How to Start an Online Card Game Business in India?​ 2 Mar 2022, 3:44 am

 Online card games are gaining fame after the pandemic outbreak. That is why online business is continuously evolving. The same situation lies in the gaming market, and this pace increased further after the advent of advanced game engines like Unity3D, Cocos2d. Such gaming engines help in making online card games realistic games. 

Online games have various genres like Ludo, Rummy, and Poker available in multiplayer gaming. So family, friends, and colleagues download these game applications for entertainment. The craze for these card games is natural because it is connected to our oldest generation. 

Entrepreneurs invest in the online card gaming industry to gain this popularity. Thus, they have to understand how to hire developers, aware of the market and audience. Do not worry; this article will give everything needed to start an online card game business in India. 

Features You Look into Before Starting an Online Card Game Business in India

Starting anything without planning always takes you at a loss. So the first thing, you decide what features you look into the card game. Also, go through the audience's preferences and taste what characteristics they want in online card games. 

1. Multiplayer Support

Most of the time, people wish to play card games with their families, friends, and colleagues. Competing with your acquaintances is exciting and enjoyable. Thus, you offer a gaming platform that has characteristics to support community and team playing mode.  

2. Options of a Variety of Languages

Every region has different languages, cultures, and ways of understanding. As we know, everybody desires to communicate, play, and watch anything in their language. The reason is that they can easily clarify what the options are telling in online card games. You should mind multiple language systems before designing card games to fulfill everybody's desires. 

3. Social Chat Channel

To know someone, you need to talk and communicate with him. Otherwise, you do not become aware of what he asks and wishes for you. In the same situation in the best card games, there is a medium for players to understand each of them while playing. That would enhance your online games' credibility among them. 

So you have to integrate a chat option in the game, so players interact with them while playing. 

4. Sharing and Referral Option

The audience attracts your online games if you give them a way of earning while playing. But it is possible to do for you. Of course, you can do this by adding a referral feature in the card games. They share the game with their colleagues regarding earning money by referral program, which creates excitement and engagement in the game. 

5. Rewards and Bonuses

It is engrossing if a winner gets high monetary benefits after winning the tournaments and challenges. So you get to design the games just like the best card games with a variety of cash-based tournaments.

6. Payment Gateways

Without money in online card games makes it dull and complete with boredom. So you should provide a gaming platform with a variety of options to put money in the game. Owing to this, players feel a realistic gaming experience in virtual games. Also, they earn a substantial monetary reward after defeating their competitors. 

Top Tips to start an Online Card Game Business in India

Knowing about features is not enough to develop an online card game business in India. You should do something unique and follow different strategies and tips to get through the best card games development puzzle. Just have a depth glance at these tips, which we provide you. 

1. Deep Analysis of Market Trends 

You should be clear about what players want in the best card game. The question is that how can you know what they prefer in the game? You clarify these matters first to go deep into their mind.

  • Research the following information, such as the targeted audience. Also, you search their like demographics, likeability, motives, and behavior patterns.
  • Get through in-depth observance of the card gaming markets and their prevalent marketing trends. 
  • Review your competitors and use their online card games. After that, note down which characteristics are new in their game.

2. Title of Card Game Business

You see, most of the time, every best card game journey starts from their identity. And identity is a source to be aware of its uniqueness and branding. 

We know every online game is similar in function, but the name is different. So you decide on a suitable name that matches the latest features in your game. 

3. Aware of Genre of Online Card Games

Everybody is aware of a different genre of card games. That is why you research what genre suits your audience, and you should be able to run that genre smoothly among the audience. 

Go through every genre of online card games like poker, rummy, teen patti, casino, and many more—clear first which is relevant for your online card game business. 

4. The Theme of Card Game 

When players play one of the best card games, they do not feel bored on any stage. We can say that every step or mission of an online card game should be catchy and full of excitement.

Thus, it is mandatory to understand all themes like challenging, adventurous, critical, tricky, and the audience's likes or dislikes. So you can easily judge what structure of chronological stages engages them.

5. Appoint the Best Card Game Company

The selection of an appropriate card game company is a complex task for everyone who dreams of coming into the online card game business. But do not worry about it; we give all the assessments to get the best card game development company. You should check these assessments. 

  • Go through how many years of experience it has in card games development.
  • Check how many card games it develops to the current date.
  • Scrutinize all feedback and reviews of its clients.
  • Examine its portfolio of card games.
  • Ask about what technologies and programming it is utilizing now. 

6. User Interface of Websites or Applications

Look into these vital features for the front end or user interface in online card games applications or websites.

  • Users can easily crawl into a user interface.
  • It should have animated content and graphics.
  • Content is written in simple language.
  • Have an icon of social media chats. 
  • Great background game music or sound.

7. Integration to a Variety of Devices

In the iGaming market, numerous players can partake. They have different devices to play online games, and such devices are mobile, desktop, and PlayStation. 

If you want to make interactive online card games, you get designed with multi-support. It means that to make the game is developed on HTML5 programming.

8. Linking of Banks and Payment Operators

Players recognize the best card games which have challenging monetary options, and they can quickly put money to compete with their rivals using the options.

However, to add these options, you need to tie up various banks and payment operators to offer you securable payment gateways that link with debit or credit cards, online banking, and UPI.

9. Get a Card Gaming License

Every location or country has respective legal gaming jurisdictions. So you must check-in which site you want to launch. 

Once you select a location, go through the paper procedure and how many days to get a legal gaming license for running an online card games website or application.

10. Testing and Survey of Game Before Launching

If you wish to launch the best card games, you should check before launching. Checking card game online software is various phases of testing. 

Once it clears all the phases, you mend all potential drawbacks by asking the development company. Testing elaborates all glitches of the game website or applications so that you improve the game qualities on time.

11. Launching and Promotion of Card Game

Before launching, you clear these things like

  • In which forum do you want to launch the game?
  • Take care of taxes, legalities, and other liabilities that you need to smooth the running of the online card gaming business.

After post launching, if some glitches come in the game, you can contact for updation and maintenance of your card game developers. Then again, relaunch it. 

Once launching finishes, you need to focus on marketing strategies.

  • Promote the game on various social media platforms.
  • Insert a referral program to advertise it. 

Final Thought

If someone has doubts about starting an online card game business in India, this article educates them. All the above information gives you everything you need to understand, such as features, tips, and strategies to begin India's best card games business. Why are you waiting? Abide by the information and advice to be aware of all the card game online software aspects. 

How to build Self-Confidence 2 Mar 2022, 3:43 am

 Self-assurance is a necessary component of human existence. A self-assured person enjoys, is prepared to take chances to attain personal and career goals, and has a positive outlook on the future. Anyone who lacks self-confidence is less likely to believe that they can reach their goals and is more likely to have a negative attitude about themselves and their ambitions in life. The best part is that you can boost your self-confidence! Building self-confidence necessitates cultivating a good attitude toward oneself and your social relationships, as well as learning to manage any negative feelings that may arise and practicing better self-care. Best Study Material for NEET

You should also learn to establish goals and take chances, as overcoming problems can boost your self-esteem.

Cultivating a Good Attitude

Identify your negative thoughts.

"I can't do it," "I'm sure I'll fail," and "nobody wants to listen to something I have to say" are examples of pessimistic beliefs. This negative inner voice is unhelpful and gloomy, and it will prevent you from gaining high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Turn your negative thoughts into good ones as you give heed to them. Positive affirmations, such as "I'm going to attempt it," "I can be accomplished if I work hard at it," or "people pay attention to me," are examples. Begin by thinking of a few good ideas each day.

Refrain from focusing on negative ideas more than happy ones.

Positive thoughts should eventually be given more "brain space" than negative thoughts. The more you use positivity to counter your negative self-talk, the more natural it will become.

Maintain a positive support network.

To keep your viewpoint boosted, connect with those who are near to you, regardless of whether they are relatives or friends. Additionally, avoid individuals or qualities that make you feel awful.

  • When anyone you call a buddy consistently makes harsh remarks or criticizes you, they may make you feel bad.
  • Even well-intentioned family members who offer advice on what you "should" be doing might be detrimental to your self-esteem.
  • These critics may become more visible as you nurture your optimistic attitude and take measures to achieve your goals. Limit your interaction with them as much as possible while you work on your self-confidence.
  • Take a while to consider the people who make you happy. Make it a mission to spend time with encouraging and uplifting people.

Eliminate reminders of your negativity.

  • Spend less time with people or things that make you feel horrible about yourself. These could be old memories, out-of-style apparel, or places that don't align with your new confidence-building aims. Though you would not be able to eliminate all bad influences in your life, you can contemplate ways to minimize your losses. It will go a considerable further toward boosting your self-esteem.
  • Take some opportunity to sit down and ponder about those issues that are dragging you down, whether it's mean friends, a job you don't like, or a terrible living environment.

Identify your talents.

  • All of us are good at doing something, so figure out what your strengths are and then concentrate on them. Allow yourself to be proud of them. Be it through art, music, writing, or dance, you may express yourself. Find anything you enjoy doing and develop a talent to go along with it.
  • Having a range of interests or activities in your lifestyle will boost your confidence while also increasing your chances of making compatible acquaintances.
  • Following your passion will not only be therapeutic, but it will also make you feel distinct and successful, all of which will boost your self-confidence.

Take pride in yourself.

Not only would you be proud of your abilities or skills, but you should also consider what makes your personality unique. It could be your sense of humor, compassion, listening abilities, or ability to handle pressure. You may not think there's anything admirable about your personality, but if you dig deep enough, you'll find a plethora of admirable attributes. By writing things down, you can concentrate on them.

Accept compliments gracefully.

  • Many persons with poor self-esteem have trouble accepting compliments because they believe the person who is complimenting them is either wrong or lying. If you find yourself rolling your eyes, replying, "Yeah, right," or brushing off a remark, it's time to redefine your approach to compliments.
  • Consider that and respond favorably. Let the person who complimented you know how much you cherish it, and work toward being able to take the comment wholeheartedly.
  • You can use the praise to boost your self-confidence by adding it to a list of positive qualities about yourself.

Look in the mirror and smile.

  • According to research, the "facial feedback theory" suggests that your facial expressions can urge your brain to detect or increase particular feelings. In the long run, looking in a mirror and beaming every day may make you feel better about yourself and more confident. This will also assist you in feeling better about your appearance and accepting yourself as you are.
  • Whenever you smile at other people, they are more likely to respond positively to you, thus in addition to helping yourself feel better, you may gain confidence from the response you receive.

Dealing with Emotions

Be comfortable with fear.

  • You could believe that self-assured people are never afraid. This is not the case. Fear indicates that you are on the verge of maturing. Perhaps addressing a group, presenting yourself to anyone you do not even know, or requesting a raise from your supervisor are all fears you have.
  • You will acquire self-confidence and experience the boost right away if you can address your fears!

Be patient with yourself.

Sometimes you have to go backward to move forward. Developing self-assurance is a process that takes time. You can try something different if you fail to achieve your objective. Look for lessons if possible. If you don't reach your objectives the first time, take advantage of the opportunity to learn further about yourself. Self-confidence must be nurtured and developed gradually.

Strive for balance.

Building self-confidence, like anything else in life, requires a sense of balance. Self-doubt might prevent you from reaching your objectives and feeling positive about yourself. However, it's critical to be realistic; you don't want to overlook the time and work required to reach your objectives.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

If you want to improve your self-confidence, you should concentrate on boosting your own life rather than trying to emulate your best friend's, older brother's, or the lives of idols you see on media. If you want to boost your self-esteem, remember that there will always be somebody prettier, smarter, and wealthier than you, just as there will always be those who are less attractive, intelligent, and wealthy than you; all of this is irrelevant; what matters is that you care about achieving your own goals and dreams.

Bounce back from your mistakes.

Always keep in mind nobody is flawless. Even the most self-assured individuals have insecurities. We may feel a lack of anything at some time in our life. That is the truth. Learn to accept that future is filled with potholes. And that our insecure sentiments fluctuate based on where we have been, who we are with, our attitude, and what we are feeling.

To put it another way, they aren't consistent. If you've got it wrong, the best thing you can do is admit it, apologize, and devise a strategy to prevent it from happening again. Don't let a single misstep convince you that you cannot reach your goals

Avoid perfectionism.

Perfectionism paralyzes you and prevents you from reaching your objectives. If you believe that everything must be done flawlessly, you will never be completely satisfied with yourself or your situation. Rather than expecting everything to be perfect, work on learning to be satisfied with a job well done. If you have a perfectionist mindset, you will simply get in the way of becoming a more confident side of yourself.

Practice gratitude.

A sense of not having sufficiently of anything, whether emotional validation, material objects, good fortune, or money, is frequently at the foundation of uneasiness and lack of confidence. You can counteract the sense of being unsatisfied and incomplete by identifying and embracing what you do have. Take a while to stop and reflect on all of the positive aspects of your life, from your lovely friends to your good health.

Create a gratitude list by jotting down all the things for which you are grateful. It will put you in a more optimistic, powerful frame of mind if you read it and update it at least once a week.

Practicing Self-Care

Take care of yourself.

  • This one action is made up of numerous little actions. It entails bathing regularly, brushing your teeth, consuming the proper portions of food, and enjoying nice and healthful foods. Also entails finding out time for oneself, even if you are busy and others occupy a large portion of your time.
  • It may not appear so, but when you attend to your necessities, you are reminding yourself that you are deserving of the attention and time required to practice self-care.
  • You are on your way to boosting your self-confidence when you start to believe in yourself.

Put care into your appearance.

To begin boosting your self-esteem, you shouldn't have to be like Brad Pitt. If you want to feel good about who you are and how you look, take care of yourself by washing every day, brushing your teeth, dressing in fitting clothes you and your body type, and ensuring that you've given your appearance some thought. This isn't to say that focusing on your appearance or attitude will make you gain confidence, but putting an effort to take care of yourself sends a message to yourself that you're worth worrying about.

Exercise regularly.

Exercising is an important part of self-care. This may be a quick walk outside for you. It may be a 50-mile bike journey for someone else. Begin where you are right now. Exercising doesn't have to be difficult.

Exercise has been linked to an optimistic perspective on life, and a cheerful mindset has been linked to self-confidence in numerous studies.

Sleep well.

Enjoying 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night can improve your appearance and well-being. It can enable you to maintain a more optimistic mood and increase your energy levels. Sleep also aids in the regulation of emotions and the appropriate management of stress.

Being a student you are expected to do thousands of things, achieve other people’s expectations, be a certain way for every teacher, and somedays being confident can be tough. But at the end of the day, you should be yourself.

Best Kids Truck Repairing Guide 2021 2 Mar 2022, 3:42 am

 According to police, many vehicles were confiscated and towed, including a stolen kids truck from and a car abandoned on the side of the road. According to Ottawa police, around a fifth of the cars parked in downtown Ottawa during the kids trucker protests had children living in them, and authorities are concerned for their safety.


Making crafts with kids gives them a hands-on outlet for their creativity while also allowing them to learn about a variety of things in a fun and engaging way. Children's Fire kids truck Craft - Fire safety crafts for preschoolers are a great addition to fire safety and hearth safety education and activities. Learn how to construct a fireplace kids truck out of an egg carton and other simple craft supplies.

The 7 Best Kids Truck Battery


It has a top speed of 7 mph and a range of 15 miles on a single charge. It comes with an adjustable steering wheel and seat, making it ideal for your growing child. The tires are constructed of thick rubber, while the body is built of robust kids truck. Your youngsters will feel safe driving thanks to the anti-slip pedals and adjustable headlights.


According to the Ottawa Police Service, about 500 vans and personal automobiles remain in the city's "red zone," or downtown core, rendering parts of the capital inaccessible. Ottawa has contracts with ten tow kids truck companies, which are used to move cars that have been parked unlawfully or to shovel snow.

News Kids Truck on Land


One more reason why youngsters desire to be a fireman is that they get to use cool-looking tools. It also has four independent suspensions that allow kids to drive through rugged terrain without damaging internal components due to bumps and knocks. Kids who are new to controlling RC kids trucks are more prone to cause frequent damage to the vehicle. But you don't have to pay the price with pricey repairs.

Aside from the previously mentioned content, children can develop motor skills such as hand-eye coordination by playing with ride-on toys and RC vans. Ride-on toys can also help young children acquire major muscle motions and stability. While the kids truck continues, the Rideau Centre mall, the Canadian History Museum, the Canadian Museum of Nature, and the Canadian War Museum have all stated that they may remain closed until further notice.


On Monday, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly told kids truck News that protestors have been adjusting their tactics to police enforcement, which is causing officers difficulty in kids truck the law. Trucks can be made out of empty milk cartons with the wheels made out of water bottle or soda bottle caps and the body made out of straws or bamboo skewers.


Truck Video Games For Kids Truck


This Hosim RC Truck comes with a power pack that has two 1600mAh rechargeable batteries that can last up to half an hour. A garbage kids truck toy may teach kids about recycling and how we deal with trash and garbage.


Any collection of automobiles that are all to scale with one another may appear more realistic. Having to-scale toys will assist children learn about dimensions, even though their imaginations are more adaptive. [newline] A toy hearth kids truck, for example, would appear funny if it's just half the size of your child's garbage kids truck. When purchasing an RC vehicle, be sure it has a frequency of two.4 gigahertz.

As the injunction appears to be taking effect, CTV kids truck reporters. On the ground in Ottawa have seen fewer honking vans on Tuesday. "We actively enlisted towing firms to aid from the start of this situation." Firefighters are the kids truck of our cities and cities, thus children often want to be firefighters when they grow up. In addition to rescuing people in danger, firefighters make certain that everyone adheres to fire safety guidelines.


How Can I Guarantee My Childs Vans And Kids Truck Are All Compatible Together?


Although it varies from child to child, the appropriate age is approximately four years. Most children at that age can handle the RC kids truck with ease since they can coordinate multiple tasks. Many RC kids truck models also have basic controls, so kids may quickly learn how to use the various buttons on the remote control.


The RC kids truck's metallic body adds to its durability. Making it an excellent choice for newcomers to remote-controlled toy cars. There's also a shock-proofing technology that reduces the impact of harsh bumps or knocks, preventing damage to internal components.

You can go either way. When it comes to battery-powered vehicles or kids trucks for youngsters, Big Toys is the best choice. The high-performance PVC rubber wheels are shockproof and provide excellent stability when driving on uneven terrain. The Hosim RC Truck's remarkable efficiency is one feature that your child will appreciate. The two 390 brushed motors allow it to reach a top speed of 46 km/h.

The 7 Greatest Kids Truck For Teenagers


Loaders should also be able to move and create reasonable noises. Garbage kids trucks are massive and complex vehicles, and a garbage kids truck toy should be no exception. They must be made of toxin-free, high-quality plastic.


"They want to acknowledge that this demonstration is illegal," he said, adding that the RCMP is prepared to investigate anyone who may have attended the barricade. Because of its low top, the Delta Children PAW Patrol kids truck Toddler Bed is exceptionally safe. The slats are low enough that your children can get in and out of bed independently. Robert has a natural talent for writing and an insatiable desire. To learn, which he puts to good use in every endeavor he does.


Feb Toy Truck Nice Niche


Wing told CTV News Ottawa that he has in Ottawa since the demonstration began and has no plans to leave. Penalties can include up to two years in prison and/or any other. Type of punishment appropriate at the time of conviction. On Monday, a court injunction was to stop the kids truck honking of horns. Which Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson as "psychological agony." Thank you for voting; your vote has been and will likely be soon. Are in the book "sad in toy truck ondulato," which also includes a free English translation addendum.

Two 1600mAh Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are, offering approximately 30 minutes of runtime. The two headlights are rather bright, so the youngsters can still have fun in the backyard at night. The kids truck's shell is made of aluminum and metal, making it extremely sturdy. Criminal charges include mischief, resisting police, escaping police, drug possession, driving while, breach of. Probation, and menacing, according to a police press release. Excessive noise, the usage of fireworks, and multiple driving and parking kids truck are all examples of bylaw violations.

Database architectures That Are Hybrid Lead The Way 2 Mar 2022, 3:40 am

 In the recent decade, hybrid databases have evolved, with a concentration on cloud environments. "Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing" (or HTAP) was coined by Gartner in 2013 and is characterised as "an emerging application architecture that 'breaks the wall' between transaction processing and analytics." It allows for better-informed and'real-time' decision-making."

The new HTAP architectures are meant to execute transactional and analytical operations at the same time, providing businesses with more consistency in automated online decision-making and software designers with more freedom when designing and updating applications.

A quick examination of the "old" hybrid database model is useful in understanding how the "new" hybrid database model operates in the cloud. Early hybrid databases integrated in-memory and on-disk data storage, taking advantage of the advantages of each.

Hybrid database

To establish a single unified engine, a hybrid database combined both on-disk and in-memory database functionalities. This combination allowed for high-speed data processing in the main memory as well as massive storage capabilities on the physical drive. The advantages of a hybrid environment over in-memory and disk-resident databases were significant at the time, but as data storage grew more affordable, they diminished.

On-disk databases are often slower than in-memory databases. Data stored directly in RAM has an extremely rapid reaction time and a low latency. RAM is non-relational and can be associated with NoSQL systems (where the work is done).

On-disk databases, on the other hand, have a large storage capacity and offer low-cost data storage. Unfortunately, because they are designed primarily for storage and data retrieval, their "performance" is awkward and slow. Furthermore, the storage design makes extensive use of the CPU's resources in order to optimise disc access patterns. Relational (or SQL) storage systems can be linked to on-disk storage.

Bringing Relational and NoSQL Databases Together

A modern business's hybrid database must incorporate cloud computing into its design in order to compete. It should be built in such a way that it can be used in both public and private clouds. This goal can be achieved by combining relational and NoSQL databases, which gives high availability, scalability, and reliability. Both NoSQL and relational databases have advantages and disadvantages, and integrating the two can optimise benefits while reducing drawbacks.

The data in a relational database is kept as relations (arranged in "tables") and can be accessed using SQL or similar structured language. Online analytical processing (or OLAP) and delivering powerful, continuous online transaction processing are two areas where relational databases excel (or OLTP).

A NoSQL database, on the other hand, stores data using a range of more flexible, nonrelational models rather than tables (key-value, graphs, document, etc.). Complex, distributed systems can access unstructured and organised data in the database more easily with NoSQL. Many NoSQL databases are compatible with OLTP, and many data access patterns provide low-latency solutions. The NoSQL search databases were created with analytics in mind.

Performance and Scalability

Relational databases scale vertically, which means that as the amount of data grows, more storage and processing power is sent to the single computer that is doing the work. Vertical scaling is inconvenient and costly.

In contrast, NoSQL databases scale horizontally, which means that as the amount of data grows, the system extends by adding more servers for compute power and data storage. This is a more cost-effective alternative to vertical scaling.

The new hybrid platforms employ scalable transactional processing, eliminating the need for the entire database to be kept in memory. This permits relational tables to be used. Organizations can use real-time analytics to provide immediate decision-making capabilities while analysing enormous amounts of data.

ACIDITY (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability)

Because of horizontal scaling, NoSQL databases often do not preserve ACID features very well (though some do). They employ BASE principles (Basically Available, Soft State, Eventually Consistent), which are far more adaptable than relational database design. NoSQL is primarily intended for large-scale data analysis. Relational databases, on the other hand, are meant to adhere to ACID properties and, as a result, can provide this capability to a hybrid database under development.

To guarantee the consistency and isolation required by ACID characteristics, an OLTP system often uses row-oriented data storage (relational or SQL). OLTP databases must be ACID-compliant in order to maintain data integrity.

Transactions in OLTP are a series of stages that are coordinated to generate a single unit of work. A transaction is only successful if all of the steps are completed successfully. If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction will fail. This function ensures that a customer's funds do not vanish while being moved to another account. The transaction will fail if the money does not arrive in the recipient's account.


Relational databases have static, pre-defined designs, whereas NoSQL databases have a dynamic, flexibility-focused architecture. Attempting to change a SQL database's design is complex and frequently fails. In contrast, NoSQL can rapidly adapt to changes in its structure. This is one of the reasons why NoSQL databases have become so popular in Agile environments. NoSQL databases can manage unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data, but relational databases can only handle structured data.

Businesses can run online analytical analysis and online transaction processing in tandem because to the flexibility and speed offered by hybrid databases. Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing is the term for this type of processing (or HTAP). When it comes to updating or building new software, HTAP gives developers more options. Modern hybrid databases are ideal for real-time, data-driven applications.

Source: data science course malaysia , data science in malaysia 

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