What is the sacred secret of having ever lasting life?

For clarity, only ‘our’ Grand Creator can ever provide for this world and its makeup that is anything.

Many great men and women like, Albert Einstein and Mother Teresa, understood the art laws of attraction but even with their understandings of the so called attraction laws, they still died.

Putting all things in perspective.  Man, being above all other life forms, his life expectancy is, as a human, approximately 80 years old. Compared to the oldest known plant the bristle-con pine, that lives in the Joshua Forrest, it continues still today living over 5200 years, our human span of live is less than the Peonies plant, which when left undisturbed, will live for a hundred years.

So I, Ted Arthur King, a mere man of many, a man of 58 years and counting, laced up a pair of boxing gloves after a long day of work, with no mouth piece, jumped inside the four cornered square boxing ring and let a 16 year young boxing prodigy bang me to my body. Okay, some of you may say, “That was dumb.” and I would agree, not the smartest thing to do for today’s 58 year old human male, or female, to do when seeking longevity.  But I ask, “What if I lived in Noah’s day?”  Noah lived to be 950 years of age, Noah at 58, in perspective of 950 years of age was a mere teenager, if that. Would you say, if it was Noah and not me, “Noah was just letting the little 16 year old baby have some fun?”  Mind you, that was only my second time in the ring in seven years going against a young conditioned athlete weighing 158 lbs, versus my 200 lbs and very high boxing I.Q., so I let him work, BUT, I won’t make a habit of it. I’m not Noah! Nor stupid, ouch; no he never hit me in the mouth, but tried!

So, how come I felt just fine, that next day? Can you see men and women falling from a fruit tree, or down some hill or even a mountain top, shaking the dust off and going on their way, in Noah’s day? HEALING THAT NEXT DAY, I can!

Their have been brilliant men that walk this earth but they have never, ever, perceived the sacred secret to ever lasting life, as real.  If it ever existed, will it still exist today?

End of Part 1.


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