Hey! Can you see this? Perfect! Now, I want to take a few minutes to give you all what is designed to make your life, here on earth, better.
For sure we are distracted by things like, the need for money, food, shelter, and more often than not, something on our backs. Please, pay attention to what I’m about to say.
By design, we have been equipped with thought connectors. Every time there is something good coming from a thought, there is power from that thought.
Rest easy when someone says, does, or wishes ill will on you. Don’t take their lack of acknowledgement, recognition, or existence toward you as anything but a gift.
Here’s why!
If anyone has wronged you, in any way, and don’t, can’t, or won’t take accountability of there part in such action, don’t take it personal, they need more time to forgive themselves. THEY HAVE LOST THEIR POWER!
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You are your own special gift when you look and take inventory of what blessing you truly possess. The free gift of life and the accountability to express good will toward others is your power. IT’s YOUR POWER, don’t waste it!
