Indian Parenting Blog

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Cervical Cancer : Everything You Should Know 4 Feb 2024, 6:54 am

Cervical cancer , a disease formerly perceived as fatal and surrounded by secrecy, has over the past few decades become one of the most preventable. However, cervical cancer remains a major problem even now mainly in those regions of the world where routine screening and human papillomavirus vaccination are not accessible to many patients.

What is cervical cancer?

This cancer develops because of abnormal cells on the cervix growing uncontrollably. Most of these abnormal cell changes grow slowly and can be discovered easily many years before cancer develops through usual screening such as Pap tests. It has to be appreciated that the majority of adult women have some abnormal cervical cells at one stage in their lifetime although very few will progress into cancer. It is reported that the leading cause of cervical cancer are consistent HPV infections with select strains of the virus.

Cervical cancer has no visible symptoms in its initial stages and that is why regular screening of this disease is so vital for early detection. As the cancer progresses, it may cause pelvic pain, sexual intercourse discomfort increases or there is abnormal vaginal bleeding and discharge. This type of cervical cancer at early stages is usually cured by surgery, radio and chemotherapies done individually but which integral number mostly depends on several conditions.

Types of cervical cancer

There are two primary types of cervical cancer: squamous cell carcinoma that develops on the flat and thin cells located at the bottom of the cervix, and adenocarcinoma occurring in glandular cells which are normally found covering the top part of the cervix.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

Although the initial stages of cervical cancer do not have obvious symptoms, this condition finally develops various signs and signals as it advances. Women may have abnormal and continuous vaginal discharge, which is clear as water but can also be thick in consistency characterized with an offensive smell.

Another sign that is widely prevalent among women refers to abnormal bleeding, which includes unscheduled vaginal discharge outside the monthly menstrual cycle as well as such discharges after having sex or when menopause already. In case of an abnormally long or heavy menstrual flow, unusual bleeding is crucial to visit a physician for quick treatment and diagnosis.

Moreover, with the development of cancer a person may have pelvic ache or even feel discomfort during sex that also requires prompt visit to doctor. Unintended weight loss, weakness or tiredness and pain in the lower back can also be accompanied by symptoms but less characteristic manifestation of cervical cancer that might signal different health conditions.

It is therefore important that one should make a point of having regular medical examinations because some symptoms coincide with other disorders and are supposed to contact the physician in case of developing any irregular signs for relevant screening tests.

Causes of cervical cancer

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection

HPV is a group of 100+ virus strains. Fourteen of these strains are considered high-risk strains that lead to cervical cancer. There are two strains in particular, HPV 16 and HPV 18, that are associated with cervical cancer and are accountable for around 70% of all cases.


Another parameter which is responsible for increasing the risk factor of cervical cancer among women is smoking. The risk of getting cervical cancer is almost double among women who smoke than those who do not. Compounds in tobacco are able to cause the damage of cells’ DNA, which leads to their malignity including those located in cervical tissue. In addition, smoking attenuates the immune system’s capability to repel HPV infections and inhibit irregularity of cells that can afterward turn into cancerous.

Prolonged Use of Contraceptive Pills

There is an increased risk of cervical cancer among the women using oral contraceptives for a long time (over 5 years). These pills have hormones that may spur the growth of ‘bad’ cells in the cervix. Nonetheless, this risk is reduced upon discontinuation of the contraceptive pills and has been shown to return back to being almost normal after 10 years of stopping.

Having a Weak Immune System

The immune system is an important factor in avoiding cancers such as cervical carcinoma. Females with a weak immunity system, for example those infected by HIV AIDS are more prone to the HPV infections and thus often develop cervical cancer. The immune system’s functionality is reduced, thereby hampering the body in fighting early invasive cancer and managing HPV infections.

In conclusion, HPV serves as the main source for causing cervical cancer. There are other risk factors found in a woman’s body which make her vulnerable to this type of cancer. It is crucial to recognize such risk factors and take adequate safety measures like routine screenings, good lifestyle practices to mitigate the chances of getting cervical cancer. Understanding these risks can help a woman to take control of her life and try as much as they can at the present moment.

Tests women should consider after 30

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Republic Day 2024: 5 Things to Teach Your Kids 25 Jan 2024, 1:42 am

As Republic Day 2024 is near, it’s a moment to share to our children the significance of this notable day. This day is not just some holiday to fly kites or to watch the grand parade on TV, but a time of remembering the adoption of our constitution which forms the basis of our democratic nation.

Therefore, how can we make use of this day as a learning avenue to our children? How can we ensure that they acquire the essence of our Republic day celebrations such as patriotism, unity, and also acceptance of diversity? In this article, we will get into five essential learning points to give your children on such a great day; thus it won’t just be for the fun of it but as well an education process.

Significance of National Anthem:

The National Anthem of our country is not only a tune which accompanies the opening ceremony on different events but also an emotional essence of development, achievements and traditional values. One of these days is the fact that singing our National Anthem to our children should be an act of respect and pride, a paying homage towards those who made extraordinary sacrifices in fighting for their freedom.

This can be highlighted by telling anecdotes, or incidents relevant to our country’s struggle for independence so that the song is not just some words but a sincere salute towards what motivates us as citizens of this great nation. In addition, make your children learn what the National Anthem means so as to sing the stanzas with vigor and understanding each line.

Teach gratefulness:

Gratitude is an important virtue to instill in children, as it helps them appreciate what we can enjoy today like freedom. Republic Day serves as a suitable time to enlighten them about the sacrifices and hardships that our freedom fighters went through in order to win us independence. What we are able to enjoy- everything that makes us feel comfortable, and all the liberties of today is due to fighting for it tirelessly.

To make them understand this you should tell stories of our heroic martyrs and the undying spirit that they had. Inform them about the many challenges endured by such people and how important it is for us to be thankful with whatever we have.

Exploring our history:

India’s history is a rich tapestry of events, personalities, and triumphs. Our history teaches us many lessons about our present and also tomorrow. The history of our country can be a good fascination for your children, like the Republic Day.

For the younger children, tell stories that are very simple and also interesting about historical occurrences. For the older children, initiate conversations on historical happenings, how they affected the people and ultimately what was learnt from them. It is good to motivate oneself and themselves by reading history books, watching documentaries about historical features or movies regarding historic life amongst us.

Make them feel proud about our Tiranga:

Our Tiranga is a symbol of our nation’s unity, integrity as well as invincibility. Our children have to be educated about how important this flag is, its designs and the underlying messages in its colors as well as symbols. Tell them that the saffron represents courage and sacrifice, also white denotes peace whereas green stands for fertility and prosperity. The Ashoka Chakra in the middle represents righteousness and also progress.

On that day when we will raise our flag and sing the national anthem, it is a time of great honor because this act creates a deep respect. Inspire your kids to observe these practices during the Republic Day. Also in addition to this, let them also know about The Flag Code of India. It is imperative that they learn the honor and decorum with which this manifestation of our country’s soul should be treated.

Significance about our glorious parade:

The grand Republic Day parade is not merely a visual treat but it also a living testament to our nation’s inherent diversity and military power merged with cultural heritage. Staged at the majestic Rajpath, in this parade our military strength is displayed with the modern weapons, tanks and fighter planes. Just as captivating are the colorful exhibits from different states, with each having its own gripping story.

Also read about –  Creative Ideas to Celebrate Republic Day With Kids

Engaging children in the parade watching either live or on television offers an informative and also fun-filled moment. You should make them understand the meaning of that parade, how it started historically and give them a hint of planning which is always done to make sure such an annual event remains something they will alway want to be part of every year.

To summarize, the Republic Day is not just a holiday but an event that communicates to our children about patriotism and positions of things our country values most as symbols. We must ensure that they understand the importance of this day and also encourage them to grow up as responsible citizens abiding by the integrity of India.

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Health Benefits of Matcha You Should Know 24 Jan 2024, 1:54 am

Matcha is a powdered form of specially grown green tea in Japan and various other regions. It has also become popular because of being unique and having various health benefits. Most recent, it has found universal fame as a super food and its antioxidant packed nature is linked with various physical and psychological benefits. This article provides an in-depth look at the health benefits that you can get from Matcha.

It gives you an energy boost:

In contrast to the instant surge provided by regular caffeine drinks, Matcha offers a milder and longer lasting energy boost that is free from jittery side effects or inconvenient crashes. This is because of the special combination it has, which is caffeine and L-theanine – an amino acid found in Matcha that provides relaxation. Theanine also slows down the release of caffeine ensuring a consistent boost that can prolong up to six hours.

In addition, Matcha does not increase the blood pressure or heart rate; therefore it is considered a safer substitute to traditional energy drinks and cups of coffee. This makes Matcha perfect for individuals in need of a clear alertness, which can be from early morning wake-ups to an afternoon recharge or late-night studying or projects.

Keeps your body calmer:

Matcha is also popular for its relaxation benefits beside energy. L-theanine in Matcha has been associated with increased production of alpha waves which is a state that brings both relaxation and attentiveness to the brain. These alpha waves are the same ones that occur during meditation which reduces stress but also improves mood while increasing concentration or memory capacity.

For hundreds of years, Monks taking a buddhist practice have been drinking Matcha during meditation sessions to keep them focussed and alert when practicing mindfulness for long hours. The L-theanine in Matcha is known to help produce serotonin and dopamine neurochemicals that elevate mood, improve memory as well provide effective concentration.

Boost of antioxidants:

Matcha contains high levels of antioxidants that are important because they fight against lifelong conditions and maintain overall health. Specifically, matcha is a rich source of antioxidants known as catechins especially Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). Research has demonstrated that EGCG is remarkably efficient in combating radicals and free stress while the latter results in a long term disease such as cancer, cardiovascular-vascular diseases (CVD), and neurodegenerative changes.

Matcha also has antioxidants that are important when it comes to having a healthy skin. They restore mature or older skin, which means regenerating and protecting cells from degradation that may be caused by UV rays and toxic environmental materials. By fighting cellular-level inflammation and oxidative stress, these antioxidants can help the skin retain its youthful tone by improving elasticity and texture. So, apart from improving your health from the inside out there is matcha diet which even makes a huge contribution to your outer state skin that will simply glow in power and radiance.

Helps with weight loss:

Matcha can be the perfect partner in your weight loss process if you want to get rid of a few extra pounds. Catechins found in matcha have a metabolic effect that promotes the burning of fats even more than other green teas. Furthermore, the many antioxidants in it help regulate blood sugar levels and curb desires for foods high in sugars.

L-theanine, an amino acid that helps the body to relax and lower stress levels is also found in matcha. Through incorporating matcha in your day to day life, emotional eating that arises from stress or anxiety will be kept at bay hence effective weight management. Having a healthy metabolism and lowering the stress, matcha would assist you in reaching your desirable weight.

Protects your immune system:

Matcha tea is an incredibly strong source of essential elements, which can strengthen your immune system. Such antioxidants actively move around, absorbing harmful pathogens and reducing the chances of infections at large while strengthening one’s immune system.

Furthermore, matcha tea has a range of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C selenium chromium zinc magnesium. All these contains are very essential for a strong immune system and all the remedy works to maintain general good health. Drinking matcha regularly can make the immune system healthy which will enable your body to resist diseases and fight infections. Also, it has an added advantage that its anti-inflammatory characteristics can help to fight inflammation as well raise the level of immunity.

Best for detox:

One of the key health benefits that come with matcha is its ability to detoxify by containing a high level source of dietary fiber. This powerful green tea powder supports good digestion by encouraging the natural detoxification process of eliminating harmful toxins from this system. This helps in natural detoxification for efficient bowel movements free from the occurrence of constipation problems. Therefore, consuming matcha on a daily basis cleanses you internally and will make the gut healthy resulting in overall well-being.

In addition, chlorophyll that is abundant in matcha is a potent chelator initiating the process of detoxifiation by removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body. The bright green pigmentation in the coloration of match is also responsible for cleansing blood and preserving this fluid together with its tissues alkaline. Therefore, using matcha in your diet gives you the sure way of ensuring a good detox from toxics and thus maintaining complete health. Regular usage of matcha may thus lead to a cleansed, revived system and enhance overall wellness.

To summarize, matcha is a package of healthy advantages. This superfood can work miracles on your entire body, from weight loss to brain function and immunity as well as detoxification. Thus, why do not we try to add matcha into our everyday life and get all of these incredible health benefits? With them, you’ll get everything from regular green tea to matcha-flavored lattes or even various food varieties with this ingredient inside so that no one would ever notice adding it into their diet. Take in a little at first and slowly work your way to it until you can discover how healthier matcha is for you.


The post Health Benefits of Matcha You Should Know appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

Effective Ways to Treat Head Lice at Home 22 Jan 2024, 1:53 am

Head lice infestation, although common and relatively harmless, can cause significant discomfort among children Even though there are so many over-the-counter types of remedies and a list of procedures offered by professional estheticians, they can be too aggressive or expensive at times. 

In this article, we will cover some of the effective solutions that are harmless and can be used at home just as well. However, knowledge of these methods and correct application can be helpful in reducing the disturbance caused by head lice as well as providing relief promptly.

What causes head lice?

Head lice infestations are caused by the Pediculus humanus capitis insect. These insects are very small and they feed on the blood of humans, while laying their eggs called nits at the base of the scalp. The fallacy behind the phenomenon is associating a head lice infection with personal cleanliness.

Direct head to head contact is the primary mode of lice transmission; therefore, children and nearby family members are at greatest risk. Transmission can also occur during the sharing of personal items such as combs, hats or pillows which were used by someone infected with lice. 

But it should be remembered that lice cannot jump or fly; they crawl, and so the difference between people with head lice clearly is not far apart from each other. The head lice infestations mostly affect the children of school age due to their living together in schools.

Home remedies that work in treating lice on heads


Vinegar has a quick benefit that it can be used as a non-toxic disinfectant. It has acetic acid in it, which can kill lice and also help to lose its hold on the hair follicles that make them easier to eliminate. For vinegar treatment of lice, mix equal parts with water and apply the mixture to hair and scalp. Let it sit for one hour and thereafter wash it away completely. You should brush the hair using a fine-toothed comb for removal of dead lice and eggs. Do this every second or third day until all lice are destroyed.

Olive Oil

Head lice can be suffocated and killed with olive oil. It also helps in moisturizing the head, preventing its itchiness and irritability. In order to apply olive oil for lice, it should be warmed and a small amount is applied all over the scalp as well on hair in such a way that it reaches an area packed. Leave this on overnight, rinse within the morning using regular shampoo. Follow this process for one week to ensure that all lice and eggs are dead.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a strong herbal insect repellent and germicide. It has the ability to kill head lice and it can also calm nerves in the scalp. However, considering its strength, it should never be directly applied to the skin. As an alternative, blend several drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like olive or coconut and put on the combination to scalp as well hair. Allow it to stay on for one hour, and you can remove the mixture by rinsing them away at combed with a louse comb. Repeat this exercise on an everyday basis until completely treated from lice.


Garlic contains strong antimicrobial agents which can eliminate the lice. To treat lice, crush eight to ten cloves of garlic and mix them with three tablespoons of lime juice. Then, apply the mix to the scalp and keep it for one hour before washing with warm water. Do this twice every week until the lice disappear.

Neem Oil

Neem oil can be used against lice to stop the itching. It also adds to no ability of lice laying eggs and thus assists in alleviating the spreading. For lice treatment with needed oil, formulate it in the carrier oil and apply it on the scalp and hair. Keep it for one hour and rinse the comb carefully. Do this treatment every day until after some time lice are all gone and it should take about five to ten days.


Mayonnaise or oil as a mixture will suffocate lice, and the greasiness of mayonnaise makes it hard for them to hold onto hair. To use mayonnaise as a head lice treatment, start by covering your scalp and hair with it in thick layers. Keep it overnight and rinse with normal shampoo in the morning. Carry on doing this daily for a week to make certain that all the lice and eggs are dead.

When should one look for professional help with head lice?

Home treatment can be successful in managing head lice infestation, proper professional intervention is necessary if the parasitic insects prevail despite these attempts or cause a scalp infection due to severe itching. Head lice are highly infectious and can escalate at a fast rate thus the need to address it in good time using effective strategies.

It is where professional treatments help you with faster solutions. Professional treatment includes powerful prescription medications all for the purpose of clearing lice and their eggs. You can use these professional products for quick and better results as compared to treating the same at home. They should be used with the supervision of a healthcare giver, to guarantee that they are safe and effective. Moreover, a professional is able to give recommendations on how this issue can be avoided in the future like not sharing hair accessories and checking regular for lice.

To summarize, take advantage of the home remedies described above to treat head lice successfully and consider professional treatment if required. It is possible to manage lice infractions and eradicate them completely with adequate care. Moreover, learning about preventing and detecting lice can prevent a similar infection later. However, it is important to keep in mind that the advice of a healthcare provider’s guidance is necessary whenever one requires knowing what is the best solution that works for them for treating head lice.


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Lip-Smacking & Quick-To-Make Sweet Pongal Recipe for Beginners 14 Jan 2024, 11:53 pm

A classic dish right from the southern part of India, Pongal is not only a blissful comfort food but also an iconic cultural delicacy. It is one of those dishes that will make people relinquish their comforts and indulge in it again and again! 

What is sweet Pongal made of?

Sweet Pongal, also referred to as Sakkarai Pongal or Chakkara Pongali is a luscious delicacy which justifies itself with regard to its taste and cultural importance. It consists mainly of rice and moong dal. This dish has sweetness from jaggery which also adds to the distinct flavored nature of this Pongal and will give a brownish color.

Sweet Pongal is also incredibly tasty and indeed a taste bud delight when made in a generous amount of ghee, garnished with cashews, raisins, and flavored with hints of cardamom. So, without further ado, let’s get into what you’ll be needing for this mouthwatering dish.

Making sweet Pongal is not that difficult; in most cases you will find the ingredients easily available at your kitchen. On this note, let’s look at the list of ingredients you’ll need for our quick-to-make sweet Pongal recipe:

  • 1 cup of raw rice
  • ½ cup moong dal (split yellow lentils)
  • 1 cup jaggery, grated or chopped
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup milk
  • ¼ teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons ghee
  • ¼ cup cashews, halved
  • 2 tablespoons raisins

Steps to make sweet Pongal:

  • Soak the moong dal and rice in water.
  • Put the soaked rice and moong dal with 4 cups of water In a pressure cooker; cook it for 4-5 whistles.
  • Open it and mash lightly using a ladle to mix cooked rice and dal.
  • Take 2-3 spoons of ghee and fry cashews till golden brown.
  • In the same pan, put some raisins and roast until they puff. Take them out of the pan.
  • In another pan, take 1 cup of jaggery and add it to boiling water. Allow it to melt and boil until thick syrup is formed.
  • Finely strain the jaggery syrup to take out all impurities, and add it into your mashed rice and dal mixture.
  • It should then be mixed well together with 1 cup of milk, cardamom powder and a pinch of salt. Allow it to simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • Heat the remaining ghee in a small pan, and then add cashews as well as raisins with ghee. Stir fry for a few seconds and pour it into the sweet Pongal mixture.
  • Stir all the ingredients and keep a lid over the pot. Let it cook for 5 minutes on low heat.
  • Once ready, put some ghee from top and serve it warm.

How to make savory Pongal?

Savoury Pongal, also referred to as Ven Pongal is a delicious dish that has made its way into South Indian homes. This dish is typically taken at breakfast time and this delicacy combines rice and yellow lentil cooked together till their consistency becomes creamy. The splicing of black pepper, cumin, ginger and ghee gives the Ven Pongal a unique aroma.

For Savory Pongal, you will require 1 cup of rice – any variety depending on your choice or availability in the kitchen. Traditionally, the dish is garnished with ghee-fried cashews.. This dish involves similar preparations to how Sweet Pongal is made, but with a touch of savory into it, hence not only delicious in taste but also comforting and healthy.

To create Savoury Pongal, first put in a bowl and wash the rice as well as moong dal together until clear water runs. Then, you add them in a pressure cooker or pot with 4 cups of water based on the quantity that is enough for boiling. After it comes to a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low and keep on simmer for about 15 minutes or until rice and dal are cooked completely. 

In a small pan, heat it up and add cumin seeds along with black peppercorns and a very little quantity of hing. On the other hand, roast the spices until fragrant and pour them together with chopped ginger into rice-dal mixture just before serving; salt to taste. Finally, add two tablespoons of ghee for taste and richness.

In summary, Pongal is a healthy breakfast that can be made as either sweet or savory. The ingredients are simple, healthy and absolutely perfect for those who want to learn how to cook South Indian dishes. So try out these mouth-watering Pongal recipes and surprise your loved ones with your culinary talents! Moreover, do not limit yourself to just these two recipes – there are countless variations and add-ons that you can try out for creating your own Pongal.

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Everything you need to know about Makar Sankranti 2024 13 Jan 2024, 11:49 pm

Makar Sankranti festival is dedicated to Surya and marks the journey’s starting point. The sun makes its entrance route into Makara. At the onset of Uttarayana, it starts with northward movement by the sun, which is observed in such a spirited way. Despite the many ways people all over India and neighboring countries celebrate Makar Sankranti, its spirit never changes — praising new beginnings, richness, and prudence.

About Makar Sankranti

In 2024, Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on Monday, the 15th of January and generally, this festival is celebrated for three days.

The first day which is called Bhogi is for cleaning and getting ready for the upcoming events. People clean their houses and adorn them with beautiful traditional rangolis that are drawn using colored powders or flowers. They also sit together near the firelight and pray to their god of flares Lord Agni.

The second day is known as Makar Sankranti, and it forms the core of all celebratory activities. People rise early in the morning and take a sacred dip in rivers like Ganga, Yamuna or Godavari to rejuvenate themselves. They later worship sun god, and share til (sesame) and jaggery sweets which marks the bonds of unity. Another exciting event during this festival is kite flying, which portrays how a human spirit enjoys freedom and has no restrictions.

The third and the last day is called Kanya Sankranti or Uttarayan. This particular day is devoted to the worship of the wisdom deity known as Goddess Saraswati. On this day, children are told to start their formal education as it indicates the value of schooling in the Hindu culture.

In addition to these rituals and customary observances, Makar Sankranti also has an important significance in astrology. It is the day when they signal an end to winter and announce spring with even longer days that bring hope and light after a period of darkness. Coming about this time of the sun’s transition into capricorn is also said to bring good tidings and or opportunities.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated across various states of India with different cultural customs. It is referred to as Pongal in the southern states and Lohri in Punjab. In Assam, it is called Magh Bihu and on this occasion folk dancing and musical performances are enjoyed.

How to celebrate Makar Sankranti with family at home?

Getting ready for the festival:

Get up early and wear traditional attire. Decorate your house with rangoli, flowers and diyas to welcome positivity and good luck. Cleaning the house, especially the Pooja room as performing Puja is auspicious for devotees.

Teach your kids how to tie kite strings and decorate kites with bright colors while involving them in the preparations. This would not only make them happy, but also teach them about kites flying significance.

Puja rituals:

Make a special Pooja thali with til, flowers, kapoor dhoop and fruits. Chant mantras and perform aarti with your family to fill positive energy. You can make offerings of til laddoos, gajak and more traditional sweets before the deity.

Teach your kids that Makar Sankranti stands for much more than just the sun turning northwards and seek their participation in this important occasion of worship. This will make them appreciate their culture and traditions. Engage them in the preparation of dishes like til ke ladoo, chikki and khichdi.

Kite flying:

Kite flying is an important and the most fun-loaded part of Makar Sankranti. It is a sign of hope, positivity and delight. This day, take your family to the terrace or open place where you enjoy flying colorful kites, having a dish of traditional snacks such as chivda, popcorns, and gajak.

Host a kite flying contest for your children and their friends, or even neighbors to help encourage them. Not only will this create a feeling of comradeship but also help maintain the festive mood in accordance with it. Allow your children to make their own kite and let them do some décor using their imaginations.

Organize a short sunny picnic:

Organize a short picnic for your family and friends to make the festival memorable. Bring tasty food, play games, bask in the warm sun rays and enjoy a festive mood. Seize this moment to build bonds with your near and dear ones, who shall cherish these associations throughout their lives.

Take your children to a garden or park and arrange some games for them like kite making, coloring or storytelling related to Makar Sankranti. Tell the kids some stories associated with this festival. This will not only keep them occupied but also learn about the festival and what it means.

Give back to society:

Makar Sankranti is an occasion of giving and sharing joy. Use this chance to offer food or clothing for those who have none. You can even do voluntary work in an orphanage, old age home or any charity based organization. This will bring not only a good feeling in you, but also joy to the needy.

Kids should learn about doing good to society with some of these activities. Here, we can urge them to donate their used toys or reading materials to other children that may not afford them. This will bring compassion, kindness and generosity inside them.

Teach Gayatri Mantra to kids:

On such a special day, make some time to teach your children the Gayatri Mantra. This sacred mantra is considered to have a lot of powers and chanting the same together as a family can bring in positivity and luck. Tell your children what the mantra means and instruct them to chant it every day.

In short, the Makar Sankranti is a festival which denotes the entrance of sun into sign Makar Rashi or Capricorn. It is a time to bring in the new with a positive attitude and discard the old. Remember to celebrate this festival in the right way such as performing some traditional rites and rituals, enjoying time with your loved ones or even attending community events embracing together with society. May this festival always give us the message to spread love, joy and warmth in all parts of life. So, clear your schedule for Makar Sankranti 2024 and enjoy the festive day!

The post Everything you need to know about Makar Sankranti 2024 appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

Lohri 2024: Beautiful Ways to Light Up The Celebrations At Home 12 Jan 2024, 11:42 pm

Lohri is the essence of Punjab, which is the festival full of color and people celebrating after winters welcoming longer days. As Lohri 2024 sneaks upon us, it is time to think about making this festival memorable. This article will fill you with alluring and innovative ideas to illuminate your Lohri festivities, making sure that it’s filled with warmth, joyousness & celebration overflowing right within the cozy area of your home. In this article, we will discover everything about Lohri and how to make this festival fun for everyone around.

Understanding the Significance of Lohri

Every year Lohri is celebrated with zeal just before Makar Sankranti. The festival, celebrated in north Indian culture, follows the calendar year of spring harvests. Lohri is also the time when winter ends and longer days come in which represents that good conquers evil.

The main religious ceremony on Lohri is the bonfire where people gather around, sing songs and wish each other by giving sweets. The warmth from the fire is believed to bring happiness and wellness in families. In addition to this, Lohri is a festival related to agriculture in which farmers pay tribute to God for their good harvest.

Traditional Lohri Celebrations

The first and most traditional method of Lohri celebration is a bonfire light that is held at the courtyard or any other open nearby. You can light up your traditional mud stove, and cook food on it to add to the festive charm. You can also decorate your bonfire by throwing colorful pieces of clothing, sticks and flowers around it.

Singing folk songs and dancing with people is another important part of Lohri festivities. You can get your relatives and friends together, prepare a list of old Lohri songs to sing along with them while dancing. There are several popular Lohri songs that include “Sundar Mundariye”, “Duma Dum Mast Qalandar” and “Hai Hai Mirza Doli”.

Interesting ways to celebrate Lohri 2024 at home

Decorating home:

Use cozy colors such as oranges, reds, and yellows to create the feeling of warmth around a bonfire. Also make sure you decorate the entry of your home in the best traditional way. Torans or door hangings in India are used to keep evil spirits away and bring good fortune with them. If you want a traditional touch, put earthen lamps or “Diyas” on the path to your home and around the bonfire area. Give the decorations that personal touch of your own by making some DIY crafts like paper ‘Phulkari’ designs or decorating cut-outs of traditional musical instruments “Dhol” and hang them around your home.

Prepare Prasad:

Another important part of Lohri celebrations is preparing Prasad, or sacred food offerings. On Lohri, the conventional portion Prasad’ comprises popcorn, peanuts, jaggery and sesame seeds indicating winter harvest. To prepare the prasad, roast a mixture of popcorn and peanuts and then, melt jaggery in some ghee. Mix all the ingredients well together and offer this delicious sweet to your family and friends.

In addition to the traditional Lohri Prasad, the celebrations are not complete without delicacies like sarso Ka saag and makki ki roti. Some other common dishes are stuffed parathas, Paneer Tikka and a range of kebabs. You can also prepare a dessert called Gajak, Pinni and Kulfi. These tempting treats will definitely add the festivity to your Lohri celebrations.

Involve your kids in singing and dancing:

The most appropriate way to engage your kids into these Lohri celebrations is by encouraging them all to sing and dance. The lively songs show the merry mood and zeal of the farmers as they celebrate winter harvest. Make your children learn these Boliyan and dance with you. Also, you can arrange a bonfire in your backyard to let your family dance around it & have a good time.. This will not only cheer up everyone but create a cheerful atmosphere.

To celebrate it even more, roast the regional items like peanuts and fox nuts in a bonfire and let people have hot delicacies this winter time. Not only is this a fun thing to do for everyone, but it also allows you the opportunity to develop stronger bonds with loved ones. Sing and dance around the bonfire as you enjoy these roasted treats with your loved one’s.

Indulge in storytelling:

There are very few feelings that can beat those of sitting around a warm fire on a cold, wintry night in front of the TV and maybe listening to stories. Storytelling forms an integral part of Lohri celebration.You can tell folktales, legends or even the stories that are related to yours at a festival by your family and friends. This will not only entertain everyone but also help in spreading the spirit of Lohri – unity and togetherness.

These stories will be like nothing your kids have ever heard before and they will also serve a purpose of making them understand the importance of Lohri. You can also show that it is possible to share their own stories or tell a version of famous tales. This activity will not only keep your kids focused, but it will also improve their storytelling capabilities.

Distribute sweets:

Distribute sweets and snacks to make it a memorable festival for your dear ones. One can also make traditional Lohri dishes such as til ladoos, gajak and rewari – at home or simply buy them from the market. These sweet dishes are the symbol of fortune and pleasure, so it will be an addition to the occasion.

You can also share these Lohri goodies with your neighbors, friends and relatives symbolizing the love and goodwill. In this way, you will not only enhance your relationships but also have the impact of spreading joy and happiness.

To summarize, Lohri is not only a festival but also a celebration of life and relations. So in this year, celebrate to the fullest and make it memorable for everyone around you. So let us all unite together and spread our love, warmth and happiness for these cold winter nights. Happy Lohri 2024!

The post Lohri 2024: Beautiful Ways to Light Up The Celebrations At Home appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

Serious effects of on-screen violence in children you should know 12 Jan 2024, 12:54 am

In the world we live in today, with easy access to the internet, kids are shown different types of media from a very young age. They see a lot of different things on their screens, but violent content is very common. It makes parents worry about how it might affect children’s growth and development. 

This article explains how on-screen violence can hurt kids. It gives parents, teachers and careers help to see the issues better so they can deal with it properly. If it’s a fight in a kid’s cartoon or violent scenes from video games and movies, we should know how this can affect the mind of young people.

Why does on-screen violence impact children?

They show violence as power:

The main issue with violence on screens is it usually makes aggression look fun and normal, giving a cool image of power. Kids like strong characters, and when they see their favorite heroes using violence to fix problems it may make them think this is okay. Studies have found out that kids who watch violent content often act more aggressively in their own life than those not watching it.

They desensitize children:

Seeing violence many times can make a kid’s normal feelings less strong and keep them from feeling the sorrow of others. This is because on-screen fighting often shows things in an overblown way, making kids think it’s not real. So, they might get used to violence and see the world wrong. It’s tough for them to feel with others in these situations.

Aggressive role models:

When it comes to screen violence, kids often see their favorite characters as examples of how they should act. If it’s a hero or bad guy, these people can really affect how kids act and think. If the character uses anger to fix problems, kids might copy this behavior in real life because they think it’s okay for solving fights

Impact of on-screen violence among 3 to 7 years old:

Seeing violence on TV can affect young kids a lot, especially between ages 3 to 7. These important years are when kids start to learn and copy the world they live in. But, their understanding of real versus virtual situations is still growing. This can cause trouble when they see violent things on TV, maybe making them want to do the same things in real life.

Moreover, kids this age are very easy to influence and often believe what they watch. If good things happen because of violence on screen, like the character wins their goal by using force, kids might think that being violent is a path to success. This can badly harm their ability to solve problems, making them more likely for violence in real-life situations.

Effect of on-screen violence on 7 to 11 years old children:

As kids get older and are between 7 to 11, their thinking skills improve. This lets them see the difference between true stories and make-believe ones better. But, spending a lot of time watching screen violence can still change how they see social actions and problem solving. If young kids regularly see violence on-screen without grownup help to understand what they are seeing, they might think it’s normal.

Also, being constantly shown violent content can make kids in this age group less sensitive to the real-life effects of violence. They might not care so much about the feelings and troubles of people around them, getting more likely to see violence as a right way to take power over people. So, it’s very important to watch and help kids with their media use during these early years. This is needed so they can better understand the world around them in a balanced way.

Tips for parents to help their children with on-screen violence:

Set Clear Ground Rules:

Set up simple rules about the kind of videos your kid can see. Keep them away from violent consumption and make sure the shows they watch are okay for their age. It’s key to tell your kid these rules and make them understand why certain TV shows or films aren’t right for them.

Encourage Active Viewing:

Instead of just watching, get your child to take part with what they’re learning. Ask questions about the person’s actions and behaviors, talk about what else might have been done. This active engagement can help your child learn how to think for themselves and not see the violence on-screen as the only option.

Provide Context:

Help your kid understand that what they see on the screen is often not like real life. Show that doing things can cause problems, and in real life when someone behaves violently it often ends badly. Furthermore, tell us about the idea of special effects and how violence can be shown in a different way on movies or TV shows compared to real life situations.

Foster Empathy:

Teach your child about feeling for others and being kind. Encourage them to think about how the victims of on-screen violence might be feeling. Help them fight the effects of violent media by increasing empathy. Furthermore, it can help kids learn more about and respect others.

Promote Alternative Entertainment:

Support other types of fun like reading, playing games or doing outdoor activities. These choices can give your kid a better view and lessen their need for screen-based fun. Join with your kid in these tasks to make them more fun and interesting.

Also read about:  Follow These Tips to Ensure Your Kid Is Not Under Academic Pressure

Monitor Media Consumption:

It’s key to keep an eye on how much media your child uses and put limits on time spent in front of screens. Watch what they are watching. If you see signs of upset or changed behavior after seeing violent things, it might be time to step in and help. Remember to check movie and TV show ratings for age-appropriate suggestions.

To summarize, it’s important for us as parents or guardians to teach kids about the serious bad things that can happen from watching violence on screens. Giving background, building empathy thoughts, encouraging different fun and watching what media your kid consumes are important ways to stop them from being numb to violence. So, spend more them with kids especially when they consume digital media to keep a check


The post Serious effects of on-screen violence in children you should know appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

Every Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Their Teen’s Slang and Lingo 9 Jan 2024, 2:53 am

Hey there parents! Have you ever entered a room and caught the back of your teenager on the phone screaming in another language? Or perhaps you glanced at your child’s texts and figured for sure that it would take a secret decoder ring to understand? Fear not! Teen language is making you a little confused, and it’s not just about you!

We are here to be your helpful next door translator, decoding the latest slang and lingo so you can keep up with what’s going on. This article is a parent’s best resource for understanding teen slang and lingo.

What is slang and lingo?

Slang refers to words or phrases that are non-standard, used only with a particular stratum of society. It can refer to regional, cultural or age-related topics. However, lingo is more specific and denotes the special language people use in a particular industry or hobby. We’ll talk about teenage slang and lingo, which is constantly changing.

Teens use slang to communicate with each other in a way that feels like something only they can do. It is an integral aspect of their social life and enables them to stand apart from adults. Also, it becomes a bonding medium as well as helps them feel that they belong someplace.

It then becomes essential to know your teen’s slang and lingo because it gives you the chance of peeking into their world, enabling you to understand them better. In addition to that, if you introduce some of the fashionable words into a conversation with your teenager, it is possible for eliminating barriers in communication thus enabling them to open up more freely and reveal anything.

Parents also need to ensure that your teenager is using appropriate language. Now, let’s look at some of the slang terms commonly used by teens today. In this regard, it should be said that new words and phrases are always emerging so do not take the list as a complete one.

Common slang and lingo popular among teens


Bae is a baby talk, it means someone you really love, your partner or even just a buddy. It means “before anyone else ” and is frequently used as a hashtag in social media posts. It’s a word used by many teens and has even entered mass media. Below are some examples of how to use word bae:

  • She is my bae.
  • Enjoying my day with bae! #baegoals
  • What about the lovely way she and her bae looked at that party?


Teens may use the Japanese word “baka,” which means stupid or idiot in English, referring to something funny among friends. It has been popularized through anime and now it’s gradually seeped into everyday teens Ie jargon.

  • You’re such a baka!
  • Why, baka you know that I didn’t mean it seriously.


It’s a popular slang word that can describe someone or something fancy, elegant or luxurious. It is commonly used to refer to someone who acts like they are trying too hard at being rich or classy. Additionally, it can signify something pricey or extravagant.

  • Have you seen her new car? She’s so Baujee now.
  • That party was so Baujee that I felt out of place in my regular clothes.


The word cap means something that is not true or lies. It is a short form of the word “cap” that means to lie or exaggerate. It is rather widely used among teens, in particular when someone says something that sounds too great to be true.

  • That whole story about having caught the big fish is total cap.
  • The party was meant to be a fire, but it turned out to be a total cap.


It could be about the number of people following one, being popular or having an ability to get attention and influence on others.

  • She has 100k+ followers on Instagram, such a clout.
  • He is constantly trying to raise his clout through meeting the most popular kids.


Dub stands for a win or victory in slang terms. It’s frequently found in competitions, such as sports or video games. The word derived from the letter W, which means a win and developed into dub.

  • Last night, we finally clobbered our rival team. It was a big dub.
  • Watch me take this game and get that dub starting now.


CEO in teens means “Chief Executive Officer”. However, it is not used in conventional terms. Instead, it is usually used to describe someone who can do something very well or who has an automatic right to lead with their friends.

  • She’s some party CEO, always lit.
  • He’s just 16 years but he already is a CEO on the basketball court.


Shook has a connotation for being shocked or surprised in an unfavorable way. It became popular on social media and is often used by teenagers as a sign of disbelief.

  • When I saw her with another dude, I was shook.
  • Have you heard about the new dress code? I’m shook, this sucks.


Flex means to parade or brag about something, usually material wealth or achievements. It can also be used as a verb which means to make an effort or try hard.

  • She is always flaunting her designer clothes on Instagram.
  • I really needed to stretch my mathematical abilities in order to pass that test.


GOAT means “Greatest Of All Time” and super-talented or successful person from any field, and teenagers love to say it as a congratulation among mates.

  • Beyonce is the GOAT, she has been doing great for all these years.
  • We need to GOAT about our plans for the weekend, it’s going to be epic.

Also read about: Follow These Effective Tips for Teaching Money Management to Kids

To summarize, slang and lingo keep changing among teenagers. Parents should maintain open channels of communication with their children and it is essential to be informed on the language used. By knowing their jargon and lingo, parents are able to relate better with their teens as they know the world from a closer perspective. So don’t be shy of asking your teen what some words or phrases mean – they may see that you are willing to understand them. Just keep in mind that languages are constantly evolving and what is hot right now may not be so popular a few months down the road, stay informed and continue with your learning!

The post Every Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Their Teen’s Slang and Lingo appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

Fun-Loaded Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged During Winter Vacations 9 Jan 2024, 1:25 am

Kids are happy and excited during winter holidays. But it’s a hard time for parents to keep them busy and entertained. When the cold weather makes it hard to do things outside, we need to find smart ways to stop getting bored at home. This article gives a couple of enjoyable and fun things to do. They will keep your kids busy, while also promoting their creativity and learning during the winter break time.

These tips are easy to use, not expensive and both fun for you as the parent and your kids too. Furthermore, these activities are for the whole family to take part in. They help bring everyone closer together and keep boredom away at the same time.

Winter-themed craft activities:

Making crafts with a winter theme is a fun and smart way to pass time inside. You and your kids can make pretty winter decorations using everyday things from home. For example, you can make paper snowflakes with your kids by cutting them out and adding glitter. These decorations can be placed around the home afterwards. Try making snow globes yourself using old jars, water, sparkly glitter and small figures. This thing not only helps kids be creative, but also teaches them about reusing and changing old things. This encourages being aware of the environment to help keep it clean.

Making your own bird feeders is another fun thing to do. Winter can be hard for birds to get food. If you make bird feeders with your kids, they have fun and learn about many kinds of birds at the same time. They can put up the feeders outside and have fun watching different birds coming to eat. This also gives a chance to teach kids about the need for looking after animals. It helps them feel caring and responsible towards nature’s world too.

Baking and decorating winter treats:

Baking is not only a delicious fun way to keep kids engaged. Use the holiday time to make old winter food like gingerbread cookies, peppermint candy or sugar biscuits. This can be a fun time, where your kids get to mix dough with their hands and use cookie cutters to make special shapes all on their own.

Once cooked, the enjoyment goes on with decorating. Give your kids food decorations like colored icing, sugar sparkles, edible glitter and candy bits for their baked treats. This activity makes their art skills better and helps them to use their imagination more. Plus, these fancy sweets can be given as special presents to friends or family. This will teach your kids about the happiness of giving during holiday time.

Also read about 6 Fun Family Activities to Help Strengthen Your Bond

Winter movie marathon:

A winter movie marathon is a good way to keep kids busy and having fun during their break from school in the winter. Change your lounge into a comfy movie theater, with popcorn and warm chocolate drink. You can pick different types of kid-friendly films – old favorites, cartoons or latest ones based on what your kids like. Not only does this work give us a chance to relax and have fun, but it also lets families spend important time together.

To make this activity more fun, think about changing it into a theme night. For example, if you are watching a movie with snowy scenery, get your kids to make themselves a blanket fort or pretend they’re in an igloo. If the movie is about a specific person or animal, they could wear those costumes. This fun part will make watching movies more exciting and unforgettable for your kids.

Indulging in storytelling:

Telling stories is not only enjoyable but also a strong way to teach and learn. Winter holidays are the best time to enjoy this skill. You can sit near the fire or hug a warm blanket, then tell exciting stories to your kids. This will take them on an adventure into a wonderful world. Pick stories that are good for your child’s age and focus on the things they like. These could be stories told by people, tales of magic and wonder or even yarns that teach big life lessons.

To make this fun task better, you can use different ways of telling stories. Use various ways of talking for different people, or use things to make the story look better. You can also make your kids part of the story, let them use their imagination and help grow creativity. You can also use this chance to show them books and help grow a habit of reading. Storytelling helps your kids learn more words and get better at speaking, but it also makes them enjoy stories and learning for many years.

Virtual workshops of their interest:

In the time of learning online, digital classes can be a big way to keep kids busy and tested during winter break. There are many websites that have classes on different things like making stuff, doing computer coding, cooking and science tests. These sessions are usually done by experts or people who love the field, giving kids a chance to learn new abilities and grow their hobbies.

Before putting your kid in a class, check it matches with what they like or makes them interested. You can sit together and look at the choices, letting them pick what they like. This not only makes them feel like they are part of the choices but also encourages more excited participation in the workshop. Based on your child’s age and interests, they may need help from you in getting ready for the workshop or doing the activities. Help them by giving support and cheer, making their learning time enjoyable and rich.

To summarize, the talked-about tips are just some ways to keep your kids interested during winter holidays. Besides these, you can also set up games inside your home, treasure hunts or even online tours of museums and cultural places from all over the world. With a bit of imagination and being open, you can make this time good fun for both you and your kids. Make their winter holidays fun and full of activities, then soon the school bell will ring again.

The post Fun-Loaded Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged During Winter Vacations appeared first on Indian Parenting Blog.

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