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Differences Between Zirconium Crowns and Other Dental Crowns 26 Mar 2024, 8:22 am

Zirconium crowns have become a popular option in modern dentistry, known for their combination of aesthetics and durability. However, when compared to other types of dental crowns on the market, zirconium crowns exhibit distinct differences. In this article, we will delve into the fundamental differences between zirconium dental crowns and other popular dental crown methods such as laminate crowns, porcelain dental crowns, metal crowns, and composite dental crowns. We will examine how zirconium crowns serve as an alternative in terms of each crown type’s advantages and disadvantages, cost, aesthetic appearance, durability, and application process.

Differences Between Zirconium Dental Crowns and Laminate crowns

Zirconium dental crowns and laminate crowns are two different methods frequently chosen in aesthetic dentistry, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages.

Zirconium crowns stand out for their high durability and strength, making them ideal for back teeth exposed to heavy chewing forces. In contrast, laminate crowns, which are thin porcelain sheets used to improve the aesthetic appearance of front teeth, are very successful in mimicking the natural appearance of teeth.

The cost of zirconium crowns is generally higher than that of laminate crowns due to the complexity of the production process and the material costs. However, the durability of zirconium suggests it could be a more economical option in the long run as it requires less maintenance and replacement.

Laminate crowns offer a less invasive application since they require the removal of less tooth material, which is an important consideration for some patients. However, laminate crowns’ fragility and lower resistance to impact compared to zirconium can affect their lifespan.

Ultimately, the choice of crown type depends on factors such as the patient’s aesthetic expectations, the functional requirements of the teeth, and budget. Both methods offer valuable solutions in modern dentistry, with zirconium crowns excelling in general durability and functionality, while laminate crowns stand out for their natural appearance and aesthetics.

Differences Between Zirconium Crowns and Porcelain Dental crowns

Zirconium crowns and porcelain dental crowns are popular dental restoration methods used to enhance aesthetics and functionality. Both offer unique advantages, but there are significant differences between them.

Zirconium crowns are made from a highly durable material, zirconium dioxide, and are especially suitable for back teeth that withstand heavy chewing forces. Porcelain crowns, on the other hand, are considered superior in providing a more natural look and are preferred mainly for front teeth.

In terms of cost, zirconium crowns are usually more expensive than porcelain crowns due to the material’s cost and the more complex processing required. However, the long lifespan and low maintenance needs of zirconium crowns can balance the initially higher cost over time.

Durability-wise, zirconium is superior to porcelain. Zirconium crowns are more resistant to breaking and cracking, maintaining their form even under extreme forces, which is a significant advantage for patients with issues like teeth grinding.

Another advantage of zirconium crowns is their biocompatibility, meaning they are well tolerated by the body and have a very low risk of allergic reaction. Although porcelain crowns are generally biocompatible, the biocompatibility of zirconium is particularly important for sensitive patients.

Differences Between Zirconium Dental Crowns and Metal Crowns

Zirconium dental crowns and metal crowns are two different material types used in dental restorations, each offering distinct advantages and application areas. One of the biggest advantages of zirconium is its ability to provide an aesthetic close to natural tooth color while also displaying excellent durability and strength. These features make zirconium crowns a popular choice, especially for front teeth seeking an aesthetic appearance.

Metal crowns, typically made from gold, silver, or other metal alloys, offer high durability and are chosen for back teeth exposed to high chewing forces. The greatest advantage of metal crowns is their extreme durability, able to maintain their form even after long-term use.

Price-wise, zirconium crowns are generally more expensive than metal crowns due to the complexity of processing zirconium and the material’s cost. However, the aesthetic advantages and biocompatibility of zirconium crowns justify their higher price.

In terms of durability, both types of crowns perform well, though metal crowns might be slightly superior against extreme forces. Nevertheless, the high strength of zirconium crowns ensures they provide adequate durability in most situations.

In recent years, with the increase in patients’ aesthetic expectations, zirconium crowns have become more preferred for visible teeth than metal crowns. The metallic color of metal crowns can be a source of aesthetic concern for some patients. On the other hand, zirconium crowns, not containing metal, can be a more suitable option for patients with metal allergies.

Differences Between Zirconium Crown and Composite Dental Crown

Zirconium crowns and composite dental crowns are two different material types used for dental restoration and aesthetic improvements. Zirconium crowns, made from the highly durable and aesthetically pleasing zirconium dioxide material, contrast with composite crowns, which are created from a resin-based compound offering a quicker and more economical solution.

Zirconium crowns are considered superior in terms of strength and durability compared to composite crowns. Therefore, zirconium crowns are particularly chosen for back teeth that are subjected to heavy chewing forces and situations requiring long-term durability. On the other hand, composite crowns are generally used for front teeth or small restorations subjected to less force. The ease of application and speed make composite material an ideal option for minor aesthetic dental corrections.

From a cost perspective, composite crowns are usually more economical than zirconium crowns. This is due to the lower cost of the composite material and the less complex application process. However, the long lifespan and superior aesthetic features offered by zirconium crowns can amortize their initially higher cost over the long term.

Zirconium crowns are preferred by patients seeking a more natural look and requiring high durability, while composite crowns serve as a suitable alternative for those looking for quicker and cost-effective solutions.

Moreover, zirconium crowns provide health advantages due to their biocompatibility and suitability for patients with metal allergies. Composite crowns, when applied correctly, can achieve an aesthetic very similar to natural tooth structure but may undergo color changes over time and require repolishing or replacement.

If you are looking for an expert team for zirconium crowns Istanbul, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert dentists.

Why Do Veneered Teeth Pain? All Reasons 26 Mar 2024, 8:01 am

Dental veneers are a significant treatment method chosen for both aesthetic and functional needs. However, experiencing mild aches, especially during the healing process after the veneering procedure, can be normal. This condition is usually temporary and decreases over time.

However, the answers to “why do veneered teeth ache?” may not always be limited to temporary processes. Decay or inflammation of the tooth under the veneer, recession or inflammation of the gums, the veneer not fitting perfectly to the gums, bad habits like teeth grinding or clenching, excessive trimming of the tooth under the veneer, and finally, cracking or breaking of the veneer itself are among the main reasons behind the aching sensation in veneered teeth. Below, we have listed the problems that can cause aching in veneered teeth.

1. Decay or Inflammation of the Tooth Under the Veneer

Even though veneered teeth offer numerous aesthetic and functional advantages, they can lead to problems such as aching and pain in some cases. One of these problems is the decay or inflammation of the tooth under the veneer.

The veneer, although acting as armor protecting the tooth against external factors, bacteria can infiltrate from the edges of the gums or the gaps between the veneer and the tooth, leading to tooth decay. Decay under the veneer usually stems from causes such as gum recession, gum inflammation, or inadequate oral hygiene.

The tooth under the veneer can also become inflamed due to reasons like gum inflammation or gum recession. Bacteria accumulating between the veneer and the gum can lead to gum inflammation and recession, causing sensitivity and aching in the root of the tooth.

2. Gum Recession or Inflammation

Gum recession or inflammation is a significant reason behind aching in veneered teeth. Gum recession refers to the condition where the gum recedes downwards from the tooth surface, exposing the root of the tooth and making the tooth more sensitive. Gum recession or inflammation, especially in veneered teeth, can lead to both aesthetic and health problems. Incompatibility of the veneer edges with the gum, the gum not adhering perfectly to the veneer, or bacterial entry from micro gaps under the veneer can cause gum inflammation and subsequently recession.

Gum recession is one of the primary factors causing aching and pain in veneered teeth. This is because the receding gum exposes more sensitive parts of the tooth, allowing hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods to penetrate the tooth more easily. Preventing and treating gum recession is possible with regular dental check-ups before and after veneering. Additionally, regular cleaning of the dental veneers and surrounding gums is critical for maintaining gum health.

3. The Veneer Not Fitting Perfectly to the Gums

A veneer not fitting perfectly to the gums can cause aching and other dental problems in veneered teeth. This situation arises when the veneer is not correctly placed on the tooth or due to minor shifts over time.

An ideal veneer should fully cover the tooth and fit perfectly with the surrounding gums. However, when the veneer does not fit perfectly, microscopic gaps can form between the tooth and the gum. These gaps allow for bacterial accumulation, leading to decay, gum inflammation, and infections in the lower parts of the tooth.

The aching caused by a veneer not fitting perfectly can be especially felt when consuming hot or cold foods or when pressure is applied to the tooth. This situation increases the sensitivity of the underlying tooth tissue, causing pain. Additionally, the gap between the veneer and the natural tooth may not be fully cleaned with brushing and flossing, paving the way for oral hygiene issues and more severe gum diseases.

The solution to this problem generally involves the dentist adjusting the veneer or replacing it with a new one if necessary. Adjustments made for the veneer to fit correctly help better protect the tooth and significantly reduce issues like aching.

4. Teeth Clenching or Grinding Problem

Teeth grinding or clenching, medically known as bruxism, is an unconscious act often performed at night and is one of the main reasons behind aching in veneered teeth and many other dental issues. This condition creates excessive pressure and friction on the teeth, damaging the veneer material and the natural tooth tissue underneath. Consequently, wear on the teeth, cracks or breaks in the veneers, and even gum recession can occur.

The excessive pressure caused by bruxism can also lead to changes in the structure of the teeth and jaw joints. This can manifest as symptoms such as aching in veneered teeth, jaw pain, headaches, and tension in facial muscles. For individuals with a teeth grinding or clenching problem, the lifespan of veneers can be significantly shortened, necessitating more frequent replacement.

Various treatments are available for bruxism. Dentists typically recommend a custom-made night guard for use, especially at night. These guards prevent teeth from coming into contact with each other, mitigating excessive pressure and protecting the teeth and veneers. Furthermore, stress management techniques, muscle relaxation exercises, and if necessary, muscle relaxant medications can also help alleviate the discomfort caused by bruxism.

5. Excessive Trimming of the Tooth Under the Veneer

During veneering procedures, a certain amount of the tooth needs to be trimmed to ensure the veneer fits correctly. However, excessive trimming of the tooth under the veneer can lead to aching in veneered teeth and other adverse outcomes. This situation is characterized by the removal of an excessive amount of the tooth’s protective outer layer, the enamel, exposing the tooth’s more sensitive areas.

Excessive trimming can harm the underlying dentin layer or even the pulp region of the tooth, causing the tooth to develop extreme sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli, leading to aching.

In teeth that have been excessively trimmed, the post-veneering adaptation process can be more challenging, and the risk of inflammation of the tooth’s pulp area (pulpitis) increases. Pulpitis, if untreated, can lead to root canal infection and tooth loss. Additionally, the excessive trimming of the tooth can weaken the tooth’s structure, negatively affecting the long-term success of the veneer and increasing the likelihood of tooth fracture.

6. Cracking or Breaking of the Veneer

Cracking or breaking of the veneer in dental treatments is a common problem and can cause aching and pain in veneered teeth. Veneers are artificial coverings used to improve the tooth’s form, function, and aesthetic appearance. However, these veneers can be damaged over time for various reasons. Cracks or breaks can occur due to improper application techniques, material defects, applying excessive force (e.g., biting hard foods), habits like teeth grinding or clenching, and wear and tear of the veneer material.

Cracking or breaking of the veneer leaves the tooth tissue under the veneer unprotected against external factors. This, especially when the tooth’s sensitive areas are exposed, can lead to extreme sensitivity and aching in response to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli. Additionally, cracks or breaks can lead to bacterial accumulation, causing further problems such as tooth decay or gum inflammation.

Is Pain or Aching Normal After Getting a Veneer?

Yes, experiencing mild pain or aching in the first few days after getting a veneer is normal and usually decreases within a few days.

The pain or aching experienced after getting a veneer is generally mild to moderate and decreases within a few days. Pain relievers recommended by your dentist can be used to manage the pain during this process. If the pain is severe or lasts longer than a week, this is considered abnormal, and consulting a dentist is necessary.

How Long Does Veneer Tooth Pain Last?

Veneer tooth pain mostly lasts for a few days to a week and can start with the beginning of the treatment.

Can the Tooth Under the Veneer Decay?

Yes, the tooth under the veneer can decay. A veneer is a protective covering placed over the tooth, and if not properly maintained, small gaps between the veneer and the gum can lead to bacterial accumulation, causing the bacteria to lead to tooth decay.

If you are looking for an expert team for emax veneers in Turkey, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert dentists.

What Should We Not Eat After Getting Braces? 26 Mar 2024, 7:50 am

After getting braces, it’s crucial to be mindful of your diet, as certain foods and drinks can negatively impact the treatment process. Especially, hard foods can damage the braces or brackets and prolong the treatment duration. Sticky foods can get trapped between the braces and be hard to clean, potentially leading to dental health issues. Moreover, acidic and sugary drinks can erode tooth enamel, leading to cavities and gum problems. Therefore, avoiding such foods and drinks is critical for a smooth and successful orthodontic treatment. This article will thoroughly discuss the dietary considerations for those with braces.

Hard Foods

Avoiding hard foods is essential after getting braces to prevent damage to the braces and brackets. Hard foods can cause brackets to detach from the teeth, braces to break, or deform, potentially extending the treatment period, causing additional treatment costs, and leading to pain. Here are some hard foods to avoid and their potential consequences:

  • Hard Fruits like Apples and Carrots: Direct biting into these can pressure the brackets and cause them to dislodge. It’s safer to consume these fruits in small pieces.
  • Chips and Crackers: Their crisp and hard texture can displace brackets or damage the braces.
  • Nuts: Their hard texture can dislodge brackets or bend the braces, negatively affecting the treatment process.
  • Hard Candies and Lollipops: These can damage the brackets when biting down hard.
  • Corn on the Cob: Its hard and fibrous texture can damage the brackets. It’s safer to remove the kernels from the cob before eating.
  • Hard Bread Crusts and Pizza Edges: These can cause brackets to snap off or braces to get damaged.

Consuming these hard foods can lead to brace and bracket damage, extending the treatment duration, pain, and damage to the teeth or gums. Additionally, repairing or replacing the braces and brackets may require extra appointments and costs. Hence, it is recommended that individuals with braces carefully consume or entirely avoid these types of foods.

Sticky Foods

After getting braces, it’s important to avoid sticky foods like gum, Turkish delight, and soft candies, as they can stick to the braces and brackets, displace or damage them. This can prolong the treatment, incur extra costs, and cause pain.

Here are some sticky foods to avoid and their potential consequences:

  • Gum: Gum can stick to the brackets and braces, exerting enough force to displace or deform them.
  • Caramel and Toffees: These sticky sweets can adhere tightly to the brackets, potentially tearing off the brackets or braces when removed.
  • Sticky Candies: Gummy bears, marshmallows, and similar sticky candies can damage the braces and brackets, displace them.
  • Fruit Bars: Sticky fruit bars can also stick to and damage the brackets and braces.
  • Turkish Delight and Soft Candies: These soft and sticky foods can get lodged between the braces and brackets, making them difficult to clean and potentially causing damage.

Consuming sticky foods can result in the detachment, displacement, or damage of brackets or braces. Moreover, sticky foods can get trapped between the teeth and around the brackets, leading to cavities and gum diseases. Therefore, individuals with braces should avoid these types of foods.

Sugary and Acidic Drinks

Limiting or avoiding sugary and acidic drinks after getting braces is crucial. These drinks can cause tooth decay and erode tooth enamel, as well as lead to staining around the braces. Here are some sugary and acidic drinks to avoid and their potential consequences:

  • Cola and Sodas: Their high sugar and acid content can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. Sodas can also cause staining around the braces.
  • Fruit Juices: Even natural fruit juices can be high in acid, which can erode tooth enamel, making teeth more sensitive. Sugary fruit juices can lead to cavities.
  • Energy and Sports Drinks: These can contain high levels of sugar and acid, increasing the risk of cavities and enamel erosion.
  • Lemonade and Other Acidic Drinks: Their high acid content can erode tooth enamel, leading to erosion over time.
  • Tea and Coffee (with Sugar Added): These drinks can be naturally acidic, and added sugar can increase the risk of cavities. They can also cause staining around the braces and braces.

Consuming sugary and acidic drinks can lead to tooth decay and enamel erosion, reducing the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment, extending treatment duration, and causing pain. Additionally, staining can occur around the braces, leading to aesthetic issues after treatment.

How Should We Eat After Getting Braces?

  • Cut hard or large foods into small pieces to reduce the risk of damaging the braces and brackets.
  • Chew food slowly and carefully on the sides of your mouth to decrease the chance of damaging your braces.
  • Prefer soft fruits, vegetables, and foods to avoid damaging your braces.
  • Instead of biting directly into hard fruits like apples or carrots, cut them into small pieces before eating.
  • Be cautious with very hot or very cold foods as they can cause sensitivity or pain in your teeth.
  • Avoid sticky foods like caramel and gum to prevent them from sticking to and damaging your braces.
  • Limit your intake of acidic foods and drinks to protect your tooth enamel from erosion.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugary foods and drinks to decrease the risk of cavities.
  • Brush your teeth after meals and use dental floss. This helps prevent food particles from accumulating between the braces and brackets.
  • Especially after consuming sticky or sugary foods, drinking plenty of water can help balance the acidity levels in your mouth and clean away food residues.

If you are looking for experts to make orthodontic treatment in Istanbul, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert orthodontists.

Reasons and Solutions for Treating Gum Bleeding in Children 23 Mar 2024, 6:12 pm

Children often experience gum bleeding, which is typically a sign of a gum infection. In this post, we’ll take a close look at what causes gum bleeding in kids and how to stop it that way.

Why Do Kids Get Gum Bleeding?

  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Tartar and plaque can develop in children’s teeth if they do not clean them correctly or do not brush them often enough. Bleeding and gingivitis are possible outcomes.
  • Neglecting to Use a Soft Toothbrush: Children’s gums are more susceptible to injury and bleeding when toothbrushes with extremely stiff bristles or excessive force are used.
  • From about the ages of six to twelve, children typically go through the teething process, during which they get their permanent teeth and the baby teeth fall out. Symptoms such as gum sensitivity and bleeding when brushing or eating could be experienced during this time.
  • Children are not immune to developing gingivitis. In this disease, the gums become red, swollen, and easily bleed.
  • Vitamin C and K deficiency in particular can have a devastating effect on children’s gum health and lead to bleeding.
  • Hormonal Changes: Gum sensitivity and bleeding can occur during periods of hormonal changes, such as puberty, in children.
  • Antidepressants, epilepsy drugs, and asthma inhalers are just a few examples of the medications whose adverse effects might include bleeding gums.

It is crucial to take a child to the dentist as soon as gum bleeding is observed so that the dentist can diagnose the problem and treat it properly. A balanced diet, frequent dental checkups, and the promotion of excellent oral hygiene practices are other important factors in preserving gum health.

Methods for Preventing Children’s Gum Bleeding?

Gum bleeding in children can happen for a variety of causes and is rather frequent. Thankfully, there is a way to avoid this issue by following some easy actions.

Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Dental Care

Teaching Your youngster Proper Toothbrushing: Have your youngster wash their teeth for two minutes, twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste. To clean your teeth, use a pea-sized quantity of toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Encourage your youngster to floss at least once daily. When you floss, you get rid of plaque and bacteria that your toothbrush misses in between your teeth.

Checkups at the dentist: At least once every six months, you should take your kid in for a checkup. The dentist may assess the condition of the teeth and gums and provide the required care.

Keep an Eye on What Your Child Eats

  • Proper nutrition, including vitamins C and K, is critical for healthy gums.
  • Adequate Hydration: Consistently encourage your youngster to drink a lot of water. The gums stay healthy and hydrated when you drink enough water.

Additional Measures

  • Maintaining a manageable level of stress for your child should be your priority. One of the causes of gum bleeding is stress.
  • Avoid hitting your child on the teeth to protect them from dental trauma. The gums may bleed if you’ve had dental trauma.

Can Babies Experience Normal Gum Bleeding While Teething?

Babies reach a major developmental milestone throughout the teething period. Gum bleeding may occur in certain infants while this is happening. Teething can cause gum bleeding, but that’s natural.

The bleeding is little and won’t last long. A few drips of blood are typical and should stop bleeding after a few minutes. Redness and swelling of the gums are possible symptoms. The gums become inflamed and strained as the teeth attempt to penetrate them. Rosacea and edema are possible side effects. The infant could be fidgety and want to get their gums rubbed.

When is it abnormal for a baby’s gums to bleed when teething?

It is crucial to seek medical attention if your kid gets a fever or weakness, if the gum bleeding is strong and lasts for an extended period, if there is inflammation or abscess formation in the gums, or if the bleeding is severe and persistent.

These signs and symptoms can point to a more significant issue with the baby’s health than just teething. Hence, it is critical to seek medical attention promptly in the event that these symptoms are seen.

How to Choose the Right Toothbrush for Children?

The health of your child’s gums and teeth depends on your choice of toothbrush. Picking the incorrect toothbrush could lead to gum irritation and enamel erosion.

If you want your child’s gums and teeth to stay healthy, you need to get them a good toothbrush. You might irritate your gums and wear down your enamel if you choose the wrong toothbrush.

When it comes to picking out a toothbrush for kids:

Think About Which Brushes Are Best for Different Ages

You may get toothbrushes designed for specific age groups of kids. Make sure the toothbrush you get is appropriate for your child’s age and the size of their mouth. The recommended age range is often indicated on the package.

Choose a Toothbrush with Soft Bristles

A toothbrush with softer bristles is ideal for kids since their gums are more delicate. Without causing harm to the gums, the gentle bristles effectively clean.

Keep the Brush Head on the Small Side

Choosing a toothbrush with a tiny head that can easily manoeuvre in children’s small mouths and reach all areas of their teeth is crucial.

A Comfortable and Practical Pull Handle

Kids’ toothbrushes should have ergonomic handles to accommodate their little hands when brushing. Kids are more likely to really wash their teeth if the handles aren’t slippery and the decorations are bright and entertaining.

After consulting with a doctor

Choose a toothbrush for your kid that has the stamp of approval from dental experts and the advice of your dentist. Protecting your child’s dental health also involves picking out dependable products that meet quality standards.

If you’re looking for an expert team for orthodontic treatment in Istanbul, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, Alyans Clinic, is here with its specialist periodontologists.

Bleeding Gums Causes and Treatments 10 Mar 2024, 5:29 pm

Bleeding gums is a common health problem that many people experience and is often associated with inflammation of the gums. This condition is generally considered a symptom of gum disease. The main factors causing bleeding gums include improper dental care routines, plaque buildup, and gum disease.

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Incorrect or Insufficient Oral Care: Not brushing your teeth regularly and not flossing can lead to plaque buildup and then tartar (calculus) formation. Plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria that builds up at the gum line and can cause gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and bleeding when it builds up.

  • Gingivitis: This is characterized by redness, swelling, and easy bleeding of the gums when brushing or flossing. Gingivitis can lead to more serious gum disease if left untreated.
  • Periodontitis: The advanced form of gingivitis, periodontitis causes serious damage to the gums, the bones that support the teeth, and other structures. This can lead to more severe bleeding of the gums, tooth loss, and other serious health problems.
  • Incorrect Brushing Technique: Using a toothbrush that is too hard or brushing your teeth too hard can damage your gums and cause bleeding.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies in vitamin C and vitamin K in particular can negatively affect gum health and lead to bleeding.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause can make the gums more sensitive and prone to bleeding.
  • Side Effects of Medications: Some medications, such as blood thinners, antidepressants, and heart medications, can cause gum bleeding.
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking or using tobacco products increases the risk of developing gum disease and can lead to gum bleeding.
  • Diseases: Some systemic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and HIV/AIDS, can also affect gum health and cause bleeding.

5 Tips to Stop Bleeding Gums

There are several important steps you can take to stop and prevent gum bleeding. These steps can help both improve your daily oral care routine and protect your gum health:

1. Regular and Proper Oral Care

Brushing your teeth

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night, using a fluoride toothpaste.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently using circular motions.


Floss at least once a day to clean between your teeth and below your gum line.

This helps remove plaque and food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach.


Using an antiseptic mouthwash can reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and support gum health.

2. Healthy Diet

Balanced Diet

A diet rich in vitamins C and K, which support gum health, can help prevent gum bleeding.

Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources.

Avoid Sugary and Acidic Drinks

Sugary and acidic foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Limit your consumption of these.

3. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco Products

Smoking and tobacco use are one of the biggest risk factors for gum disease.

Quitting these habits can significantly improve your gum health.

4. Regular Dental Visits

Visiting your dentist every 6 months for professional dental cleaning and checkups is important in preventing gum disease and early detection of existing problems.

5. Stress Management

Stress can increase your body’s inflammatory response and make you more susceptible to gum disease.

Stress management techniques and getting enough rest can improve your overall health and gum health.

Bleeding Gum Treatment Methods

The treatment of bleeding gums depends on the underlying causes. In general, the goal of bleeding gum treatment is to control infection, improve gum health, and prevent recurrent bleeding. Here are some treatment methods that can be used for bleeding gums:

1. Professional Dental Cleaning

Scaling and Root Planing

A dentist or dental hygienist uses special instruments to remove tartar (calculus) and plaque deposits.

This process removes hardened plaque that has built up above and below the gum line.


The surface of the teeth is smoothed to make it difficult for plaque to re-form.

2. Good Oral Hygiene Practices

Your dentist can guide you on proper brushing and flossing techniques.

This helps prevent plaque buildup and reduce gum bleeding.

3. Medication Use


In the presence of infection, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics to control the infection.

Antiseptic Mouthwashes:

Antiseptic mouthwashes may be recommended to reduce the number of bacteria and lower the risk of infection.

4. Surgical Methods

Flap Surgery (Pocket Depth Reduction): In cases of severe gum disease, the dentist may lift the gums to reach deeper areas for tartar removal. Afterwards, the gums are sutured back into place.

Bone and Tissue Grafts: For patients with advanced gum disease, grafts may be used to regenerate lost bone or gum tissue.

5. Lifestyle Changes

  • Avoiding smoking, eating healthily, and stress management can help improve your gum health.
  • Eat healthily and regularly consume foods rich in vitamins C and A.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Use dental floss to clean between your teeth and remove plaque.
  • Regularly visit your dentist for check-ups.

If you’re looking for an expert team for gum treatment in Istanbul, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, Alyans Clinic, is here with its specialist periodontologists.

The Meaning and Importance of Periodontology 29 Feb 2024, 8:59 am

What Does Periodontology Mean?

Periodontology is a significant branch in the field of dental health, focusing specifically on gum diseases and their treatment. The term for this specialty is derived from the Greek words ‘peri’ (around) and ‘odont’ (tooth), thus periodontology focuses on the structures surrounding the tooth.

Periodontologists, experts in gum treatment, play a crucial role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum diseases. Gum disease is typically a chronic infection caused by bacterial plaque and can lead to severe damage in the mouth if not treated, including bone loss and ultimately, tooth loss.

The importance of periodontology becomes evident here; healthy teeth are vital not just for a good smile but also for overall health. Infections resulting from gum disease can spread throughout the body and lead to many serious health problems, including heart disease. Therefore, the gum treatment provided by periodontology is critical for maintaining a healthy life.

What is Periodontology?

Periodontology is an important sub-discipline in dental health, focusing specifically on the treatment of gum diseases and surrounding tissues. In other words, periodontology aims to control inflammations and infections that can damage the structures in the oral cavity.

Gum diseases usually arise from inflammations caused by bacterial plaques, leading to redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. In more advanced stages, it can cause serious issues, including tooth loss.

Periodontology is not limited to gum treatment; it also focuses on procedures such as gum surgery and implant surgery. Periodontologists can also diagnose and treat diseases of the oral mucosa (the tissue lining the inside of the mouth).

What Does Periodontology Focus On?

Periodontology focuses especially on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases. Periodontists are highly skilled in identifying and treating problems in the gums or surrounding tissues.

In gum treatment, periodontists use both non-surgical procedures (like deep cleaning) and surgical procedures (such as reshaping the gums). The goal in both approaches is to restore the health of the gums and prevent future issues.

The main objective of periodontology is to focus on oral health, offering all necessary treatments to maintain your gum health. Hence, the importance of regular dental check-ups; they allow for the early diagnosis and effective treatment of potential problems.

Periodontology as a Dental Specialty

Periodontology is one of the very important branches of dental health and care. Specialists in this field are particularly trained and experienced in gum treatment. The health of the gums forms the foundation of overall dental health, making the periodontology branch an integral part of any dentistry program.

Like all other dental disciplines, periodontology belongs to a specific department. This department is usually called “periodontology” or “gum diseases” in dental faculties. The training in this department provides students with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Specialists in this field are called periodontologists, and their primary task is usually the diagnosis and treatment of gum diseases. In addition, periodontologists can perform more complex procedures involving implant surgery. However, they primarily focus on gum treatment because the health of the gums is directly related to overall oral health.

Experts in periodontology evaluate patients’ gum health to create personalized treatment plans.

Why is Periodontology Important?

Although many people think periodontology is only related to gum treatment, this discipline encompasses much more. One of the most important aspects of periodontology is maintaining overall oral health, especially the health of the gums.

Gums are our first line of defense against bacteria and plaque in the mouth. Healthy gums are very important for keeping these harmful elements at bay. However, infections or diseases in the gums can weaken this defense mechanism and damage other tissues in the mouth. This is where periodontology comes in.

Periodontologists are experts in diagnosing and treating gum diseases. They have a broad knowledge and experience to identify the factors causing gum disease and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Thus, they can intervene even in the early stages of gum disease to prevent more serious complications.

If you’re looking for an expert team for gum treatment in Istanbul, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, Alyans Clinic, is here with its specialist periodontologists.

Why Dental Implants in Turkey Are Revolutionising the Dental Industry 16 Feb 2024, 4:58 pm

Turkey Dental Implants are Revolutionising

‍‍Dental implants have been a game-changer in the field of dentistry, offering a permanent solution for those who have lost a tooth or teeth due to injury, disease, or decay. Imagine having a tooth replacement so natural, it feels, looks and functions just like your real tooth. That’s what a dental implant offers you. A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line, allowing your dentist to mount a replacement tooth or a bridge into that area.

Being a surgical procedure, it requires careful planning and precision in execution. The technology behind dental implants has evolved significantly over the past few decades, making it a highly reliable and sought-after treatment option. Today, dental implants boast a success rate of up to 98%, which is a testament to their effectiveness.

The popularity of dental implants has grown globally, and one country that is making significant strides in this area is Turkey. The Turkish dental industry has seen an influx of both local and international patients seeking dental implant procedures, owing to the high quality yet cost-effective services they provide.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

What are the benefits of dental implants over other tooth replacement options? Many people prefer dental implants because of all the advantages they provide. First and foremost, they serve as a sturdy base for dental bridges, which can be either permanent or removable and crafted to look just like your own teeth. This implies that they enhance the general beauty of your face in addition to restoring your smile.

Dental implants also offer a level of comfort and convenience that is unrivalled by other tooth replacement options. They become part of you, eliminating the discomfort associated with removable dentures. You can eat your favourite foods without hesitation, speak without worry, and live your life with renewed confidence.

Moreover, dental implants have the potential to improve your oral health in the long run. They don’t require reducing other teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge does. Because nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant, your own teeth are left intact, improving long-term oral health.

Understanding the Dental Implant Process

The dental implant process involves several steps and requires a certain degree of patience. However, the results are well worth the wait. The first step is the placement of the titanium implant, which is performed under local anaesthesia. This implant serves as a new root for the replacement tooth.

After the implant placement, the healing process begins. This period, known as osseointegration, can take several weeks to months. During this time, the implant fuses with the bone, creating a strong foundation for the artificial tooth.


Once the healing process is complete, your dentist will attach a small connector post, called an abutment, to the implant. The final step involves the placement of the replacement tooth, or crown, on the abutment. This crown is custom-made to match the colour and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless blend with your smile.

Why You Should Visit Turkey for Dental Implants?

If you’re considering getting a dental implant, Turkey should be on your radar. Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for dental tourism, with a specific focus on dental implant procedures. But what makes Turkey such an attractive option?

Firstly, the cost of dental implants in Turkey is significantly lower than in many other countries. This cost-effectiveness doesn’t come at the expense of quality, though. Turkish dental clinics boast state-of-the-art facilities and utilise the latest technologies and techniques. They are staffed by highly trained and experienced professionals who are adept at providing top-notch dental care.

Additionally, Turkey offers a unique cultural experience that can make your dental visit feel more like a holiday. The country’s rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture are sure to leave a lasting impression.

The Average Cost of Dental Implants in Turkey

One of the main reasons many people choose Turkey for dental implant procedure is the cost factor. Dental implants in Turkey are considerably more affordable than in countries like the UK, the US, and many parts of Europe.

The average cost of a dental implant in Turkey ranges from £500 to £1000, depending on the specifics of the procedure. This is a fraction of what you’d pay in other countries, where a single dental implant can cost anywhere between £2000 and £4000.

It’s important to note that the lower cost doesn’t mean lower quality. Turkish dental clinics maintain high standards of care and use implants from globally recognised brands. The lower price is mainly due to the lower cost of living and operational costs in Turkey.

Comparison of Turkey Dental Implant Prices with Other Countries

When compared with other countries, the cost of dental implants in Turkey is strikingly affordable. For example, in the United States, a single dental implant can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000, including the implant, abutment, and crown.

In the United Kingdom, the price for a single dental implant ranges from £2,000 to £2,500. And in Australia, you can expect to pay anywhere from AUD 2,000 to AUD 5,000 for a dental implant.

When compared to these figures, the cost of dental implants in Turkey is a fraction of the price, making it an attractive option for patients worldwide.

Quality of Dental Implants in Turkey

Despite the significantly lower cost, the quality of dental implants in Turkey is on par with that in other leading countries. Turkish dental clinics use high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best results for their patients.

Turkey’s dental industry adheres to international standards and regulations, with many clinics being ISO certified. The dentists are highly trained and experienced, many of them having studied and worked in prestigious institutions abroad.

The high quality of care extends to all aspects of the patient experience. From initial consultation and treatment planning to aftercare and follow-up, the focus is on providing the highest level of patient care and satisfaction.

The Advantages of Getting Dental Implants in Turkey

Apart from the cost and quality aspects, there are several other advantages to getting dental implants in Turkey. One is the opportunity to combine your treatment with a holiday. Turkey is a popular tourist destination with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant culture.

The speed of service is another advantage. In many cases, dental clinics in Turkey can complete the implant procedure faster than clinics in other countries. This is due to the high efficiency of Turkish dental clinics and the availability of advanced dental technologies.

Lastly, the high success rate of dental implants in Turkey is a major draw. With the right care and maintenance, your dental implants can last a lifetime, making it a worthwhile investment.

The Future of Dental Implants in the Turkish Dental Industry

The future of dental implants in the Turkish dental industry looks promising. With continuous advancements in technology and an unwavering commitment to patient care, Turkey is set to remain a leading player in the global dental implant market.

The country is also making great strides in the field of dental research and education, further strengthening its position in the industry. With its blend of quality, affordability, and exceptional patient care, Turkey is indeed revolutionising the dental implant industry, providing a model for others to follow.

Embarking on a dental implant journey is a significant decision, and it’s important to choose a destination that offers the right blend of quality, cost-effectiveness, and patient care. With its high-quality dental services, affordable prices, and unique cultural experiences, Turkey ticks all these boxes. So why not consider Turkey for your dental implant procedure? It could be one of the best decisions you make for your oral health.

If you would like to have a dental implant in Turkey, visit our Istanbul dental clinic.

Office-Type Teeth Whitening: What Is It and How Is It Done? 16 Feb 2024, 4:31 pm

What Is Office-Type Teeth Whitening?

Office-type teeth whitening is a professional teeth whitening method aimed at lightening the color of your teeth by several shades. Conducted under the supervision of your dentist, this treatment typically takes place in a clinic setting and utilizes advanced technologies and strong whitening agents.

This method helps to address stains and discolorations on the enamel of the teeth. During the office-type teeth whitening process, the dentist first applies a special barrier to protect the lips and gums. Then, a potent whitening agent is applied to the surface of the teeth. The effectiveness of this agent can be enhanced using technologies such as heat, light, or laser.

One of the major advantages of office-type teeth whitening is the rapid results. A session usually lasts about an hour, and most people see noticeable results after the first session. However, multiple sessions are often required to achieve the best results.

Lastly, since the office-type teeth whitening process is conducted under professional supervision, potential risks and side effects are minimized. However, like any teeth whitening treatment, some individuals may experience temporary sensitivity or mild irritation.

How Is Office-Type Teeth Whitening Done?

Among the most popular professional teeth whitening methods is office-type teeth whitening. This method is typically administered by a dentist and can significantly whiten a patient’s teeth. So, how is office-type teeth whitening performed?

The first step in the office-type teeth whitening process is a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth. The dentist checks for any cavities or infections. The gums and lips are also examined to identify any issues through a detailed evaluation.

The next step is cleaning the teeth. At this stage, tartar and plaque are removed, making the teeth smooth. Then, a whitening gel is applied to the tooth surface. This gel usually contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide and dissolves stains without wearing down the enamel.

Your dentist then uses a special light to activate the gel. This process typically takes 15-20 minutes and can be repeated if necessary. As a result, you can have bright and white teeth while feeling secure.

Office-type teeth whitening is much more effective than home-use products and usually yields noticeable results after just one session. This method, when applied with a professional perspective, is the best way to whiten your teeth safely and effectively.

The Difference of Office-Type Teeth Whitening: Comparison with Home Applications

Teeth whitening has become a popular way to enhance smile aesthetics and achieve a healthier oral appearance. However, not all teeth whitening methods available on the market are equally effective. Especially, comparing home-use teeth whitening products with professional office-type teeth whitening applications is important at this point.

Home-use teeth whitening products generally contain peroxides at lower concentrations, while an office-type teeth whitening procedure performed by a dentist uses much higher concentrations of peroxide. This means that the results of office-type teeth whitening are usually faster and more noticeable than those from home applications.

Additionally, incorrect application techniques or misuse of products in home teeth whitening applications can occur. These situations can prevent the desired outcome and may harm oral and dental health. In contrast, office-type teeth whitening procedures, being performed by professional dentists, minimize such risks.

In conclusion, although home teeth whitening products can provide a certain level of effectiveness, the most effective and safe results are usually obtained through office-type teeth whitening applications. Therefore, if you want whiter and healthier teeth, you should consider taking advantage of professional teeth whitening services.

A Closer Look at the Most Popular Professional Teeth Whitening Techniques

Teeth whitening is crucial for an aesthetic smile and has gained significant popularity in recent years. Especially, office-type teeth whitening methods are preferred for their quick and effective solutions. So, which professional teeth whitening techniques are the most popular?

The first is laser teeth whitening, which involves applying a peroxide-based gel directly to the teeth. This method can lighten the color of teeth by several shades and usually requires only one session. However, this process can increase sensitivity and may not be suitable for everyone.

Secondly, peroxide-based gels activated with a special light source are also used. This procedure typically causes less sensitivity but may require multiple sessions.


Lastly, home whitening kits can be combined with office-type teeth whitening. These kits are given to patients to use at home after a professional cleaning. They are generally less powerful but can provide effective results with regular use.

Although these methods are popular, deciding which one is right for you should be determined after a detailed evaluation with a dentist. Remember, the condition and needs of everyone’s teeth are different, and therefore the most effective teeth whitening method varies from person to person.

The Advantages of In-Office Teeth Whitening

Office-type teeth whitening offers a quick and effective solution in the busy pace of daily life. The professional teeth whitening process is often carried out in a clinic or office setting, providing several advantages for patients.

Firstly, the results obtained with professional methods are generally more permanent than those from home treatments. Since the in-office teeth whitening process involves products and techniques specially designed by oral health professionals, the color-lightening process is usually quicker and more effective.

Moreover, in-office teeth whitening ensures high-quality treatment. Professionals can create a personalized plan by understanding the oral condition and needs of each individual. This way, patients can achieve the best results while also maintaining their oral health.

Finally, in-office teeth whitening procedures typically offer a more comfortable and relaxing experience. Sedation or local anesthesia options can be provided to ensure patients feel comfortable during the procedure. Additionally, with the guidance of an experienced professional, patients can immediately address any questions or concerns they have throughout the treatment process.

In conclusion, in-office teeth whitening options not only provide quick and effective results but also offer personalized treatment plans and a comfortable experience, making them an attractive option for patients.

What to Consider After Office-Type Whitening?

There are several important points to consider after undergoing office-type teeth whitening. Since this procedure is carried out under the supervision of a professional dentist, it is generally safe, but following some recommendations afterward is beneficial.

  • Firstly, you may experience temporary sensitivity in your teeth immediately after the whitening process. This usually resolves on its own within a few days. However, if sensitivity persists, it is important to inform your dentist.
  • Paying attention to oral hygiene after teeth whitening is also crucial. Regular brushing and flossing after office-type teeth whitening help maintain the results.
  • Avoiding dark-colored foods and beverages for a certain period after whitening is also important. Drinks like tea, coffee, red wine, and foods like saucy dishes can stain your teeth and reduce the effectiveness of the whitening process.
  • Lastly, it is important to go for regular check-ups after office-type teeth whitening. Your dentist can check the health of your teeth and repeat the whitening process if necessary.

By following these recommendations, you can best maintain the results of office-type teeth whitening. Remember, professional teeth whitening offers not just a beautiful smile but also a healthy oral environment.

If you are looking for an expert team for teeth whitening in Istanbul, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert orthodontists.

Post-Root Canal Treatment Care and Precautions 12 Feb 2024, 3:06 pm

What Should You Pay Attention to After a Root Canal Treatment?

Post-root canal treatment care is a crucial factor determining the success of the procedure. There are several points to be mindful of during this period. First off, there may be pain and sensitivity on the tooth that received the root canal. This situation typically diminishes within a few days, but it’s important to contact a healthcare professional for severe pain.

Immediately after the treatment, avoiding hot or cold foods and drinks on the affected area is significant. Additionally, being cautious while chewing and swallowing during the first few days after the treatment is advised. Maintaining a regular oral hygiene routine post-root canal is fundamental. Do not neglect brushing and flossing, and use antibacterial mouthwash to control oral bacteria.


Following this, you should regularly take any medications prescribed by your doctor. These medications will not only reduce the risk of infection but also alleviate possible pain. It’s essential not to skip regular check-ups for your treated tooth and to consult your dentist immediately if any problems arise.

Lastly, post-root canal habits should be monitored. Smoking and alcohol consumption can negatively affect the treated tooth. Therefore, taking a break from or completely quitting these substances will facilitate a healthier recovery process. Remember, the more care you take during your post-root canal care process, the higher the success rate of your treatment.

How Should You Care for Your Tooth After a Root Canal Treatment?

Caring for your tooth after a root canal treatment is very important. This can significantly impact the overall health of your mouth following the procedure. To maintain the success of the treatment and ensure your teeth stay in optimal health, there are specific steps that need to be carefully followed.

Maintaining your oral hygiene routine post-root canal is crucial. Regular brushing and flossing are vital components of this aspect. These simple actions help prevent bacterial buildup and avert potential infections.


Avoiding chewing on the treated tooth too hard is also important. Post-root canal, tooth sensitivity might increase, making it generally better to consume softer foods. Moreover, seeking professional medical help when you experience pain within a few days after the treatment is beneficial.

Regular dental visits are an integral part of the post-root canal care strategy. Regularly visiting your dentist can detect potential complications at an early stage and guarantee the long-term success of the root canal treatment.

Being cautious about post-root canal tooth care ensures the treatment’s success. By implementing these simple measures and continuing regular dental visits, you can maintain your oral and dental health.

Is Pain Normal After a Root Canal Treatment?

Whether pain after a root canal treatment is normal is one of the most frequently asked questions by many patients. Generally, experiencing mild to moderate pain after a root canal is considered normal. However, the intensity and duration of the pain can vary from person to person.

While some patients may feel no pain at all after a root canal treatment, others might experience mild to moderate pain for about a week. Sometimes, the gums around the treated area may swell or become tender. These discomforts usually do not require special care and tend to resolve on their own over time.

However, if your pain persists or intensifies more than two weeks after the root canal treatment, this situation should be taken seriously. Also, if you notice abnormal swelling in the mouth or a color change in the treated tooth, it’s crucial to contact your dentist immediately.

Mild to moderate pain after a root canal is typically normal and may indicate the success of the treatment. But severe or prolonged pain requires a visit to the dentist. Therefore, if you think your post-root canal pain is beyond normal, do not hesitate to share this with your dentist.

Why Can’t You Put Pressure on a Tooth After a Root Canal Treatment?

The inability to put pressure on a tooth after a root canal treatment is a concern and confusion for many patients. This situation can be temporary or permanent following a root canal. Understanding the factors causing this is important.

During a root canal, your dentist cleans the infected pulp layer and then fills the tooth. However, small bacteria particles left inside the tooth during this process can create sensitivity to pressure. Also, if the filling material is applied with too much pressure, it can cause pain when putting pressure on the tooth.

Additionally, sometimes a crown (cap) may need to be placed on the tooth to protect it after a root canal. The tooth may be sensitive before the crown placement process is completed, causing discomfort when pressure is applied.

Lastly, the root canal procedure itself can cause inflammation, which may lead to discomfort when applying pressure on the tooth.

Considering these factors, the pain or sensitivity you experience when putting pressure on a tooth post-root canal is generally temporary and expected to improve within a few weeks after the treatment. However, if this condition persists or worsens, it’s important to inform your dentist promptly. Your dentist may take additional X-rays to find the source of the problem or revise your treatment plan if necessary.

What Should Your Eating and Drinking Routine Be After a Root Canal?

After a root canal, you may need to make some changes to your eating and drinking habits. Initially, it is recommended to eat nothing and only drink water for the first few hours after the treatment. It’s important to wait until the anesthesia in your mouth has completely worn off during this period.

Another point to consider post-root canal is your choice of food. In the first few days, you should be careful to consume soft foods that do not require putting too much pressure on your tooth. Foods like soup, yogurt, or pudding are ideal. Also, the chewing process should be kept away from the treated tooth during this time.

Moreover, avoiding acidic drinks after a root canal is beneficial. Acidic beverages tend to weaken tooth enamel and can sensitize the newly treated tooth.

Additionally, remember that smoking can also harm the healing process after a root canal treatment. Smoking slows down wound healing in the mouth and increases the risk of infection. Avoiding smoking during the post-treatment period is strongly advised.

Following these simple steps can help you develop a healthy eating and drinking routine after a root canal treatment. However, always act in accordance with your personal situation and treatment plan.

If you are looking for an expert team for root canal treatment in Istanbul, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert orthodontists.

Types of Brackets and Their Uses 12 Feb 2024, 2:20 pm

What is a Bracket? The Importance and Function of Brackets

A bracket is a term frequently encountered in the field of orthodontics. As one of the most crucial tools used during the dental brace treatment process, dental brackets play a significant role in correcting teeth. Generally made from metal or ceramic materials, brackets are adhered to the teeth and perform their function by connecting with dental braces.


Dental brackets are primarily used to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth. Besides, they are effectively utilized in closing gaps between teeth, correcting malocclusions, and many other areas. The most important function of brackets is to anchor the dental braces, creating the necessary pressure. This allows the movement of teeth towards the desired position and helps in forming an ideal biting pattern.

Different Types of Brackets

A bracket is a widely used tool in dentistry. The main purpose of brackets is to straighten teeth and design a perfect smile. However, different situations require different types of brackets.

Metal brackets are the most commonly used type. They are quite durable and generally require less maintenance. However, for those concerned about aesthetics, ceramic or plastic brackets are also available. These types of brackets are less noticeable because they are closer to the color of the teeth.

Lingual brackets are placed on the tongue side and are invisible. These types of brackets are ideal for patients concerned about visibility but still want to undergo teeth straightening treatment. However, experienced orthodontists are required for the proper application of lingual brackets.

Transparent aligners like Invisalign are an excellent choice for those who wish to minimize the visibility of dental braces. These types of aligners can straighten teeth without brackets and wires, offering more comfort. However, this type of treatment is usually more expensive compared to metal brackets.

Although there are various types of brackets available, it is important to consult with a dentist to determine which type is most suitable for you. Every patient is unique, and it is crucial to identify the most appropriate option for everyone’s needs.

Invisalign Brackets 

When it comes to teeth straightening and orthodontic treatments, traditional metal-wired dental braces are often the first option that comes to mind. However, as technology has advanced, more aesthetic and user-friendly alternatives have been developed. This is where Invisalign, or wireless brackets, comes into play.


Invisalign brackets offer an ideal solution for those who need dental brace treatment but do not want to use metal wires and brackets. These types of brackets are made from transparent and nearly invisible plastic material, making them less noticeable compared to classic metal-wired dental braces. Additionally, their removable nature provides convenience during eating, drinking, or cleaning the teeth.

Another advantage of wireless brackets is that the treatment process is generally faster compared to metal-wired dental braces. Invisalign uses a series of specially designed transparent plates to move teeth into the correct position. These plates are changed every two weeks, and each new set gradually shifts the teeth towards the targeted position, shortening the treatment time.

In conclusion, if traditional brackets and dental braces are not for you, you might consider wireless bracket options like Invisalign. With its aesthetic appearance, ease of use, and quick treatment process, Invisalign is considered the future of orthodontic treatment.

Damon Brackets

Damon brackets are an innovative type of bracket used in the field of orthodontics. Unlike traditional dental braces, this type features less friction and faster treatment times.


Compared to traditional brackets, the most notable difference with Damon brackets is the absence of the need for elastic bands. Instead, Damon brackets have a sliding mechanism that holds the dental wire in place and provides the necessary movement space for the teeth to align correctly. The reduced level of friction facilitated by this design makes tooth movement more comfortable and quicker.

Suitable for almost every treatment scenario, Damon dental braces are ideal for creating a smooth smile. Whether you want to shape facial muscles for a broader smile or need adjustments to correct your jaw structure, Damon brackets could be a perfect choice.

Additionally, Damon brackets offer an aesthetic advantage. Typically available in silver or a clean-looking white color, these brackets reduce the noticeable appearance often associated with dental braces. This makes Damon brackets a more attractive option, especially for adult patients.

Lingual Brackets (Invisible Braces)

Known as invisible dental wires, lingual brackets are an ideal option for patients with aesthetic concerns. These types of brackets are placed on the back surface of the teeth and are invisible from the outside, hence the name ‘invisible.’ This means they are dental wires used on the side of the tongue.


One of the advantages of lingual brackets is definitely their aesthetics. They are popular among adults and teenagers undergoing teeth straightening treatment because this method allows them to not worry about their appearance during the treatment process. Additionally, these brackets offer a safe alternative for people with metal allergies. However, it is worth mentioning that patients choosing this type of bracket need to practice more careful oral hygiene compared to those with traditional front-placed brackets.

However, lingual brackets also have some disadvantages. Primarily, these brackets are more expensive than standard ones. Also, because they come into contact with the tongue, they can initially make speaking and eating difficult. This situation usually improves within the first few weeks, but it can last longer for some people.

Lingual brackets are quite suitable for individuals concerned about aesthetics and wanting to straighten their teeth. However, it is important to consider factors such as cost and comfort of use. Like any treatment option, lingual brackets have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to have a detailed discussion with your dentist to make the best decision.

Metal Brackets

Metal brackets are a type of dental bracket frequently chosen by young patients. This type of bracket is the most commonly used in traditional braces treatments and is known for its durability. Metal brackets provide the strength needed to control tooth movements.


This type of bracket is usually made of stainless steel and sometimes offers a gold-plated option. Metal brackets are also highly durable and ideal for situations requiring a high level of precision. Additionally, the maintenance of metal brackets is relatively easy.

However, the appearance of metal brackets can cause aesthetic concerns for some patients. Thanks to modern technology, these types of brackets have become increasingly smaller and now attract less attention. Furthermore, they can be personalized with colored elastomer bands, making them appealing to young patients.

Ceramic Brackets

Ceramic brackets are an ideal option for those seeking a more aesthetic solution for braces treatment. As the name suggests, ceramic brackets are made from ceramic material. They attract less attention compared to traditional metal brackets and are preferred because they have a similar appearance to the color of the teeth.


One of the biggest advantages of ceramic brackets is that they are very close to the natural appearance of teeth. Therefore, they are often chosen by adult patients. Also, ceramic brackets are designed not to have a negative effect on the gums. This provides both aesthetic and health benefits to the user.

When it comes to the disadvantages of ceramic brackets, cost comes to the forefront. These products, being more expensive than metal brackets, are still a good option for those seeking a more aesthetic solution instead of traditional treatment methods. Another disadvantage is that they are more delicate compared to metal brackets. Therefore, they are less suitable for those who are fond of sports or physical activities.

Ceramic brackets are an excellent option for individuals who wish to undergo braces treatment but do not like the appearance of metal brackets. However, when choosing this type of bracket, both the cost and sensitivity should be considered.

Sapphire Brackets (Ice Brackets)

Sapphire brackets, named after their base material sapphire, are also referred to as ice brackets.

Sapphire brackets stand out for their transparency and natural appearance. Compared to other metal or ceramic brackets, they are less noticeable on the teeth, making them a preferred option aesthetically. Additionally, due to the properties of sapphire material, they are highly durable. This ensures they do not deform during or after the treatment.


Another advantage of using sapphire brackets is their resistance to color change. The discoloration of dental braces often bothers users, but this issue does not occur with sapphire brackets. Since sapphire material does not absorb pigments, it maintains its original color.

Moreover, the smooth surface of sapphire brackets is resistant to bacterial buildup. This helps in maintaining oral hygiene. However, despite these advantages, the cost of sapphire brackets is higher compared to other types of brackets.

Sapphire brackets are chosen by many patients due to their aesthetic appearance, durability, and hygienic structure. However, factors such as the length of treatment and cost should be considered before deciding on the type of bracket to use, necessitating a detailed consultation with your dentist.

Which Brackets are Chosen in Which Situations?

Brackets are a term we frequently encounter in the field of dentistry. So, in which situations are different types of brackets preferred? Being knowledgeable about the variety and features of brackets used in teeth straightening processes helps us make more accurate decisions.

A dental bracket is generally a small part made of metal or plastic chosen in orthodontic treatments. These parts are used to secure the dental wire. However, the same dental bracket is not used for every dental problem. For example, while metal brackets are usually preferred for crooked teeth, clear or ceramic brackets might be the ideal choice for adult patients concerned about aesthetics.

It’s important to remember that the decision on which type of bracket to choose should definitely be made by a professional dentist. Even if you have aesthetic concerns, having your dentist determine the most suitable bracket for you lays the foundation for a healthy and successful treatment process.

Finally, another common practice is the use of lingual brackets. These are placed on the inside of the teeth and are invisible from the outside. Therefore, they are an ideal option for those who are concerned about aesthetics but do not want to use metal brackets. It’s worth noting that lingual brackets also vary within themselves.

The choice of which type of bracket to prefer entirely depends on the patient’s dental structure, treatment needs, and personal preferences. Therefore, it’s crucial to seek assistance from a specialist dentist to make the most accurate decision.

If you are looking for an expert team for orthodontic treatment in Istanbul, Alyans Clinic, our dental clinic in Kadıköy, is at your service with its expert orthodontists.

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