Have You Been a Victim of Revenge Porn? 28 Feb 2022, 3:25 am



Revenge porn is when someone shares sexually explicit images or videos of another person without their consent, whether it be online or offline, with the aim of causing distress or harm.
Revenge porn can fall under Cyber Crime and convictions can fall under various acts depending on age and content of the material. If found guilty, the suspect could be imposed to serve 2 years' imprisonment.

With the development of technology such as mobile camera technology and digital media the sharing of sexual messages has become the norm.

However, once the video has been sent the sender no longer has control of the image or video and this can then be shared on all forms of social media, reaching potentially millions of viewers.

Since April recent legislation changes has made revenge porn a specific criminal offence that means that offenders caught sharing revenge porn images online can face prosecution and land up to convicted a maximum of 2 years in prison.

Here are five things that revenge porn solicitors/lawyer wish you knew about revenge porn and how the law can work for you


They can be removed

You can get the pictures taken down, you may think that once indecent images are on the web that nothing can be done, but your lawyer/solicitor can fight to get these images/videos removed and have been doing so long before the new law was created.

Your London Solicitor's that specialise in revenge porn cases are involved in a lot of internet clean up and it's not as hard as you may think.

If you've taken the photo yourself then you usually own its copyright and without your permission this counts as copyright infringement.

2. Legal action doesn't mean you must go to court

If you go to your solicitor for advice we can send official letters to the person who posted your pictures explaining that they can be sued or go to prison for damages.

Your London solicitor would send a serious letter explaining the consequences of their actions, this can help stop the perpetrator and make them realise that they need to remove any indecent pictures off the internet.

3. The law is on your side

The new revenge family therapy porn legislation means that the law is on your side and you will be taken seriously by the police and your London solicitor. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because you sent the pictures to the person that put the indecent image online that it is somehow your fault.
Just because the image was sent with your initial consent this does not stop the sharing of the image an offence.

4. It's important to secure the evidence

It can be hard and awkward to show more people the indecent image however it is important to show the police the image or video that has been posted online so that your solicitor has evidence to help you win your revenge porn case.

The police also have the power to seize evidence, including computers and computer data.

5. Don't retaliate

If you've just seen your private pictures posted online then you may want to get your revenge on your ex, however this will make everything worse and could see you getting yourself in trouble with the police.
The best thing to do is either contact a solicitor that specialises in revenge porn to sort out the evidence and get a case against them.

Revenge porn is usually committed by ex-partners or someone you know. It is a violation of privacy and can cause humiliation and distress.

Sexually explicit images or videos not only covers material that shows genitals but also anything that a reasonable person would consider as sexual, including posing in a provocative way or engaging in sexual behaviour.

Prevent yourself from becoming victim of revenge porn

The best way to stop revenge porn happening to you is to not send anything.
Regardless of how you send it or how much you think you know the person receiving the material, think carefully, is it worth it? Check your privacy settings of online accounts regularly and don't share personal information or contact details online. Once anything is published online, it can be hard to take it down. Don't keep sexual material of yourself on your devices and keep passwords private and different.

If someone manages to hack into your device, they could access everything you have on it.

If you think you are victim to revenge porn, report it straight away. Contact the website or media it is on, contact the police and get evidence by taking photos or screenshots of it.
Finally contact the Revenge Porn Helpline or our Revenge Porn Solicitors, London. At Stuart Miller Solicitors, we have expert Revenge Porn Lawyers in London that will help you fight your case and get you the justice you deserve.


Stuart Miller Solicitors is an experienced, innovative and professional solicitors firm that offers comprehensive legal solutions for criminal offence.


Thiết Kế Website Theo Yêu Cầu - Thiết Kế Web Chuyên Nghiệp Chuẩn SEO 28 Feb 2022, 3:21 am


HTML5, CSS3 có thể nói đây là một trong những công nghệ phổ biến từ những năm 2014, 2015 đến năm 2016 thực sự nó đã bùng nổ tại thị trường Việt Nam do những lợi ích mà nó mang lại cho cả người dùng lẫn các chiến dịch marketing online (trong SEO). Chính vì vậy đây có thể xem là một trong những tiêu chuẩn để đánh giá sự chuyên nghiệp nhờ cấu trúc của HTML5, CSS3 rất thân thiện với những con bot và với người dùng thì nó sẽ giúp website bạn load trang nhanh và hiệu quả hơn. CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter là framework PHP mạnh mẽ với footprint rất nhỏ, dành cho các lập trình viên cần một bộ công cụ đơn giản và thông minh để tạo ra các ứng dụng web với đầy đủ các tính năng. JQuery: JQuery là thư viện JavaScript nhanh, nhỏ và có nhiều tính năng.

thiết kế webLập trình web bằng python là như thế nào? Python là một trong những ngôn ngữ lập trình cấp cao hướng tới đối tượng chủ yếu là những người dùng để phát triển website. Python được ra mắt đầu tiên vào năm 1991 bởi Guido van Rossum. Nó được thiết kế web giá rẻ congtyseo kế với ưu điểm là dễ đọc - dễ học - dễ nhớ. Python là ngôn ngữ có hình thức sáng sủa, có cấu trúc rõ ràng và thuận tiện cho những người mới học lập trình web. Lập trình web bằng python là như thế nào? Các nhà phát triển có thể đọc và dịch mã ngôn ngữ lập trình Python dễ dàng hơn rất nhiều so với những ngôn ngữ khác.

  • Hỗ trợ danh mục đa cấp
  • Chi tiết sản phẩm
  • Sử dụng bố cục website đã được xây dựng theo mẫu
  • Tìm hiểu cách tạo vùng chọn và các thao tác cơ bản trong Photoshop

Bạn không nên đưa mọi thông tin chi tiết lên giao diện Portfolio chính, tại đây nên để vài bức ảnh thể hiện tổng quan cùng những mục chính là đủ, tránh rườm rà và kê khai chi tiết. Để tạo ấn tượng với người xem và thể hiện được những thế mạnh của mình, bạn nên chọn những dự án thành công, nhận được nhiều đánh giá cao từ người xem để đưa lên portfolio của mình. Ngoài ra, nên lựa chọn những hình ảnh độc đáo bởi nó sẽ tác động tới hành vi người dùng có click vào dự án đó xem hay không.

Mặc dù đã có nhiều thông tin đồn đoán về thời điểm tổ chức cũng như những sản phẩm nào sẽ được Samsung công bố tại sự kiện Unpacked 2022. Tuy nhiên, khi mọi thứ vẫn chỉ dừng lại ở mức độ rò rỉ, một CEO của Samsung gần đây đã "bật mí" các thông tin quan trọng cho thấy rằng, Galaxy S22 series "chắc chắn" sẽ góp mặt trong sự kiện sắp tới. Vào rạng sáng nay, Apple đã phát hành iOS 15.3 RC (Release Candidate) dành cho các nhà phát triển và nhóm người dùng đăng ký tham gia chương trình beta.

Nếu bạn là bạn đang tìm kiếm thêm thông tin liên quan đến thiết kế web giá rẻ congtyseo nhìn vào trang web.

Artvigil: Can A Pill Make You Smarter? 28 Feb 2022, 3:18 am

 Artvigil is a nootropic. It's an addition. It's a potent mix of armodafinil. It can help people suffering from sleep disorders such as chronic narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Have less fatigue (OSA). Artvigil has been shown to be effective in helping people stay awake during shifts and sleepiness at work.s

It also boosts cognitive capabilities and brain function, as well as the ability to focus and motivate others. The effects of drowsiness make it difficult to stay awake and not feel exhausted. The medicine may improve the brain's ability to think by altering neurotransmitters and neurotransmitters inside the central nervous system in the apex area of the brain.


In accordance with theories, this drug can increase the levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that regulate the process of sleep and awakening. Due to the way that they affect neurons, it is possible to experience fatigue for a long time. It's a type of Artvigil that's use to alleviate fatigue. It's classify as a nootropic and is use to boost cognitive performance, the level of energy, focus, and concentration.

Dosing Instructions

It is critical to speak with the physician who prescribed your prescription to discover the proper dosage and dosage instructions. Don't self-medicate.

The most effective dose of Artvigil could be as low as 150 mg daily. If you suffer from narcolepsy, or OSA, the medication should be taken in the early hours of the morning.

Patients taking a drug that doesn't require other medications, such as Artvigil, have been prescribe by doctors to help reduce fatigue during work shifts. It is recommend to take it at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your shift.

The pill can be used alone or in combination with other medications, liquids, or meals. It is suggest to consume plenty of fluids to be sure that this medication has been consume.

Stay up-to-date with the latest technology to be on the cutting edge of technological advances. Technology might not always yield the results you'd prefer to see.

Storage and disposal

It is recommend that the Artvigil 150 tablets be kept out of the reach of pets and children. Tablets must be kept at a temperature similar to that in your home. It is essential to make sure that your tablet is free from direct UV light, extreme temperatures, and even water.

Store this nootropic in a safe location to prevent accidental usage or degradation. Make a note of the number of tablets you're taking.

Tablets purchase from Walmart that weren't utilize prior to the expiration date or weren't being utilize should be remove with care. It is crucial to ensure that tablets are not being use by children.

Talk to your doctor about the best method to get rid of the prescription. This is the most effective way to get rid of old medication.


These medical conditions are not consider to be a valid reason to consume Artvigil tablets.

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Hypertension can be extremely dangerous when it's not properly manage.
  • Armodafinil hypersensitivity
  • A malformation of the liver and the function of the kidneys
  • Bipolar disorder or depression
  • Mental or depressive illnesses

The most frequently report adverse side effect is fatigue.

  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

Contact a physician if you are experiencing a serious reaction to any medication. The majority of people taking the medication do not suffer adverse reactions if the dosage is administere exactly as prescribe. If there is an excess dosage, this can be consider an overdose.

It's the most effective method to help you get your day off to a good start and feel refresh.

The recommended Artvigil dosage is recommend for people who are taking the drug for the first time.

  • If you're experiencing insomnia or any sleep-related problem, it is recommend to start your day with one cup of water.
  • If you're experiencing difficulties or having difficulty working, you might need outside assistance prior to the beginning of your hour-long shift.
  • Be aware of possible negative effects of alcohol prior to starting this medication since it could have negative effects.
  • One pill per day is the most effective dosage for this treatment.
  • Beware of using tablets longer than the recommended amount of time, as it could lead to dependence.
  • The medicine can be taken in conjunction with meals or without food.

Warnings and precautions

Before beginning the treatment, you must inform your physician that you've experience allergic reactions or reactions to medications such as armodafinil and modafinil, specifically.

It is recommended that prior to starting this medication, you begin with a multivitamin or other supplement made of natural components.

If you are concern about taking excessive amounts of alcohol or other stimulants, it is recommend that you speak with your physician before taking any medication.

Before beginning treatment, talk about any concerns you might have about your kidneys, liver, blood, and any organs with your doctor.

It is also recommend that you consult an expert if you think that you're pregnant while taking this medicine.

The effects of medication may affect your cognitive abilities as well as your capacity to make decisions. This is why it is not recommend to ride or drive a vehicle in order to enhance the cognitive abilities of your child.

Provigil vs. Artvigil 150: What's the difference?

It's the Artvigil 150 that has been identify as the major source of armodafinil. Provigil also contains modafinil. Both racemic medications share the identical chemical formula. Since their doses and weights are comparable, they can make use of them to increase the efficacy and safety. Medicine.

Get Special Offers on Blind Box for Rolife | Nanci Dolls | Yoola 28 Feb 2022, 3:16 am


If you are someone fascinated by the world of miniatures, you must be aware of Rolife. Rolife creates miniature DIY sets, dollhouses, and figurines which are known for their adorable look and details. Rolife creates a wide variety of products that are designed as craft ideas for kids so that they can assemble together a dollhouse or a puzzle which is as beautiful to look at as it is fun to craft. The popularity of these Rolife products is so much that websites are even offering special offers on the Rolife blind box, and the prices are now so attractive, it would be impossible to keep your hands off of these fun blind boxes.

Exciting Facts About the Rolife Blind Box

The Rolife Blind Box is a very exciting thing in itself. But what makes these boxes even better is the wide variety of options available for purchase. Whether you want the Nanci Blind Box or the Yoola Blind Box, Rolife has several options for you. The Rolife Nanci dolls are one of the most popular figurines sold and are the most demanded product of all time.

Another very exciting fact is that the Rolife Nanci figurines come in various themes, and there are new themes continuously being designed. This ensures that your collection keeps on growing and that you have a lot of fun crafting these new miniatures with your children. 

The Rolife Blind box is also exciting because since it is a blind box, you as a customer are unaware of which figurine you will end up getting until the time you have actually received and opened it. In the world of online shopping, a little mystery shopping is always fun, and rolife blind boxes allow just that, and that too at very affordable prices.

Why Is a Blind Box a Perfect Surprise?

A blind box is a perfect surprise because it gives you presents and orders a certain mystery. While you may order one theme with some limited characters, you are still never aware of which figurine you would end up getting. If you want to gift yourself something special, which is also pocket-friendly and also want to surprise yourself, then a blind box is the best option for you. Suitable for different occasions, it is an amazing choice for collectors and character enthusiasts.

Additionally, if you want to surprise someone close to you but have a hard time keeping secrets and end up spoiling your surprise, these boxes are your best friend. Since you would also be unaware of what you are getting, there is no way you can spoil a surprise.

For families ordering for kids, these blind boxes are a godsend. You can even engage your kid and see the ordering part as an activity itself. Children will be filled with anticipation and be extremely excited by what they get in their mystery packages. They can choose from a range of their favorite characters and still be surprised with styles and poses.

The Appeal of Character Figurines

Character figurines are more appealing now to people than ever before. More and more people are now leaning towards having their own collections of various things, and figurines are at the top of that list. Especially when the figurines become part of a series, people always want to collect all of the figurines to complete their entire collection. 

Blind Boxes come in two forms- you can either purchase one figurine at a time which will not only keep the mystery alive but is also a game of chance, as you may get the same figurine more than once. On the other hand, you can straightaway order your complete set of figurines so as to avoid any such occurrence and always have your collection completed. 

The characters hold a special appeal as they are very adorable, making them the cutest additions to your figurine collections, and are still very detailed in the making, which signifies that there was no compromise in quality or creativity when making these figurines. With a variety of poses and styles, you enjoy having them on your shelf, safe in their casing. 

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