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This is dedicated to the love I have, but never had, the joy I have that makes me glad.
This one day of love!
Not the only day, but the day that says, “This one day, is for love.”
Is Happy Valentine’s day to you and yours to be in love the gift before and after love?
Do we need to say, “I’m in love?” Do things that show, how much we love?
I dare say, that happy is the Valentine that comes through the way, “the left, or right eye”, that is love.
Yes, yes, yes, I do know love, been in love, received plenty of love, feeling right now the spirit of the right presence of love.
Could I tell me, what is love? How is love? When is love? Not when I was receiving all that physical love. Do I hear, “Amen! Or, shut up for me, with your interpretation of love!”
Does the empathetic, sympathize with those that experience, just one day of, “I’m in love!”
Happy are the two that says, “I pledge, daily, my life to protect the love that I have for my, and your love”.
What I’m I saying?
First sentence after, “One day of love”:
Don’t just limit your love to one special day of the year, for all year long kind of love, bring the gift of love every day, all day all year, kind of love.
The next sentence beginning with, “I dare say”:
Happy is the one that comes through the way of
Almighty God and the Christ, the eternal kind of love.
The next two sentences beginning with, “Yes, yes, yes”, sentence, and finishing with physical love:
The right kind of love begins with the spirit, not the physical. What physical love has out lasted the spirit of love?
Next the, “Do I hear,” sentence:
Don’t say “amen”, with agreement or, shut up by discounting the feeling of others, because you may have the presence of someone’s love.
Finally take heed because, you with love, have the ultimate responsibility to:
You have the responsibility to pledge daily, your life to protect the love of that one that pledged with sincerity, to give you, all of their love.
God blessed us all with love. Today is one of many Happy Every day kind of loves!

love and hearts

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