place as the “silent hotel”-or SH for Short-as to avoid scaring people who heard our transmissions. While this took some getting used to, It was not nearly as “active” as the Old Toronto Courthouse. This may be due to the hospital trying to save their lives as opposed to condemning them. 

The Don Jail

While the article discusses only one place, we must take this story “all the way” to its final conclusion. The prison is named after the Don River, which travels north to around the 401 (same fame as the Don Valley Parkway; DVP). Completed in 1864, the jail has been partially demolished and partially renovated, now hosting a medical complex.

haunted toronto, don jail, old toronto city hall

Once seen as one of the worst jails in the country, prisoners faced small living conditions and violence from guards and fellow inmates alike. While it was once considered the “palace for prisoners”, this reputation was short-lived as the facility became dilapidated and overcrowded. While Casa Loma had modern interior plumbing, inmates had to remove their refuse using a bucket. 

Capital Punishment in Canada

Upon excavating, workers found a large number of human remains. Historians claim that they belong to executed inmates, giving inspiration for the documentary “the Hangman’s Graveyard”. The graves were multilayered, with some hosting up to three bodies. Locals have long felt that something eerie was emanating from this institution, with Frank Drea (former Minister of Corrections) insisting on having the gallows permanently destroyed. I am not sure if this is enough to “spiritually-cleanse” a property, especially not after all of the pain and suffering that transpired here. 

hangman's graveyard, haunted toronto, don jail, old toronto city hall

With perfect acoustics, everyone could hear everything. With so many people crowded together, it is impossible to keep secrets. Imagine hundreds of prisoners sitting quietly, waiting for the loud thud of the trapdoor. What would your nerves be like? What if this was your fate, facing the exact same treatment in the coming weeks? Now imagine you are ACTUALLY innocent?

Oy vey indeed!

You can visit the hospital anytime, with the old cells being open for visitation (between 9-5 daily). They have managed to preserve it as best as they can, giving you a glimpse into Toronto’s past. Furthermore, they open up more of the property during their “doors open” event. While I cannot guarantee that you will see a ghost, I can promise you that these two places are the most haunted in all of Toronto.

noose, capital punishment in canada, museum

Sorry Trolls, Israel is Real 23 Dec 2022, 2:34 pm

As many of you might know, I am a fairly prolific TikToker who posts videos about Toronto, Judaism and Israel. Even if my topics are varied in substance (or thought), I am blessed to receive a constant barrage of anti semitic tropes, insults, and threats. It does not matter that I live in Canada-or are talking about something unrelated-I must address the charges made against myself and my people. Maybe it takes the form of “historical revisionism”, where the Holocaust is discredited as an event that took Six Million (capitalization intended) of my brothers and sisters away from our community (and into Hashem’s embrace).

This guy says that the Shoah didn’t happen. What a tool.

Perhaps it is the accusation that my family are khazars, a fake usurper of authentic Palestinian-Islamic turf. 

Am I Scared?

The Torah teaches that we are all part of ONE ESSENCE, sharing our nature and destiny with one another. While a coward may think twice about coming after me and my crew, they “won’t bat an eye” about going after someone disabled, elderly, and vulnerable. In other words, I am scared for my people and am more than willing to do my part. I pray that more people will stand up for us, whether they are from within our community or are among the “Righteous Gentiles”. 

Are you ready?

Chances are that you have heard these slogans before, whether at a rally or on TV. They are not creative, simply taken from Culturalism Marxism. As such, you cannot debate these issues logically but you can assert the Truth for others to see. In other words, my goal is not to “convert” the person that I am debating (but instead) draw sympathetic ears closer to our cause. 


Lie: All Jews are white and do not belong in Palestine.

Truth: Jews are indigenous to the Middle East. We were the first people of the Abrahamic Tree. Without the Jewish Nation there would be no Christianity or Islam. If not for our forced removal, we would have stayed and been content living in proximity to our Temple (even if It was destroyed). In spite of this, the Torah tells us that we would be expelled and regathered, exactly as is written in Prophecy.

Lie: Jesus was a Palestinian Muslim.

Truth:  Jesus was a 1st century Jewish preacher living in Roman-occupied Judea. The term Jewish comes from the geographic area “Judea”, which is now the modern state of Israel. Judaism comes way before Islam, thousands of years before. If Jesus and Moses were prophets then Muhammad was a Bahai or a Mormon. 

Lie: Modern Jews are Khazars, not authentic semites

Truth: This was put to bed with the advent of DNA technology, allowing us to look thousands of years into our past. While we do have admixture from other ethnic communities–due to a limited number of converted individuals over time-none of that is connected to Khazars. They were a nomadic Turkish tribe, some of whom converted to Judaism (including some rulers). 

Lie: Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians.

Truth: Genocide means that an effort was taken to eradicate an entire population, like what happened to the Jews during the Shoah. After everything was said and done, Six Million Jews (in addition to millions of other groups) were slaughtered and discarded like rubbish. On the contrary, the Palestinian population has grown in every metric, giving them both population expansion and increased literacy. In fact, Palestinians have benefited greatly from having the Jews in close proximity. 

Lie: Israel has no culture

Truth: Israel has an explosion of culture, marrying the traditions of Ashenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews. Furthermore, there is an indigenous Israeli cuisine, rooted in local vegetation and regional recipes. This goes way before 1948, with a Jewish population remaining in the region throughout all the generations. Israeli culture is both authentic and vibrant, firmly rooted in religious and social traditions. Israeli culture goes back to the time of Sinai where Jews chose to live in accordance with the Torah, forming a worldview that satisfies both the intellectual and Halachic properties. Once again, Torah is the foundation of both the Abrahamic Tree and secularism, something that could only flourish in response to Torah. Anyway you cut it, Israel (and Torah) constitute the foundation of the Western Worldview.

Lie: Jews hate Palestinians.

Truth: While some Jews reject the historical accuracy of the Palestinian movement, most want to revolve the situation peacefully and without violence. Terrorism is seen as a rational response to occupation, something that can be legitimate in certain situations. That being said, one cannot occupy their own house, no matter how long they were forced out. While Jews did buy land from Arabs, every purchase was legitimate and we have the bill of sales to prove it. This was financed by the Jewish National Fund, supported by regular Jews all over the world. The sales were not done by force, rather expedited by offering a higher price than the market standard. 

Lie: Most Jews do not believe in G-d but they believe in Israel.

Truth: While the country was originally founded as a secular state there is an increasing degree of religiosity in Israel. This is best expressed by the recent election of Bibi Netanyahu who formed a coalition with leaders from Religious Zionists camps. In other words, Jews do believe in Gd even if they consider themselves Hilonim. Consider the example of the Jerusalem taxi driver, forced to work on Shabbat and other Holy Days. While waiting for a monit in Jerusalem I saw a driver laying Tefillin. This was awesome and I asked him about his life, how he related to the city that surrounded him. To my amazement he identified himself as a secular Jew, due to his inability to stay home on Shabat. Do secular people lay Tefillin and say Kaddish at the Kotel?

Lie: The IDF kills children

Truth: The IDF is the most moral army in the world, with soldiers trained on how to avoid casualties. In the case that someone is hit-even if they were firing-every effort will be made to save their lives. The IDF knows that they are always under a microscope, choosing every resource with thought and precision. This does nothing to stop our enemies from faking crimes, taking videos and recontextualizing them. For example, they will only show the arrest and not the soldier being jumped by thugs. 

Lie: Israel is the barrier to peace.

Truth: Israel treats its citizens much better than any other country in the Middle East. While there are some rich countries that offer huge entitlements to its citizens, they do not include all people, just members of a specific tribe or class. I have a Chinese student in one of my classes. Despite being born in Saudi Arabia she has no right to citizenship, none of the rights bestowed upon ethnic Saudis (including free foreign tuition and scholarships). If Israel were to go away, what would happen to women, Africans, and LGBT? The Arab world currently engages in slavery, even if they frame it in more generous terms. If you force people to work for pennies-and then taking their money and keeping their passports-how else are we supposed to define it?

In conclusion 

Israel exists because Gd wants it to exist. Our numbers are small but our Faith is great. Do not expect to get into a long academic discussion, something that will certainly bear rotten fruit. Rather than being passive, assert our truth with pride and vigour. We have the Truth on our side and the Blessing of the Almighty. While our friend-circle has grown smaller over the years, we have reinforced our base and added new groups to our “alignment”.

Ya fam, this is way before 1948.

Am Yisroel Chai

Jeremy from Toronto

3 Interesting Synagogues in Toronto 23 Dec 2022, 10:34 am

If you want to think about a Jewish megacity, Toronto is as close as you will get to that in Canada. This wasn’t always the case, with Montreal holding that “crown” until Bill 101 in the 1970’s. Blessed with (roughly) 200k Yiddishe Neshamas, our “steital” features a large assortment of Kosher and Israeli restaurants, Jewish Community Centres, theatres and restaurants. 

The Toronto Jewish Community is strong and stands with Israel. Here is the annual UJA walk, occurring in the Spring.

I want to preface this article by stating that I am not an Orthodox Jew, a body of people that I have the utmost respect for. With that being said, I have been made welcome in a whole range of their institutions, without any hint of stigmatization. From Sephardic to Askenazi to Mizrahi, every Nusach is rich and full of spiritual depth. Regardless of your personal Edah or Hashkafa, I encourage everyone to visit different synagogues, allowing them to connect with the larger Kehilla. 

The Kiever

Finished in 1927, this synagogue is located in the Kensington Market area of Downtown Toronto. Built to accommodate immigrants from the Kiev region of imperial Russia (which turned Soviet in 1917), it served as the cultural and religious centre for the growing  Jewish population in the area.

This is the building as it stands today. You will notice an plague placed beside the external gate, alerting tourist as to it’s cultural significance.

Keep in mind that the Great Depression started only two years after construction, with many families facing poverty and other barriers. To alleviate these concerns, the synagogue offered a social welfare program, comprising both loans and financial grants. Services were led by Rabbi Solomon Langner and the Cantor was Herschel Litvak, the owner of York Furniture (College Street). Ensuring that youngsters got a proper education, Fishel Cooper offered both vocational training and trips around Toronto. Sporting his signature bowler hat, he led boys around High Park and the Toronto beaches. Adding a personal element to this story, Fishel was my great-great grandfather, the first of my family to arrive in this beautiful country. We came in stages, with Toronto hosting most of my mishpacha (besides New York and Israel). While most of the Jews have moved north, the shul is still active, hosting both Shabbat and holiday services. 

My great-great grandfather and his crew. I am very proud of him.

The synagogue is categorized as Modern Orthodox, which blends Torah observance with secular studies and careers. This makes sense considering the large number of hospitals in the area, many of whom employ many Jewish doctors. The santuary is split by a Mechiza, or a division between the sexes.

kiever synagogue,
This is the santuary with the Binah (platform) featured in the middle.

Sephardic Kehila Centre

2022 marked their 25th anniversary as a community, situated on Bathurst just north of Steeles. You really cannot miss it, being a magnificent example of Jewish architecture.

While Askenazi Jews are given a Tallit at their wedding, Sephardic boys are given one at their Bar Mitzvah. Here is a man (post 13) praying in front of the open Ark, featuring 5 Torah Scrolls. The four Torahs on the right are Sephardic (vertical) while the white one on the left is Ashkenazi.

More than just a synagogue, they offer banquet halls, classrooms, offices, and even a pool! (I know for sure that they used to have a pool but cannot seem to find it referenced on the website. There is a chance that this has changed but it does not take away from the enormity of this complex, with nearly every amenity imaginable). Rooted in the Sephardic Hashkafa, the founding members came from Morocco, Spain, Israel, Mexico, Lebanon, Algeria and more

This is a view from the female section, which sits above the main santuary where the men pray.

. With so many Jews marrying Jews from other ethnic communities, the Kehilla is more “multicultural” than it was before. The Kehilla was led by Hacham (or Rabbi) Amram Assayag, a skilled orator and Halachist. After his retirement two years ago, Rabbi David Kadoch has taken over as the spiritual leader of the centre. A native Torontonian, he was educated in the local Jewish system in addition to receiving Smicha from a highly recognized yeshiva in Jerusalem. Furthermore, they offer a whole variety of different social events, including bowling and sports. If you are looking for a beautiful wedding (or event) venue, their property is among the best in the city, both in aesthetics and in food quality.

This is pretty lit.

Featuring Gladstone’s Kosher Catering, this is a great place for business meetings, corporate events, Bar Mitzvahs and more. There is certainly lots of life “being lived” at the Kehilla Centre!

Chabad Flamingo

I was Bar Mitzvahed here back in 2001, reading my portion in front of Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, my family, friends, and Hashem. I come here every couple of years, whenever I have free time and in the area.

The Aron HaKodesh reminds me of something from the Middle Ages.

The people here are warm and considerate, accepting people without caveat or pretense. My body is chalk-full of tattoos, something that is explicitly prohibited by Halacha. In spite of this, I was always welcomed in and treated as an equal. The shul is located at Bathurst and Flamingo (in Thornhill), serving Thornhill Woods and beyond. The structure is absolutely stunning, a reflection of the taste profile and generosity of its builders.

This is Rabbi Mendal Kaplain with former Canadian PM Stephen Harper. Despite coming from different religious traditions, they both value the Torah and Israel.

While Chabad is firmly within the Chassidic World, it has a special outreach to secular and/or unaffiliated Jews. This is expressed in their various Mitzvah Campaigns, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to participate and grow. I really love their holiday events, whether it be lighting a Menorah in the town centre or bringing Smura matza to interested families.

There is so much life in this shul. Everyday is a reason to celebrate.

While Chabad originates in Eastern Europe (modern day Belarus and Ukraine) adherents come from every imaginable Jewish demographic. You will see Yemenite Chabadnikim davening beside  Yiddish speaking FFB’s (Frum from birth), both making jokes with the secular Israelis here selling cosmetics in the mall. 

In the new year I am going to profile new synagogues, at least the ones that I have personally visited before. In order to expand this list I am going to do a bit more shul-hopping, expanding my knowledge and frame of reference. I hope that everyone feels at home in one of these options, regardless if they have ink or are forced to work on Shabbat.

Getting Married at Niagara Falls 13 Dec 2022, 12:24 pm

Yes, it is still a thing.

Niagara Falls has been Honeymoon Capital of the world for over 200 years, with couples flocking here to start their new lives. It is easy to see why this place is high-key romantic, with it’s natural beauty and all. The power of the water is incredible, with the pressure causing the surrounding paths to quake and tremble.

While the American side is aiight it is the Canadian portion that deserves all of the attention. I used to come to the American side all the time with my parents, scoring deals at the surrounding outlet malls. Their downtown stretch is ugly and lacks anything noteworthy, save for a major casino in urban core. There are some decent hotels but much are outdated and lack the standards upheld by our “beaver-loving friends”.

* This refers to our national animal, our proud and noble beaver.

married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
, beaver
This picture is of a beaver stealing a Canadian flag. I don’t think we can really use the term steal since the flag belongs to our head of state. I forget, is that King Charles or a random beaver. Despite being a firm monarchist I would still pick the beaver. #imissthequeen

What Do We Need To Get Married At The Falls?

I am only talking about the Ontario (Canada) side, not New York State. They have their own rules and regulations, all of which I am unfamiliar with. If you are in America-and wish to come here to get married-simply use one of the many international bridges. If you are an American, or one of many partnering countries, you can enter without a visa. The cost is quite low, a couple dollars or so. The cheapest way to cross is by foot via the Rainbow Bridge.

I enjoyed watching this lady cross the bridge on foot. The view is amazing and it feels neat that you can go back and forth over the border. Just to clarify, you can go back and forth over the line in the middle, which divides the two countries. However, you must clear customs every time you leave this central area.
Maybe its a generational thing but this reminds me when the Simpsons go to Australia. Since an embassy is considered foreign soil, Homer is amazed that he can be “in two countries at once”.

Assuming everyone is on this side of the border, we can discuss eligibility. In order to get married in the Province of Ontario, one must be unmarried and over the age of 18. If you have been married before, please make sure that your divorce degree is in English (you may need a notary or translator). Assuming that you have your identification in order, click here and make an appointment to get your marriage license. The cost is $125 dollars, taxes in. It is valid for 3 months from the moment is issuance. Please do not write in the package, giving the envelope directly to the officiant. Only a registered wedding officiant can perform a wedding in the province. Alternatively you can have a judge or city clerk solemnize the nupitals, whether at City Hall or through a preexisting arrangement with a judge. If they are registered religious officiants, like myself, they will be the official government list. Click here to cross reference any officiant with the database.

married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
, niagara falls city hall
You will come here to get your marriage license. Click here for directions from Clifton Hill (central entertainment district) or here from North York (Toronto).

Best Places To Get Married In Niagara Falls Canada

You could do the entire wedding outside, perhaps at the park facing the Falls and pedestrian trial.

Did you know that Niagara Parks offers an awesome wedding package?

married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
Located on the scenic Niagara Parkway, just a 10 minute drive north of the Niagara Falls. This beautiful garden setting is home to 40 acres of perennials, rhododendrons, azaleas, formal parterre garden, shade, herb and vegetable planting. Willow Pond is located on the manicured grounds of the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens, offering a natural back drop for both your wedding ceremony and wedding photos.
Please note that all outdoor sites are weather permitting. We recommend securing an alternate indoor venue in the event weather is inclement.
married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
Wedding at Niagara on the lake by Diego and Liza, Toronto wedding photographers. This area is not far from the border, a short drive up the Niagara Parkway. There are many different shops and attractions along this stretch, each with its own charm and mystique.
married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
This couple is getting married on the Rainbow Bridge, which spans the Niagara River. While I would be more than willing to recreate this moment for another couple, everyone would need to be on “our side” of the border, even by a metre or so. Pretty neat, eh?
As you can tell from my previous comment, I have a special place for “All Things British”. A sharp contrast from our American cousins, Canadians embrace our British roots and our membership in the Commonwealth. This is best seen around Niagara-On-The-Lake.
A time to come together with family and friends to celebrate your wedding day! A time to indulge your childhood dreams and to treasure what will be. You deserve the luxurious decor, flawless service, and fine cuisine that only Hilton Niagara Falls can offer. 6361 Fallsview Blvd., Niagara Falls, ON Canada L2G 3V9
1 888 370 0325 |
The New Year has come and people are busy making plans. What’s better than planning your future together, setting it off on the right path? This is one of my favourite wedding venues in the region, not only for their beautiful amenities but also for their world-class customer service. Consider this a shout-out!
While I cannot figure out where the groom’s accent is from, I can certainly tell that he is madly in love with his bride! Hats off to the videographer!
This couple has decided to tie their destinies together, planning a future that is both bright and optimistic. Niagara Falls is the epitome of romance, setting the tone for a beautiful life by each other’s side.

Banquet Halls in Niagara Falls Ontario

Maybe you are looking at taking some pictures at the Falls but hosting the reception at a neighbouring banquet hall. There are many to choose from, with a whole assortment of different tastes, budgets, and hosting capabilities. Feel free to click on the images below, with the Google Maps profile populating automatically. If you have any question about the process, head over to my website and check out the resources there. If you have a question that isn’t covered, feel free to hit the contact button and send me an email. I am a wedding officiant based in Toronto but I travel all over, from Kingston through to Niagara Falls.

married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
Delphi Banquet Facilities
4414 Portage Rd, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6A7
Whatever desires you have for your special event, our dedicated and professional staff will make sure your wishes are delivered. With Weddings & Receptions, our staff will meet with you numerous times before your wedding date to ensure that everything is to your liking. We can show you samples and layouts and will walk you through your special day.
Beautiful wedding venue for smaller parties.
It kind of reminds of ancient Greece. May it is the font or style of the exterior, but it gives me almost an Athenian vibe.
married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
Columbus Club of Niagara Falls at Our Lady of Peace Hall
6990 Stanley Ave, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7B7
married at niagara falls, getting married in niagara falls, wedding in niagara falls canada, niagara falls banquet halls, how to get married in niagara falls canada
Kurtz Orchards Weddings Niagara on the Lake
16006 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Kurtz Orchards offers a fresh take on Weddings in the Niagara region… a naturally exquisite wedding destination for modern couples. We offer everything you need for a spectacular ceremony and reception.
This venue looks incredible.
Photography @ The Falls

There is a difference between casual photography and having a formal session. While this makes a difference in Toronto, all photography is free of charge on public property (including Niagara Parks). This is great news, adding to the already budget-friendly nature of this destination. With this being said, you can take pictures all over the region, whether it be for engagement, wedding or honeymoon.

I am going to feature some Niagara wedding photographers (and videographers), skilled professionals that let their “portfolio speak for themselves”. If you are interested in reaching out to any of them, click on their Instagram post and send them a direct message. Alternatively, you can leave them a positive comment and have them reach out to you. If you are looking for a simple elopement, pair a wedding photographer with a wedding officiant and you are ready to go.

Go to the 30-second mark. You will see the photographer falling in the water, trying to capture every moment. I have to hand it to her for her dedication!
Not only do they both look awesome, the backdrop looks prim and full of “drip”. Sorry for my confusing language as I spend alot of time around my younger students, with the slang rubbing off on me. Yes, I am “high-key” cringe!
I really like reflection shots, what about you?

Christmas at Casa Loma 11 Dec 2022, 6:06 pm

Whether you are Christian, Jewish or “other”, this is the centre for Toronto history and culture.

While all Torontonians are familiar with Casa Loma, few have spent the time need to navigate the many tunnels, exhibits and room. Did you know that this is a prime location for filming Hollywood movies? While it appears quite old, the structure was completed in 1914, right in the middle of World War One. Originally constructed for Sir Henry Pellatt, a Canadian industrialist best known for bringing hydroelectricity to the GTA.

casa loma, christmas at casa loma
This is the man behind the Castle. You can see a huge display of his life, especially his participation of the Great War. This is great not only for a school field trip but also for a cool family adventure.
This is a shot my my wife Esther and myself. The baby is sleeping in his stroller. We are at the front of the main entrance, after having secured parking close by. We are glad to bring you along on our Casa Loma adventure!

We came for the Christmas event but they have stuff going on rear-round. They have banquet halls, kitchen, and every amenity that you can image. Most wedding officiants are familiar with this venue, being perhaps the nicest in the city. I will come here any chance that I get, whether it be for a nice lunch or for the Legends of Horror. This is on my top list of things to do in Toronto and it a MUST-DO for any visit to The Six.

This is up on the second of three floors. Asher is look at the amble things to check out, including trained actors (and actresses) in costumes. There are like a gazillion different rooms, each connected via pedestrian pathways and so forth. This is not wheelchair (or stroller) accessible so you may need to take this into consideration. You will see a whole variety of different flags, each from a different period in Canadian history.

This acrobat put on an excellent shop, moving up and down the white sheets. There were times when I thought she would fall, performing different move that I would never dream of attempting. It was perfectly matched to the music, the exact playlist that you would expect for this type of event. If you look up to the right, you can see the ledge where the previous snapshots were taken. This place is a photographers dream!
Do you think that this is real? I assume that it is legit, perhaps grandfathered in and given through an estate sale of sorts. Perhaps it was owned by the original owner, a trophy of one of his many trips around the world? It’s crazy to imagine how things have chanced, especially our respect and treatment of animals.

This is a picture with Jackie Chan, well the wax representation of the actor. I still cannot get enough of his Rush Hour movies, a holiday staple in my house.

You cannot discuss Canadian culture without discussing Drake. He grew up in our community, raised in the Toronto Jewish community. We are very proud of him and his contribution to our city, representing the Six on the world stage.

It was pretty cool to see a Menorah featured in the castle. It made us feel welcome amonst the Christmas festivities, enjoying the winter seasons with our Christian neighbours. We are very proud to live in such a beautiful and free country, giving us the chance to participate in an open society.

winterfest, casa loma, christmas, visit toronto, toronto dude
In order to get to Santa Claus you must go to the basement and take the tunnel all across. You will see different decorations, animated figures, and even themed character actors. There is a giftshop in the basement where you can score some awesome souvenirs. Make sure that you have some good walking shoes on since you will be putting alot of steps on Garmin! The pathways are narrow, especially the winding staircases that go up to the many towers.

Casa Loma Tickets and Directions

Click here to buy tickets

Click here for directions from North York

Click here for directions from Union Station

Click here for directions from Niagara Falls

winterfest, casa loma, christmas, visit toronto, toronto dude

There are 3 awesome shows here, two of which we saw. We missed the magic show do to being on the opposite side of the property at the time. Here is the ice skating show, despite occuring on a synthetic rink of sorts. Both skaters did awesome, pulling off some awesome jumps and spins. This is the place to be for Christmas Magic (besides Winterfest at Wonderland).

When Duolingo Fails, Try Inspiration 9 Dec 2022, 1:41 pm

No, you cannot become fluent with an app alone.

The past two years have been chaotic for everyone, especially young students. Rather than being able to learn in person, youngsters were glued to their screens and hoped to learn something on their tablets and apps. Lost in the tornado of disorganisation, many fell behind in their coursework and lost their motivation to “keep on trying”. While some were successful at managing their time properly, it became too difficult as time moved on. 

One notable example is a student who wanted to switch to French immersion, after having spent some time in Montreal with his family. While the trip was successful in motivating him, he lacked the support needed to bring his positivity to fruition. Yes, Duolingo is a great app but it requires a certain degree of independence, something that many young people have yet to develop. These learning skills are hard to develop independently, needing someone to “spell everything out in black and white”. 

Do I recommend Duolingo?

 According to different sources, finishing the entire language tree is equivalent to a full university semester. This may have many parents over the moon about the prospect but I would like to provide a little bit of context. The app forces the student to engage within a certain perimeter of speech, which may-or not-help them in their specific program. Furthermore, the curriculum is not aligned with the Ontario French standards, set forth by the Ministry of Education. 

I admit, it does look pretty snazzy. However, does it work?
What is the best way to master French?

Inspiration is a network of 12 learning centres, serving both the Greater Toronto and Vancouver regions. All campuses share the same optimistic motif, matching brilliant yellows and blues together. This says nothing about the learning that goes on within their doors, matching expert teachers with hungry minds. Not every student is enthusiastic at first, some reluctant to accept help. Once things get going, French tutoring becomes a central point to their week, having fun while seeing their skills develop. 

What makes Inspiration different?

As cache as it sounds, every child is a snowflake each with their specific learning profile. This means that students will excel in some settings but fail in anothers. Some students try hard to derail the lesson, trying to waste as much time as possible. Smaller class sizes make it more difficult to slack off since they are in constant communication with their teacher. This has a severe reduction of boredom, since they are never waiting to speak or be heard. 

Is fluency possible?

Many parents dream of having their children converse flawlessly in Paris, discussing art or philosophy. I have seen Chinese students develop strong conversational skills, opening up the doors to immersion, travel, and study in a Francophone university. Those students are truly determined, making this subject their interest of focus. Other students are looking to just pass, allowing them to move onto other things that they find either more interesting or useful. In any case, Duolingo cannot hold a candle to Inspiration Learning Center, having seen students graduate and head onto the Ivy Leagues

What does it look like in practice?

  • Comprehensive language assessment.
  • Combining curriculum-based material with relevant culture.
  • Stress on dialogue and conversation.
  • Manual (pen and paper) note taking
  • Weekly homework (oral, written, comprehension)
  • Written composition
  • Verb conjugation and grammar workshop
  • Tests and quizzes
  • Public speaking (in front of a group)
Free assessment

Inspiration offers a complimentary assessment, letting you know exactly how your child is performing. Looking at your child “as a whole”, he or she will go through a battery of problems and questions, signally their strengths or weaknesses. You will understand all of the options available before you, discussing goals and how best to reach them.

WYL To Be Featured On Toronto Dude? 8 Dec 2022, 1:05 pm

Did I grab your attention? Let’s read on:)

Toronto is home to millions of people and an endless variety of businesses and institutions. 

Are you a small business owner, looking to get some traffic to your site?

The best way to get traffic is by getting backlinks from authoritative sites, both aged and new. 

Once backlinks are applied to an account, it is influenced by social media traffic, embedding and other considerations.

So What Do You Need To Do?

Send me an email with the questions provided, letting Torontonians (and tourists) know about your niche or specialty. It does not need to be long winded or complicated, instead clear, concise and inviting. 

Feel free to add some relevant pictures or links, which I will apply a “do-follow” link right back to either your Google Maps profile or your homepage.

What Is In It For Me?

All you have to do is add my logo to your page, integrating a link right back to your feature on the website.

It is that simple!


  1. Where are the questions that need to be answered? The questions are below this FAQ portion.
  2. Is any money exchanged? No, this is a free opportunity.
  3. How will this help? This website is my newest website, assessed at DR 37 by ahrefs. My other websites (for myself and others) have high volume traffic, allowing me to raise my search rankings and number of Canadian keywords.
  4. Are all industries allowed? Nothing adult, racist, or offensive.
  5. How can I raise my Google Maps profile? In order to get into the 3 pack you must have local citations, referral traffic, social media traffic, sharing and other factors. With that being said, it is best to have a viable website that triggers relevant keywords. This will work in concern with the other mechanisms at play, allowing customers to see you “on top”.
  6. What is the point of SEO? You have put so much effort into your website but you are not getting any traffic. In order to get people to consider our goods and services we first need to get them onto our page, into our digital storefront. This traffic is highly competitive, with some keywords being much more difficult than others. If you have any questions about SEO please send me an email and I will guide you towards the right direction.

Answers Needed For Profile

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability and send it via email to Please attach your images to the email itself. If there are any questions I will reach out to you. Once I have received your information package then I will send you the logo and the link to add to the logo image. In other words, when someone clicks on the link then they will be directed to your profile on the website. Alternatively, when someone clicks on your picture-or verbiage-then they will come to your website, giving you another potential customer. 

  1. Business address (including unit), phone number, email.
  2. Website, Google Business profile, Instagram, and Facebook links.
  3. Minimum two pictures. One of product (or service) and one of location or personnel. 
  1. In Twitter length or so, describe what you and your team offers Torontonians?
  2. What makes you different from the competition?
  3. How did your idea get started? What inspired you?
  4. What is a typical day like “around your shop”?
  5. What does diversity mean to you?
  6. What type of people do you encounter on a daily basis?
  7. Can you reference a funny story that happened to you or someone you know?
  8. Do you think that the Maple Leafs will ever win a Stanley Cup?

The last question is totally irrelevant but it creates a nice “homie” feeling to the writeup. 

One day…

Would You Get Married On The Edgewalk? 7 Dec 2022, 10:22 am

In case you are wondering what it is, Edgewalk allows guests to walk “outside” the top of the CN Tower. You know, that phallic-looking structure that lets you know which direction you are driving. This is not for everyone, clearly. Some people would be petrified of standing 116 stories above the hard concrete. Some would feel dizzy just considering the proposition. 

What about getting married during Edgewalk?

It’s not like it hasn’t been done before. While you are not allowed to bring a phone (or anything that could fall) onto the platform, staff are equipped with cameras. In fact, each guest is given a video and some pictures, printed off to prove that you “did it”. I guess your family and friends should believe you regardless but a little evidence couldn’t hurt.

How would this work?

Getting married takes a couple of steps, with the ceremony coming before the legal signing. So you book up as many slots as you need, with a minimum of two witnesses. If you are looking to have a simple elopement-if you could call it that-you could SHOUT your vows for the entire world to hear. I know that sounds romantic but I wanted to preface this by saying that it is highly unlikely for anyone on the ground to hear you. While you cannot exchange rings on the platform, you can certainly share your first kiss as husband and wife. I am certain that the staff would love to capture some extra shots for you, perhaps for an additional surcharge or whatnot. Once everyone has completed the course, the legal signing can occur inside. This is when you can exchange the rings and take additional pictures. 

Would I do it?

I have been honoured to perform a huge variety of marriage ceremonies, serving couples from nearly every country, religion, race, and background. This has brought me to ethnic restaurants, community centres, five star hotels, wineries and more. While I have never been asked “go this specific route” I am definitely interested in the idea. Maybe someone will read this blog post and decide that this is the right choice for them. It certainly is a loud statement, the perfect moment for a specific kind of couple. Who knows, maybe that couple is you. 

How much does it cost?

The law states that you need two additional witnesses, that are neither the couple nor the wedding officiant. If you are going to elope-just the two of you-we can arrange for witnesses beforehand. They do not need to be at the vows exchange on the platform but must be there for the marriage license signing. 

After you are done with your adventure you can escape inside to the dining hall. They have such amazing food, with a large selection of steaks, seafood and other entrees. Fully stocked, this is the moment for a glass of champagne or a Canadian beer. Yes, Canadian beer is the King of all beers, ignoring the baseless claims of Budweiser. This is high-key romantic, staring at each other while the dining room circulates, offering you a panoramic view of the city. This is certainly Toronto at its finest and now it is your city, etched into your own personal history. 

טורנטו 6 Dec 2022, 1:12 pm

שמי ג’רמי ואני מנהל חתונות רשום כאן בטורונטו קנדה. אתה לא צריך להיות קנדי !כדי להתחתן כאן

כדי להתחתן שניכם תצטרכו את הדברים הבאים

1) תעודת לידה או דרכון (מישראל או ממדינה אחרת)

2) אם היית נשוי לפני כן, הוכחה לגירושין. יש לתרגם את זה על ידי נוטריון לפני כן


אם אתה צריך עזרה, שלח לי מייל כאן

3) הגשת בקשה לרישיון נישואין מהעירייה. אל תיגע בזה! זה מיועד רק למנהל מורשה. אם מישהו אחר כותב על זה, זה הופך לא חוקי ותצטרך אחד חדש. זה בזבוז של 150 דולר

4) עורך חתונות מורשה ושני עדים נוספים. הם חייבים להיות מעל גיל 18

החתונה יכולה להתרחש בכל מקום. אני זול יותר מהעירייה ויש לי קפלת חתונה קטנה. זה יכול לקרות במסעדה, כשר או לא כשר. אני לא רב ומשרת זוגות מכל המדינות.

לאחר ביצוע החתונה, אשלח אותה באמצעות שליח אקספרס. אתה תעקוב אחריו עד למשרד הממשלתי בת’אנדר ביי.

אולי אתה רוצה להתחתן כאן ולחזור לישראל. אולי מעניין אותך לעבור לקנדה. בכל מקרה, ברוכים הבאים לקנדה! אנחנו פתוחים וידידותיים.

Winter Christmas Market at the Distillery District 3 Dec 2022, 7:12 pm

It was free to enter before four so we jumped on the opportunity to have some fun as a family. It wasn’t too cold but we bundled our son up like a burrito.

Cosmetics giant Dior sponsored the event. One of their friendly reps offered to take our picture.
They say that it is better at night but I didn’t care! There was so much to buy, see, drink, and eat. Very artistic with many boutique shops and galleries.
You will see slogans placed all around. All are positive and relate to holiday joy. Everyone is included, regardless or which holiday they celebrate.
Naughty and or nice, everyone loves a hot drink! They have tons of soft and alcoholic bevvies to choose from.
Thirsty elf? I would like to know what they drink. I’m guessing cider, hot chocolate and whatnot.
It wasn’t super cold but there were some outdoor fires to enjoy. Some were legit and others were heaters. I’m sure it’ll get much colder tonight.
Little bit of Toronto history. Much of the booze was made here back in the day. There are some fine micro breweries and distilleries located nearby

Beaches In Toronto 28 Nov 2022, 11:12 pm

Toronto winters are cold but they make summers that much better. Our beaches are so beautiful, with soft sand and clean water. However, they are only viable for two months of the year, with the lake freezing over around Christmas (or Hanuka for my Jewish friends:) Unless you are interested in the famous polar bear swim, I am betting that you are coming for “peak summer”. that is between June 21st and September 2nd (or so).

best beaches in toronto, polar bear swim
I mean, it looks cold but it doesn’t look frozen. What am I say? I would never do this, never in a million years. I like the idea of a hot outdoor whirlpool, the kind where your body is warm and your hair is frozen over.
This is not to say that you cannot have fun at the beach in the winter, only that you need to dress a little bit different! Imagine chilling in these awesome Muskoka Chairs, sipping on a hot chocolate or apple cider. Delish!

To provide a little bit of context, there is a difference between the beach and “The Beaches”.

Doesn’t the water look perfectly clear? Those towers could be anywhere, perhaps Miami or LA. While the winter is frigid and restrictive, the summers are open and tropical!
best beaches in toronto, the beaches, sand
“The Beaches” is a hip community on the lake, radiating out from Queen and Woodbine. There are a whole bunch of cool things to do here, regardless of the time of year. You will find some interesting buildings in the area, a world removed from the urban core. The person here are super kind and friendly and I recommend coming here for the day!
This shot is taken under the Scarborough Bluffs, which is just east of the city. The view is amazing both from the top and from the bottom.

The Beaches Toronto

If you take one piece of advise from this entire post, please do not bring your car down here! There is paid parking available but it goes quite fast. In fact, I have witnessed several car accidents here. The space is very cramped and it gives me stress. There is an overabundance of public transit available. Please click here to get to the TTC website, which will help you plan your trip. Yes, you can bring your bike on many different busses, street cars and subway lines.

best beaches in torontom the beaches, hipster house, townhouse
Notice how colourful these houses are? This is part of the charm of hanging out at the Beaches. I would love to live here but it is too difficult for me to get around. I am now a suburban family guy, through and through. I will come here during the summer, perhaps on a day when I am neither teaching nor officiating weddings. Maybe a stroll with my fam job, enjoying some lunch and ice cream.
martin goodman trail, best beaches in toronto
This is called the Martin Goodman Trail. It goes all the way across the city and beyond. The trail is divided into two sections, one for bike riders (and rollerbladers) and another for pedestrians. The air is crisp and lake is magical. If you end up going too far-without enough energy to peddle back-you can always hail an Uber or a cab. I have done this many times but this shouldn’t say much. I am not the athlete! lol

Restaurants Around The Beaches

After all that walking you are bound to get tired. If you are in the mood for some Italian roast, you can grab that. Maybe a sit down dinner for four? It is all up for grabs. I love grabbing some fish and chips on the patio, whether it be a pub or a pop-up vendor of sorts.

the stone lion, best beaches in toronto
The Stone Lion
1958 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4L 1H7
Local watering hole with large patios on 2 sides, offering a pub-grub menu & daily burger deal.
the gull and firkin
The Gull and Firkin
1943 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4L 1H7
Comfy British-style pub offering burgers, shepherd’s pie & wings, plus outdoor seats & live music.
sauvignon bistro and bakery

Sauvignon Bistro & Bakery
1862 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4L 1H1
Small bistro & wine bar serving a globally inspired menu & a dining room with eclectic decor.
This shot is taken directly across from Harbourfront. Are you in the mood to rent a canoe? What about dipping your feet in the cold pond? This is a great place to walk around, grab some coffee (Tim Horton’s is the best), and watch a busker perform.

Centre Island Beach

Centre Island is most known for the amusement park. This page is on beaches and I will do a separate article on that topic in future. Yes, this is a great place to grab some rays with your fam job.

centre island beach, best beaches in toronto
Doesn’t this look picture-perfect? Sometimes I forget that I am in Canada, not some exotic island in the south Atlantic. The water takes on a unique greenish-blue, encapulating the energy absorbed by the sun.
This is the famous pier on Centre Island. It faces the New York side of Lake Ontario. You can take some awesome shots here, perhaps even a selfish or two. Canadians are friendly and will gladly take a picture for you (and not run off with your camera lol).
best beaches in toronto
The water is so clean that you can see the bottom. You will see small minnows swimming around. By the time that Canada Day rolls around, the water is so warm that it is like a bathtub. That means that you can dry off without a towel. While some nights do get cool, summer nights here are muggy and humid.
During the hot summer months, your towel is elective. Reason being, the heat causes all of the water to evaporate off your body (in moments). While the exterior (of the island) contains their famous beaches, the interior hosts restaurants, mazes, and parks.

Island Restaurant Toronto

Once you have taken the ferry across you will not want to come back to eat. While there are different food options available on the islands (yes there are several), they tend to be priced at a premium. While some are okay with the relative price inflation (hey, they got to earn a living too, right?) others opt to bring a picnic lunch. Alternatively, there are hot dog vendors at the foot of the terminal. Welcome to the island! (not-creepy voice, I promise!)

best beaches in toronto, toronto island bbq
Toronto Island BBQ & Beer Co.
120 Centre Island Dock, Toronto, ON M5J 2E9
Centre Island’s seasonal, waterfront eatery offers BBQ, burgers & brews, plus a patio & city views.
This is a shot of a local family chowing down in front of the urban skyline. You can tell that they are Canadian because the dad is wearing a Toronto Maple Leaf’s shirt. I have personally been to this restaurant before and am looking forward to bringing my family once the weather warms up.
I don’t eat pork (so I can’t comment) but everything else looks as delicious as it tastes. I like to order a variety of things, allowing everyone at the table to share.
best beaches in toronto, toronto islands

The Riviera ~ Ward’s Island Kitchen
102 Lakeshore Ave, Toronto, ON M5J 1X9
Island eatery with a small, eclectic menu, in a treed setting with a spacious garden patio.
carousel cafe, best beaches in toronto
Carousel Café
Toronto, ON M5J 2E9
Nude Beach Toronto

While I am not going to show any adult material on this website, I will let you know about Toronto’s only clothing-optional beach. It is not exactly a nude beach, since it does not mandate anyone to remove their clothing. However, for those who so prefer, they can roam around naked. I mean, do you really want those tan marks? I personally do not care either way, just asking rhetorically to sound sophisticated (I am not).

Remember, you do not have to go nude to go to the beach.
nude beach, hanlans point, best beaches in toronto
The name of the nude beach is called Hanlan’s Point. If you are coming from North York, click here for a set of directions. It is located quite close to Billy Bishop Airport, which runs flights to New York, Montreal and so forth.
toronto island map, best beaches in toronto
This is a general map of Toronto Island. Despite arriving at different spots on the island, all ferries leave from one common dock (city-side). It doesn’t take long at all but is a really cool experience. This is a premiere photo-op for Insta!
best beaches in toronto, toronto islands, ferry

My Fav Restaurant In Toronto? 28 Nov 2022, 12:50 am

So I have lived here for most of my life, with a couple years spent in each Vancouver and Israel. I know this city and (hopefully) this city knows me. My favourite restaurant is called United Bakers and it is located at the corner of Bathurst and Lawrence. I have been coming here since I was a baby, noshing on their delicious latkas, bagels and gefilte fish.

The bakery is on the left. Make sure that you wait for serving, instead of seating yourselves! The food is amazing here!

The food has changed a bit over the years but not much. It has been open for over a hundred years. In fact, they used to have a location up in Thornhill, closing something around Y2K. You will find all of the dishes that your bubby made when you were a child, even the catering that she brought to weddings, shivas and so forth.

This is a copy of their most recent menu. I usually get the cabbage rolls, plus a side of gefilte fish. They say that the sweet comes from Poland while the pepper-flavoured comes from Russia. I do not know which is which but I enjoy their both with charain.
This is the bakery that I was talking about above. You can get food to bring home. Their split pea soup is a fan favourite about my crew! Try it with a twister. Can you finish the whole thing?
In 1912, a young couple from Kielce opened a bakery/coffee shop in downtown Toronto. Their plan was simple: to recapture the flavours of the life they had left behind in Poland, and to make a living here in Canada. They rented a storefront at 156 Agnes Street in what was then the heart of Jewish life, an area known as the Ward, and hung out a sign that read “5 cent Coffee House”. They called their new business THE UNITED BAKERS.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

How To Rank On Google Without Paying For Ads 25 Nov 2022, 10:30 am

Google ads can costs tons of cash, sometimes going up to over $500 dollars a click. This makes it very difficult to start a business, especially if you are small with a single location. While paid ads are useful for many niches and specialties, it is better to develop your SEO habits first BEFORE putting “gasoline on the fire”.

While you may opt for paid ads later on down the road, this guide will help you get started for free, right away.

Free SEO Resources

  1. Google Search Consule – Best way to find out what keywords you are ranking for, what pages are indexed, and any problems that might be occuring.
  2. Semrush– While they paid subscription is amazing, they offer a free alternative, giving you 10 submissions per day. This is a great way to track keywords, check backlinks, and get a domain overview.
  3. WordPress/Wix – Both offer a free alternative which allows you to get set up. You can rank with a free website, despite it coming off as unprofessional. Hosting is not expensive, with full packages costing $50-100 dollars per year. Both of these platforms are user-friendly, allowing people to learn as they go.
  4. Google Business Profile – This is connected to Google Maps, with options populating after putting in a local query. This is one of my main sources of free traffic, without the need to pay for anything extra. When you get started, they will send a postcard to the business address, ensuring that you rightfully occupy to premises. Make sure to add all of your web and social links. This will not only serve as a traffic source to your website but will also signal to Google that you are both active and have accurate information.
  5. Surfer Local – This will tell you how well you are doing in a specific geographic area. For example, you might come up as the first result in your community, but are invisable to consumers a few kilometres over. They offer a paid service, helping business owners raise their rankings. While I have no experience with their paid service, their free tool is helpful and reliable. If you are looking to improve your placement on Google Maps, ensure that your website link in embedded in different niche websites, surrounded by relevent text and media.
  6. Ahrefs – This is the main SEO tool for many webmasters with subscriptions starting at $99 dollars. However, if you are not interesting in paying the fee, they offer free domain rating, keyword difficulty checker, SERP and many more. This is second-most active webcrawler in the world, coming directly after Google and their affiliates. They do all of the hard work for you.
  7. Serpstat – This is a great alternative to SEMRUSH and Ahref, with lower subscription prices and a bunch of free SEO tools. I would say that this is one of the best free (comprehensive) suites, allowing small business owners to take control of their webmarketing. They tend to have deals on during the holidays, where you can score big.
  8. Ubersuggest – This is a fantastic keyword generator. Simple put in a word (or two), put in your country of choice and BOOM! You will be given 100 keyword options, relaying their A) search traffic, B) organic difficulty, and C) paid difficulty. The platform is quite intelligent, offering keywords that are related yet do not share the same “terms”. This is great when you are developing your website outline, ensuring that your site garners traffic once it is properly indexed.
  9. HARO – Help A Reporter Out. Do you have to have a link from Fox, CBC, CNN or another authority website? HARO sends out an email daily, giving readers a chance to see what topics (and experts) are being requested. While not all of the websites are high authority, many are. If you are new to journalism, you can start with a small website, using it as leverage or as part of a portfolio.
  10. Answer The Public – If you are stuck on what to write, type in your keywords and they will give you the related search queries. If you answer their questions well, with proper citations, Google will see your website as more helpful and authoritative.

Now that you have the tools to get the job done, here are 8 ways to boost your search engine ranking position (SERP) without paying for Google (or other) paid ads. I have included some FAQs questions at the bottom of this post. If you have any question, please reach out to me by email, reaching me at ““.

Step By Step

  1. The first step is to define your business. What do you do? Where are you located? What makes you stand apart? How do people get to you? Do you offer digital or in-person products or services?
  2. Generate a list of relevant keywords that reflect a person’s interest in your business. Cross check them for DR, URL authority, TF, and other metrics. The terms should have a large search volume, either domestically or internationally. Do not be vague with your keywords. For example, instead of “restaurant” use “Indian restaurant North York” or “Chinese buffet Markham“. The longer (and more detailed) your keywords are, the greater your chance at ranking. In order to be successful, you must understand your market and make it super easy for them to find you.
  3. Create your website, ensuring that there are both pages and posts. In general, pages are the main parts of a website while posts are synonymous with blog entries. While everyone does things differently, I prefer to have my pages ranking for keywords with my blog posts adding general traffic, giving me a SERP boost in the process. The blog articles should be fun and engaging, giving you a link back to your “money site“. A money site is a site that offers a product or service for sale, as opposed to gaining general traffic, for either affiliate marketing or selling ad space.
  4. For business websites, use original media with appropriate tags. The tags should reflect the main keyword of the page, also know as alt-text. For an added boost, use the same pictures (or videos) as on Google Maps, giving a link to your business profile. If you tag everything correctly, the media will come up in rankings in addition to your website urls.
  5. Internal linking – ensure that everything is integrated perfectly, with a clear menu bar on the main page. If a topic has many pages, make sure they are connected to one another, either with a link or with a subservient page. Make sure to provide solid external links, using keywords that you do not plan to rank for. For these generalized terms, link out to an authoritative website, like government or industry.
  6. Invest serious time in your Google Business Profile. Ensure that it is full of media, updates, promotions and so forth. Make sure that every field is filled out properly, providing links to your main site and other social links. If you are just getting started, offer free samples in exchange for providing a review. Make sure that you are soliciting reviews whenever possible, offering people help with the procedure. In other words, even if you come up first in the results, few people are willing to take the chance on being your “first” customer. When asking for reviews, ask them to use your keyword in the comment section.
  7. Based on google, get your NAP which is name, address, and phone number. Make sure it is consistent. This will be one form of backlink to your google page, which can be placed on other websites, forums, and directories. This will signal to google that you are active, and worthly of priority placement on search results.
  8. Understand metrics. DR refers to the domain ranking, which is 1-100. Page authority is tied to the url. Majestic trust flow tells the trustworthiness as well as citation flow shows the quantity of inbound links, not the quality. You should try to balance all these figures, while assuring that the general metrics are solid.
  9. Backlinks are links from another site, referencing your keyword. You will often notice that some terms are underlined, allowing you to click on it. This is like someone vouching for you or giving you a shoutout.. Some backlinks are hard, like the New York Times, while others are easy, like a forum or blog comments. At first you should try to get as many backlinks in your niche. Do not spam, as this will get you a penalty. Your keyword should be a hyperlink on another page, bringing you to your page. For added boost, direct the site to the specific area of the page, using a tag.


  1. Why do people pay for Google ads? Some people prefer to hit the ground running, not spending time writing emails, soliciting backlinks and so forth. It allows people to pay a fee, having Google promote their material to their defined audience. Businesses are charged per click, not on each time that their ad is shown to someone. The fees run from a couple of cents (per click) to $500 and beyond. This is entirely based on the competitiveness of the keyword, with education and legal services commanding the highest ad bids. 
  2. Can you run a business without Google ads? Of course! In fact, I suggest that people start off with SEO development before diving into the world of PPC. This will not only ensure that money is not wasted, but will also add power to your marketing campaign once the search engines understand “how to place you”. 
  3. Can backlinks hurt me? Yes. If the links come from unauthoritative sites, or websites that Google considers spammy, they will consider your website as such. In other words, poor backlinks can drive your website far away from the “3 pack”, which is the top 3 businesses for any given search query. It is essential that you do your research before applying (or even requesting) a link. This can be done with many of the free resources provided above. 
  4. Someone from overseas emailed me, promised me that I can rank in the first place for a set fee. Is this legit? I get these emails all of the time, with them offering the same type of service. Instead of building your backlink profile gradually and organically, they apply redirect links to your site, boosting it temporarily. While you may see a jump in your DR (or other) ranking, this will not have the same power to boost your profile. Furthermore, they may provide traffic from shady sources, like adult or non-English content.
  5. Has Google changed their algorithm? Google used to count all links, providing social media marketers the incentive to spam links anywhere than they can find them. Google now priotizes usability, in addition to high quality writing with sources. They have developed artificial intelligence, which means that a computer can tell whether an article is quality or spam. They crawl the site for writing quality, mobile usability, proper subject-heading and other factors. In short, there is no way to game the system but it is possible to learn the rules and maximize your productivity.

Most people have created a website or a blog but have not seen their website come up in a Google search. This is due to the sheer number of new websites, some valuable and most irrelevant. They know that if people are given poor quality options, they will leave the session and find their information elsewhere. In order to rank high, without paying money, you will need to provide a better quality option than the competition, making it easy for Google (or Bing) to find your website. 

Are you ready?

How Parents Can Teach Writing Skills To Their Kids 23 Nov 2022, 12:25 pm

Writing is more than just composing fictional stories, it also allows us to interject our own personality and ideas into a project. Workbooks are fantastic at mastery verb conjugation and grammar, yet it fails at “putting it all together”. Whether you are doing homeschooling, helping with homework, or are curious on how to develop your own (personal) skills, this is the right article for you.

I hope that you find my examples clear and useful. Many children struggle with this subject, developing poor self-esteem in the process. Sometimes it is not the subject material that is difficult but (instead) is the student’s unique learning profile, making conventional learning difficult (if not impossible).

With a little bit of support (and resources), all children can develop their writing skills, offering them career and social opportunities.

Brainstorming – Connecting The Ideas Together

Using the topic “clock”, we discuss the nature of the term before going further. It is a noun, used to tell time and organize plans. We know that everything exists for a reason, operating within a system of interconnected mechanisms.

Who, What, Where, When, How

By using this format, we can expand on any topic and gather material for further writing.

What? (definition) A clock is a tool that is used to tell that.

Why? To organize appointments, make plans, and coordinate with others.

How? It is made either digitally or analog, with gears and other parts.

Where? Clocks are placed on walls, wrists, and most digital platforms.

When? Assuming that we have obligations (responsibilities), clocks are needed all of the time.

Who? Engineer designs the clock, factory worker assembles it, the consumer uses it.

Now that we have that out of the way, we can pose some other questions.

  1. What is the difference between digital and analog clocks?
  2. What is the history of the timekeeping?
  3. What did we used to use for this purpose (prior to modern clocks)?
  4. Will clocks always be needed? What would replace it? What would cause the change?
  5. If you were stranded on a desert island, without a clock, what would you use to keep (or tell) the time?
Please disregard my poor attempt at drawing 🙂

As mentioned above, everything has a purpose and a relationship to other things, both tangible and theoretical. People are (generally) rational creatures, choosing activities that best suit their needs. The same can be said with nature, with even the smallest mosquito having a huge role in the stability of our ecosystem.

As a fun exercise, you can try inverting the question, asking the student to find the best solution to the problem offered.

What should you do if you are…

  1. Interested in getting a perfect report card?
  2. Wanting to subdue your hunger pangs?
  3. Tired and have an early morning?
  4. Confused about a problem and cannot solve it alone?
  5. Finished with all of your chores and homework, looking for something fun to do on a hot summer day?

Branching On…(sorry for the pun lol)

Trees are great to talk about since they are ubiquitous and easy to relate to.

In this example, we are putting the headline at the top and separating the ideas into numbered rows. Furthermore, I find that it is helpful to colour the different parts, making it easy for the students to understand how they come together.

On the board I have listed 5 points. How did I get here?

Let’s put it is the reverse, just like in the exercise above.

  1. What does the tree inhale and exhale? What does that mean for humans and other life? If trees were to be removed, what would this mean for us now and going forward?
  2. Where do we find rings? What does it mean when a stump has more rings than another stump?
  3. Are all trees the same? What are some examples? What changes do they go through, at least here in Canada with the seasons?
  4. What kinds of animals would you expect to be living in (or near) a tree? What are the benefits of being close to a tree?
  5. Besides clean air to breathe, what other uses can you think of? What can we get from trees?
What Is A Thesis?

Many students get confused about what a thesis is, so I will use this section to lay it out clearly. A thesis is a form of argument, describing why you are writing the article. It must be precise in nature, focusing on something that is both relevant and interesting to read.

Here are some examples of simple theses.

Notice how there is a “reason” and a “suggestion”.

Since First Nations people were here before us, Canadians should get to know the original people and their culture.

Since Canada and the United States are so closely linked, the governments should open the border between the two countries, allowing travel without a passport.

Since alcohol is dangerous for growing minds, it should be restricted to people above the age of 25, not 19.

Notice how they talk about how things “could or should be”, rather than they actually are. The objective is to change something meaningful in the world, whether it be taking action or altering how something (or someone) is percieved. In other words, if you are perfectly fine with everything, is there really a reason to write?

Paragraph Structure

It is important to learn proper paragraph formation, allowing for all of the information to flow seeminglessly together.

. Put simply, a paragraph consists of:

  1. Introductional sentence. (if this is not the first paragraph in the article, the first sentence should be a transition, connecting the previous work in both theme and nature. It would expand the ideas, giving additional support).
  2. Thesis – Explain why your point of view is correct, connecting it to the context offered in the first paragraph. Make sure that the argument is solid yet precise, ensuring that the reader is able to follow along with your line of thinking.
  3. Support – Give evidence supporting your thesis. Make sure to reference credible sources, using proper citation form. While you can use your own opinions to “share” your writing, this is not the place nor the situation. Make sure that you are using third-person pronouns, giving the writing an air of professionalism.
  4. Conclusion – If this is a single-paragraph writing assignment, this is the place to “bring it altogether” and solidify your position. If the assignment is longer, the paragraph conclusion should wrap up the points made in the previous writing, transitioning to the next body of text. Do not write for the same of writing, choosing your words properly and for utility.
Concept Map
If you are every stuck, trying using a concept map like the example provided above. Feel free to download and print it out, transfering your thoughts onto the visual diagram. This is a great way to conceptualize your ideas, branching off into tangents and other directions. Make sure that you do not go too much off topic! Remember, you are looking for context and support ideas.
Step By Step Instructions
  1. Topic – hockey
  2. Context – hockey is fun but very expensive
  3. Problem – hockey is only accessible to students with families than can afford it.
  4. Solution.- The league should charge a little bit extra to most students, allowing for scholarships.
  5. Thesis – Since hockey is so important to Canada a whole, we should find ways to finance students who come from low-income backgrounds.

Introduction – Hockey is Canada’s most popular sport, with it defining our culture, language, and identity.

Context – While it is fun to both watch and play, it requires a huge financial investment for competitions and equipment.

Problem – This creates a division in society, with some students wanting to play hockey but cannot due to reasons beyond their control.

Solution – In the case that a player wants to join, but cannot, a special fund can be generated specifically for this purpose. This can be accomplished by changing a little bit extra per student, or holding a raffle or fundraiser.

Conclusion – In order to ensure that everyone has a chance to play, we should work with charities and government agencies to access funding, giving everyone a chance to play our Winter National Sport.

Tips For Parents

  1. If you do not know the answer to a question, look online for guidance. I find that Quora is quite useful for all subjects.
  2. Make friends with your kids’ homeroom teachers. If you are friendly and kind, chances are that they will go out of their way to give your child extra help (if needed).
  3. If you have multiple children, have them read each other’s responses. Have them ask each other questions, noticing spelling mistakes or other areas for improvement.
  4. If your child is in the younger years (K-5) or ESL, I recommend that you use the free worksheets by clicking here. You can either print them off or doing the work with the screen, writing down the answers with a pen and a paper.
  5. Instead of being a passive parent, take an active role in your children’s education. When reading their work, make sure to ask questions. Curiosity is the great motivator of all things, driving us towards greatness, whatever direction that may be.
This is a picture of myself and my baby son Asher, back about a year ago. He is much larger now. My wife and I love to read to him as much as he can, with him reaching over to books, rather than toys.

How Dope is a Leafs Game? 22 Nov 2022, 10:48 am

So I am a Toronto guy, through and through. As was the case today, Toronto has the highest ticket cost in the league, making it difficult to acquire a seat during game-day. It was my anniversary and my wife and I went to Scotiabank Area to catch the matchup against the New York Islanders.

I got our seats on Stubhub, which is a legitimate third-party ticket exchange platform. It costs just over $300 for our tickets, which is quite reasonable considering the quality of the vantage point. We were sitting right in the middle, just way up in the nosebleeds. As everyone there said (and agreed with), there isn’t a bad scene in entire complex.

This exact shot was taken from near the gate entrance not from our seat. Assuming you have decent vision (or brought your glasses like myself) everything is fully visable, the puck included. There were times when I was checking out the screen, mostly if my neck was kinked from looking down so much. With some premium tickets going for thousands of dollars, perhaps I can massage out some coin to see a chiropractor!

Eating At the Scotiabank Area

If you can think of a food, from any country, you will find it offered somewhere in the concourse. My wife and I like going to the Bay Street Deli, the Kosher option available on the first floor. It is super delicious and many of the customers were not Jewish. Not wife and I are not Orthodox Jews but like the taste of their food, especially when it is drenched in sauteed onions and vegetables. I grew up in Thornhill and I prefer Kosher whenever it is available to me.

I have had most of their items and it is all perfect in every way. Their hotdogs are worth the money, even they though are quite expensive. I saw that the non-Kosher option was $8 or so dollars, not too far the price offered by Bay Street Deli. Just a heads up to non-Jewish friends, they will not be open on Friday (or Saturday nights) due to the laws surrounding the Sabbath.

Toronto Maple Leaf Swag

It was amazing to see so many sales on merchandize. Most things were “buy one, get one 50% off” or placed on a discount table. We bought a couple things for the family, some of which are secret gifts for the holidays. I think that this may have be connected to the Black Holiday holiday, something which really isn’t celebrated here in Canada. In fact, this was the best promotional sale that I have ever seen for Black Friday in Canada. Thinking back on it, I should have bought more things since this was the perfect opportunity to finish gift gifting.

Was It Worth It?

Hockey Is Awesome!!!

The above picture is of myself with Elliotte Friedman, a noted Canadian hockey broadcaster. For hockey fans like myself, this is our version of a celebrity. Canadian celebrities are very friendly and approachable.

The game cost money but not that much money. I would recommend that everyone brings their family to at least one game, provided that they live in the Greater Toronto Area. Is is the place where magic happens, with the arena packed with electricity and enthusiasm.

If you want to save money, you can always buy a discount ticket and eat a hot dog outside!


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